Broken hearts

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*part 2 of plan girlfriend

"Oh your awake. Thank God." A girl with jet black hair and pretty green eyes hugged me until the door opened to reveal

A cool dude in glasses just kidding hehehe a doctor... Wait why didn't I notice the door there.

"Hello Y/n I am Doctor Lancelot.
I am glad to see you awake." I giggled then wave hi."Can I ask you a few questions?" I nodded my head.

"Can I have a moment with Y/n alone ?" The green eyed girl slowly untangled herself from me then walk out the door to which I frown. The doctor noticed this and chuckled.

"So Y/n how old are you?"

"Uhm 16 turning 17 in April."

"Who are your friends?"

"Allycat and Manibear"

"Are you in a relationship with anyone?" I giggled a bit then shook my head no.

"What do you remember doing last."

"Well I remember having a sleep over before school."

" What year is it?"

"2015?" The doctor stared at me then scribbled some stuff in his notebook... Wait where did he get that notebook. I swear i should be more attentive sometimes.

"Thanks for your time Y/n. "

"Anytime doc. Doc before you go can you call my friends ...if they are there?"The doctor nodded then went out. Once the doctor went out  the green eyed beauty went in and quickly cuddled with me.

After a few hours of cuddling I cant help but wonder who this pretty girl is.

"Uhm sorry to interrupt our cuddling sesh but uhm who are you?" Once those words leave my mouth I quickly regretted it once I saw the pain and sadness in her eyes. Before she could reply Ally and Mani entered the room with relief faces but with a hint of sadness.

"Manibear and Ally cat I miss youuu." They smiled and hug me tightly. Ally awkwardly cleared her throat then looked at the green eyed girl.

"We miss you too Y/n but uhm can we excuse Lauren?" Oh so that's her name. Pretty name for a pretty girl. I slowly nodded once I noticed I was checking Lauren out to which she blush.

" Okaay ...see you later Laaurrii."

That is what she used to call me. I cant believe she cant remember me. Maybe is all a prank to get back at me for hurting her.

"Lauren." I was shook out of my thoughts when Mani place a hand on my shoulder. They both have a look of pity in their eyes...but why? They should be angry at me for hurting their best friend.

"Doctor Lancelot told us that Y/n has an amnesia due to the hard impact when she fell. She cant remember our whole Junior year. Which means she cant remember meeting you and the girls. She cant remember liking you." Ally added softly. Its like she is trying to lessen the blow of the news that I lost her.

"We want her to remember you guys being friends since that's what made her happy...but only the friendship part. Nothing more. Please we don't want her to go through the pain you put her through again. Just don't get to close to her because that is where it all started anyway." Ally choked at Normani's last words and she started getting teary eyed. But something snapped in me something made and hit me like a hurricane(sorry i cant help it).

"No." I could see Ally gripping Normani's hand.

"What do you mean no? Lauren you don't under-"

"I said no Mani. I wont stay away from her."

"You will just hurt her. You did plenty of times before and what do you think will change? How could you be so selfish? You already got Brad and hurt Y/n that's what you want right? What more do you want?" Ally screamed. Everything hit me though she is right she doesn't know that I am doing this for Y/n.

"What I want? I want her back. I want to hold her hand in public and be proud of it. I want to call her mine. I want to be with her every second of the day. I want to make her smile that smile that made me fell for her. I want to protect her from all the dangers of the world." I could feel the tears but I continued.

" Please hear me out." Ally sighed and look Mani to whom nodded.

" I know Y/n was supposed to ask me to be hers and when I heard the news I was so elated. But then... Brad has to ruin it all. Yes i got close to Brad but only as a friend. He ask me on a date but I told him I like someone else. He was livid he said he will do something to hurt that person. That is why I became distant to Y/n so that he wouldn't know it was her. But somehow he knew it was Y/n then he threatened to hurt Y/n if I didn't say yes to him." Ally and Mani look so shocked.

" He even threatened my friends. He also threatened me to not listen to my friends and pretend I believe all the lies he was feeding me .So when I saw the place where Y/n was supposed to ask me. I felt sad and angry at myself for hurting her knowing that she was just at the corner listening. I don't  want to hurt her I swear." I finally let my tears fall. I drop to my knees and sobbed then Ally gave me her motherly hugs and Normani is holding onto my  hand and rubbing circles around it which made me calm down.

"I'm sorry for judging you Laur" Ally wiped my tears away then hugged me tighter.

"We will make this right." Normani said with voice full of determination.

"But how?" Mani smirked.

"Well lets just say we could visit the Prank Queen."

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