Talking to the moon-Lauren/You

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Lauren was devastated when she caught her boyfriend of two years cheating. She felt so broken that she started talking to the moon surprisingly she got an answer back not knowing its from her neighbor of 2 years next door which is you.

Lauren sat on her window sill calmly looking up at the night sky with her puffy red eyes. She had been crying for a while now and she cant cry anymore. Not that she don't want to but because she physically cant.

What did she do wrong? She always gave him what he wanted to make him happy. Is the sex that bad? He would have told her but no. He just go and cheated on her with his ex girlfriend. The bitch that used him and played with him.

"Am I not enough?" Lauren ask hoping she will get some answers from the moon who is looking down to her with its pale rays and the stars accompanying its glow.

"A beautiful girl like you is more than enough. Anyone is lucky to have you. Don't get insecure over someone who doesn't know your worth." A smooth warm voice answered and Lauren look around to see who answered. She didn't notice a figure sitting on the window sill next to hers.

"Who are you? Show yourself." Lauren waited for an answer but no one replied. Is she going crazy? Maybe she is losing her sanity over some petty break up. She close her window and went to sleep hoping the pain will go away.

It has been 3 months and Lauren finally moved on. Every night of this 3 months she had been talking to the moon or so she thought but every time she asks who is answering her she wont get an answer but a shadow of something will flicker once or twice in her neighbor's window.

In these 3 months Lauren started hanging out with her neighbor, Y/n. They started talking to each other when Y/n accidentally fell of the potted plant near Lauren's room. Lauren heard a pained groan outside her door so she went to check it out. She opened the door and hit something..  Or someone in which she added Y/n's injury. After apologizing for billions of times and offering to repay her in any way, Y/n finally allow Lauren to help her around the house until her leg( got broken after tripping over that huge ass pot) healed. In a way Y/n also help Lauren. She gives good advices and Lauren just feels calm around her.

Lauren somehow grew a slight crush on her silent but charming neighbor. They would always talk about anyone or anything and share their opinions on things. When the weather is good they would walk Y/n's cute pug named snuggles. Its funny how Y/n reminds Lauren of the moon when she talks to it at night. Shaking the idea out of her head, that's crazy talk how can Y/n be the one talking to her? But Y/n talking is better than the moon. Sure they are apartment neighbors, maybe she was that silhouette that sits there on the neighbors window and quickly vanishes out of nowhere. That simple thought struck her. Maybe i should try talking to the moon again to make sure that its really her. Could she be the o-.

"Hey Lauren." That velvety voice always bring shivers down Lauren's spine. Lauren looked up to see Y/n's caramel colored eyes. She often wonder if its a sunrise orange or gold whenever it hits the sunlight.  She shook her head to rid of any thoughts and smiled. Y/n felt her heart stuttered at its beating. That smile is going to kill her one day.

"Sorry got a little distracted." Lauren blushed when Y/n raise her right eyebrow with a knowing look.

"Uhuh sure. Anyway I was just asking if you could uhm take care of snuggles. Just for 3  weeks starting tomorrow. My si-" Lauren giggled at Y/n's cute rambling which made her flush pink.

"Dont worry I got it just come back safe." Lauren smiled shyly to which Y/n hug Lauren in a warm embrace. 'Maybe i could try my theory tomorrow night ' Lauren thought.

" Thank you so much, Laur. Come on lets watch a movie and eat pizzaaa. I will really miss you, Laur." Lauren smile to herself murmuring her response. Y/n playfully glare at Lauren and straddled her on the couch pinning her hands on top.

"What Laur? I cant seem to hear you." Lauren blushed hard at the position.

"I s-said i will m-miss you too." Y/n's smile widen and her breath hitch at how close their faces are too each other. Lauren notice the lack of distance as well and stare into Y/n's eyes then she slightly glance at her lips which Y/n notice. Unconsciously Y/n lick her lips but decided to lick Lauren's nose to get rid of the tension and away from her hidden feelings. Lauren swiftly wipe her nose with her hand and smack Y/n's face to which she was laughing.

"Come on goofball lets continue watching the movie." With that Lauren comfortably situated herself in the front of Y/n to which she cuddled Lauren.

In those 3 weeks the two felt incomplete. Y/n and Lauren would always find ways to talk to each other. Although Y/n   knows that by going away she would confirm Lauren's suspicion, she hope Lauren could put all the pieces together. And in those 3 weeks Lauren come to terms that she is not crazy and Y/n is indeed the mystery person that she was talking to. With that realization she went to sleep with a smile on her face after being messaged by her crush.

Y/n was a quivering mess when she got home. She planned to reveal herself to Lauren if she haven't figure things out and she would tell the way she feels for the green eyed girl. Its a miracle that Lauren haven't notice her constant flirting or how affectionate she is. Lauren is a bright girl but sometimes she has her slow moments.

With a nervous smile she knock at Lauren's door and was surprised by the person opening the door. A tall muscular guy with a smirk on his face.

"Hello beautiful. Who are you?" With a slight crash of her heart Y/n smiled weakly.

"Uhm where is Lauren?" Hearing her name Lauren went for the door.

"What are you doing, Chris? Get out of the way." Lauren push Chris out of the door way to see a teary eyed Y/n.

"Y/n are you okay did my brother did anything stupid?" Lauren check Y/n's face and arms to see why she look so sad. With the word brother Y/n blush in embarrassment.

" Oh its nothing kinda hit my toe on my way here. C-can I speak to you ...alone?" Y/n said while glancing at Chris who is still rubbing his ribs. With that Chris wink and close the door leaving the two outside.

"So what do you want to tell me?" Lauren look so concern and scared while Y/n is still a nervous wreck.

"Uhm im the moon." Y/n muttered.

"Huh? What?" Lauren was smiling teasingly at a now flustered Y/n. It was rare to see Y/n look so uncomposed.

" I was the one your talking to at night. I just cant answer when you ask who I am cause i dont want you finding out..." Y/n sigh deeply and whispered " that i love you." Lauren smiled even wider at what she heard. Being the tallest she lift Y/n's chin upward so that she could see those beautiful eyes she learned to love.

"I think im falling for you too." Y/n look surprise at this revelation and cant help but kiss Lauren. They poured so much passion and longing in that kiss. They stop kissing when they heard a loud gross. They both look to their side to see a disgusted look on Chris face.

"Get a room." With that they all laugh and went in the apartment.

That is a weird ass story... Forgive my randomness

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