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The girls wanted Ally to move on from Troy so that their sunshine wont be sad anymore. Just in time you ask your cousin Lauren, if she knew anyone who is single and you needed a love life. Lauren gladly gave you Ally's number.

Ally woke up with a slight headache and a runny nose. She went into the kitchen and and she was greeted with good mornings from the girls which made her smile. The girls could always make her happy even in her lowest times. She got her plate of pancakes and started eating. Her tear stained cheeks is enough proof for the girls that she had been crying again. They all look at each other with sympathy for their band mate. They need to make Ally happy but how?

They all heard Ally's phone ring to which she excuse herself and answered the phone.

"Hello? Oh Brandon how are you? Yeah I miss you too." They all heard Ally's foot steps and her voice fading then they sigh.

"How can we get our Ally back? I swear I thought Troy would be good for her. I should have gave him a poly beat down when I got the chance." Dinah grumbled.

"I mean come on it has been 2 months and he still has the power to hurt her." Dinah added to which the girls nodded in agreement.

"We tried everything we can. We brought her to Waffle house, we brought her family with us, we tried to distract her. What else?" Normani rubbed her temples in frustration. Camila smirk and look at everyone who look at her with confusion.

"We haven't tried everything." The girls move closer getting curious at what Camila has to say.

"We didn't set her up with anyone yet." The girls perk at this idea.

"Well its worth a try. So who kno-" Lauren was cut off by her own phone ringing. She got her phone and smile when she saw the name of the caller.

"Hey guys, Y/n is calling." The girls perk when they heard your name. You became one of their closest friends when Lauren introduce you to them in one of their meet and greets, where you and Vero surprised Lauren by pretending you are harmonizers. Everyone even knows your crush on Ally well except for Ally herself. Even if you openly flirted with her she still wont get the hint so you continued flirting with her anyway. You gave her longer hugs, forehead kisses and compliments. Even the harmonizers ship you both more than Trolly. You even have the approval of Ally's family because of how polite, well mannered and a gentlewoman you are. Her family notice how happier she is with you than with Troy but they don't want to meddle with Ally's love life. They pray that some day she will notice the right person for her.

"Put it on speaker, Lauser." Lauren roller her eyes at the nickname but answered the call and immediately put it on speaker for everyone to hear.

"Hello Y/n." The girls said in harmony to which everyone chuckled.

"Hey guys whats up?" Y/n's slightly raspy voice made shivers down their spines. One of the reasons harmonizers go crazy for you as well. Of course everyone spoke together which Y/n didn't understand until Normani told them to speak one by one.

"The sky, duh." Camila answered to which everyone look at her weirdly well except Lauren who just laughed.

"Of course Lauren will laugh. Camren for the win." Y/n said to which Dinah made a whipping sound and the two girls are now blushing.

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