The girl with the lion tattoo

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Part II of Magical coffee beans?
Previously on magical coffee beans?

"Wait, do you know whats happening? Why are there soul eaters? Who are you guys? What is that bean magic?" Y/n rushed out all her questions not letting Logan cut her off.

"Its a long story and I believe you guys need rest. I will tell you you guys everything tomorrow." Logan said with finality. Y/n nodded trusting his word and followed  Logan's instruction. Once they were all settled in, Y/n cant help but feel that life has something big to mess her life even more, well she isnt far from the truth.

The very next day, Y/n was woken up by the sun shining through the nearby window. For some unknown reason, she felt familiarity and at ease with her surroundings as if she was at home. But Y/n never had a home. She was abandoned by her father when she was born and her mother died giving birth to her. Her so called relatives didnt even took her in so she was orphaned until a kind old couple provided her love and her needs. The last time she saw them was when she left their house to go to school before the flood came. Y/n shake her head to rid of such dark thoughts. She looked around in confusion. She wasnt in her room nor in the classroom. Then she remembered all the events that happened yesterday. Her friends and other schoolmates are still sleeping, which surprised her at how they could still sleep at the ruckus being made by sailors working on deck. She quietly snuck out the bunk area and went to where the noise is coming from. Y/n went above deck to see sailors dressed as pirates manning the deck. Or maybe they are real pirates. We will never know. Y/n heard footsteps heading to her direction. She immediately jumped inside a nearby barrel.

"Do you think captain found the girl in the prophecy?" Y/n's ears perked in interest and so she leaned in closer to listen more of this so called prophecy.

"Im not sure, man. The prophecy said we would come upon a girl of pure talent. She is a daughter of poseidon. Everything that has to do with the ship or the sea will follow her every command. Though she may only be a halfling, she is the key to saving whats left of our species. She is also branded as the girl with the lion tattoo." Y/n gasped in surprise while holding unto her shoulder, forgetting that she was still in hiding.

"I heard something."The two pirates stop talking and went to where Y/n was hiding.

"I need to hide." Y/n panic in thought and wish she could be invisible. When the pirates opened the barrel, Y/n look up at them in fear of being caught. The pirates saw nothing and just shrugged it off.

"Well that's weird. I really heard something."They then proceed to their designated places, leaving a still confuse Y/n in the barrel.

"How did they not see me?" Y/n whispered to herself. She waited for a few minutes before going out of the barrel. Y/n thought about the prophecy, she cant help but feel hopeful that she is the one. Did she just magically became invisible. Its impossible but that could explain why those pirates cant see her. Y/n shake her head to stop those thoughts. She quickly tried thinking of something else. She cant keep her hopes up.

" Hey Y/n." Y/n tensed at the hand rested on her shoulder but soon relax when it was only Lauren.

"We had been looking for you. Did you eat breakfast yet?" Lauren asked but was soon answered by Y/n's stomach. Y/n smiled sheepishly and awkwardly chuckle while Lauren laugh.

"Come on weirdo, Logan's crew made breakfast. I must say its a hundred times better than canteen food." With that the two set off towards the dining hall.

After the delicious breakfast, Y/n wondered around the ship. She has this game called guess whats behind the door before peeking inside. So far she had 10 rooms correct and she is searching for more. Y/n was walking along the long hallway when a long line of light caught her attention. She started following said light and to her curiousity, the line ended on the last room of the corridor. With trembling hands, Y/n twist the knob to see an old rusty double axe on the wall along with a suppose to be shield. The door closed by itself but Y/n didnt mind it. As if pulled by an invisible force, the axe' and the shield move towards Y/n in lightning speed. Y/n closed her eyes in fear of being hit but she didnt expect a sudden burst of energy. She opened her eyes in confusion to see that the shield is behind her back and on both hands the once rusted axe turned into a blood red beauty of mass destruction. Turning around Y/n look at the mirror and gasp. She is now wearing a blood red armour matching her weapon and her hair turned red as well but her eyes has a swirl of red and blue.

