Plan girlfriend

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I cant believe today is the day I ask her to be mine. Gosh I feel so jittery. Her friends ,my friends and I set this plan up since December and it is February now. I hope Lauren would love this surprise... sadly she has been spending more time with the guy she met at our interaction but more time to prepare the surprise. We are all in an all girls school. So liking girls is pretty normal . I quickly went to school to set up the plan in an the unoccupied room auditorium. I set up notes on places where we hang out. Camila and Dinah brought the chocolates and roses. While Normani and Ally my two bff brought the signs that said will you be my girlfriend? We all finish fixing up the place then we go back to our classrooms.

Lauren has been kinda distant though. She didn't even spare me a single glance when she walk in the room. This has been happening for 3 weeks now. Whenever I tried to talk to her she gave me short responses. Or if I wanted to hang out she would say she is busy with school work so I stop annoying her...I dont want her to get mad or something. Camila notice her weird behavior and she suddenly frowned in realization. I mouth what is wrong with her to Camila then she just whispered to Dinah and  now they both have a guilty expression.

Finally the final bell rung my friends and I quickly went to the auditorium to see that Camila and Dinah are already there.

"Uhm Y/n we have to tell you something."Dinah nervously said
"Not now Dinah. Lauren will be here any minute."

"But Y/n you dont understand she is -" Camila was cut of by the cute laugh I fall for.

"Brad what the heck where are you taking me?" Everybody pulled me to the side to see what will happen. I look at Camila and Dinah to see that their faces look even more guilty.

"Open your eyes beautiful."Of course bread would use all my props to ask Lauren... my Lauren the girl I have been crushing on since day 1... My worst fear commence when she said those 6 painful words.

"Yes I would be your girlfriend."Is it possible to literally hear your heart shutter. I suddenly feel numb but I felt a tear slip out of my eye...followed by another. Ally and Normani drag me outside at the backstage. I could see their mouths moving but their voice are muffled as if I was under water. I could see Ally and Normani talking to Camila and Dinah. So I have been ditched again. I shouldn't have a crush. I knew from the start that I would end up in heartbreak. Just like my first girlfriend. I actually thought she was different. The key word there was thought.

One week of crying. The worst part is that my nightmares came back. She used to be the one to comfort me... my friends should not know this I cant be a burden
A week has passed after that incident. I tried to get back like nothing happened. I use my pain to excel in sports and academics. I am varsity of the swimming team now and an A+ student. I guess my goal now is to be busy to keep the pain and that memory away.

Y/n hasnt been the same ever since that day. She never smiles.. well if you count a fake smile a smile. She is over working herself and her parents are worried that she goes home late because of part time jobs. I dont think she still sleeps at night. We always hang out with her. We even had a sleep over to see if she really sleeps.Ally already told her that Camila and Dinah didnt know and both of them are clueless about their best friend. Right now the five of us are sitting in the gym watching Y/n play basketball with Jake her cousin.

"Come on Y/n you cant beat me." Y/n suddenly steals the ball and shoot it then she gave Jake a smirk.

"You were saying?" Jake blushed then scratched his head.

"Man you have to teach me those moves." Y/n smile... oh my goodness she smiled. Ally look at me and we both screamed Finally. Y/n just giggled and sat down with us.

"Sup Kordei and Hernandez." We hugged her and repeatedly said your back your back.

Suddenly Lauren and Brad came in the gym while holding hands. I saw Lauren looking at Y/n with longing but in a second its gone. Y/n look at what I was looking at and her poker face is back. Camila suddenly poke Y/n's tickle side. She didnt react.

"G-guys I gotta go." She look at me and her eyes held so much sadness. She suddenly swayed from side to side and she fainted. Jake caught her but her head hit the floor hardly.

"Hey cous wake up wake up. Woah those are big eye bugs." I wipe away the concealer she put and gasp when I saw how big her eye bugs where.

"Didnt she sleep last night?" I remembered  last last week we brought her to the hospital so that we would know if she still needs sleeping pills to keep her nightmares away.

"She didnt take the doctors prescribed pills. Dang it Y/n." Camila breathe out a frustrated groan.

"Dinah what have we done?"

"We broke her." Dinah answered

"What do you mean you broke her?" Normani said with confusion written on her face.

"We ....lied. We knew Lauren was falling for Brad. We tried to stop her promise... Brad told lies about Y/n but we told her its not true. I guess she stop listening to us because she was blinded by Brad." Dinah said with tears in her eyes. We all suddenly heard running and saw Lauren beside Y/n with worry written in her eyes.

"What happened?"

"You happened." I said with pure hatred.

"What d-"Lauren was cut of by Jake's sob

"Her head is bleeding cause of the impact."

i move quickly and carried Y/n towards my car and we all drove towards the doctor.

Woah where am I? Its soooo bright. Oh wait hahaha im sleeping okay good sleep. A place where there is no pain. Nope lies all lies. Later on a nightmare will shake me awake. But why am I in a room.

"Oh your awake. Thank God." A girl with jet black hair and pretty green eyes hugged me until the door opened to reveal

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