"What the hell?" Y/n thought out loud. She swung the axe and to her utter surprise the chair a few metres away burst into water droplets. She thought it would burn. Out of nowhere the room started filling up with water. In panic, Y/n ran towards the door but she cant open it. The room started filling up faster that Y/n gasp for air the last second. Y/n started wondering around the room to find the walls gone and only endless miles of ocean. How does Y/n know? It must be a hidden 6th sense of hers. She just knows no explanation needed. She felt at home and that is all that matters. Y/n started breathing normally as if she was on land. She summoned the strongest current to bring her to Poseidon, her father. Within a few minutes, Y/n was infront of an old ship in which she recalled from a movie.

"Really the titanic?" Y/n chuckled and went towards the railings. Once she got a hold of it, she was warp unto a different place. Y/n looked around and saw a huge golden coral castle, guarded by muscular sea horses with spears of emerald.

"Oh look who's back." Y/n inhaled sharply at the familiar voice. She remembered those warm summers filled with both of their laughter, building sand castles and icecream friendly dates. Y/n immediately look behind her to see her childhood bestfriend who she had feelings for, Dinah with her usual smirk. 

"W-what are you doing here? A-and how c-can you breathe underwater? H-how did you get here." Y/n stuttered. Dinah silenced Y/n with her finger then slowly circled around Y/n observing her from top to bottom as if she was a predator cornering her prey. Y/n shivered when she felt Dinah's stare lasted on her butt.

"Well to be honest. I've been looking for you. You promised to return to me the summer before, remember? But what happened." And indeed Y/n remembered vividly.  It was the summer when her foster parents where suppose to go to their summer house in Miami.

"But Ma, we have to go. Dinah is waiting for me, I promised her." A teenager Y/n followed her foster mom around the house.

"I dont think we can dear. Maybe next summer alright. Your Pa and I planned for this trip since Christmas. So please be a good girl and pack your things." With that Y/n followed her mother's instruction with a pout. She doesnt want to be put back in the orphanage. Her frown deepened when she rememebered she broke her promise to Dinah.

"I need to contact her and say sorry." Y/n sprint towards her room but stop mid way when she remembered that she doesnt have Dinah's phone number, nor her email. She groaned in annoyance. Why the heck didnt she get Dinah's number? Y/n thump her head on the wall. This will be a long awful sum- but wait. Y/n immediately stood up and got a paper and pen. She may not have Dinah's number but she is sure as hell she knows where the Hansen's lived.
After finishing the letter, she immediately ran towards the front door but was stop by her foster father.

"And where do you think you are going missy?" Y/n just showed him the letter and the address.

"Please I need to send this to Dinah." Y/n pleaded with a pout.

"Alright alright just be home before dinner." With that Y/n sprinted towards the mail station (?) and gave her letter. Hoping that the letter would reach her friend as soon as possible.

The next summer, Y/n bugged her foster parents about Miami but they didnt budge. Its as if they were trying to prevent Y/n from going back. The following summers were the same. Slowly the light left Y/n's eyes. Dinah was her light, her home. Dinah saved her from herself. Y/n was done fighting and so she let the darkness consume her once more.

" I tried Dinah. I really did." Y/n whispered and felt her heart being squeezed painfully when she saw Dinah's smirk fell to be replaced by tears. Y/n raise her hand to wipe Dinah's tears.

"I'm sorry I made you wait." Dinah held Y/n's hand against her cheek.

"No I'm sorry for doing this." Y/n look at Dinah with confusion but she suddenly felt a hard blow on the back of her head knocking her out cold.

"Good job, Hansen. You're work here is done. Bring her to my quarters, this instant." The raspy yet soothing voice ordered.

"Yes Miss Rose." Dinah answered with gritted teeth.

"This will be fun." Ruby Rose stared at her new slave.—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
Hello banana buddies, Imma pop in and out f this world from time to time. Thank you for being patient with meh inconsistent ass. I love you :).

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