~Chapter 28

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"Oh my gosh Harry that was soooo much fun!" I said hugging him and kissing him on the cheek. "Well we're at my house now and it's over, I know it was fun but you're now hyper." Harry said hugging me close so that I would stop jumping like a crazy bunny. "Maybe I should stop buying you sweet treats for a week." he said rubbing his chin.. "or maybe I shouldn't stop it's cute when you're hyper" he continued with a wink. "I'll stop being hyper I promise," I whispered as I kissed his neck. "Well I'm gonna go take a shower okay love?" Harry said kissing my cheek. "Okay" I said softly as I got my phone and went on Twitter. **RING RING RING** UNKNOWN CALLER* Crap who's calling me now? "Hello?" I mumbled as I sat down on the couch. "Hello gorgeous. Remember me?" a guy said with a voice a little like Harry's. "Who is this?" I said raising an eyebrow. "Brandon.. Don't you remember? We went out together in middle school..." Brandon said. Shit. Why was he calling me now? I broke up with him because we didn't have time for eachother and he barely calls me? I should be calling him.. "Oh... Yes I remember you.. B-But why are you calling me now?" I asked softly. "Because I know you're in a relationship with the famous Harry Styles" Brandon hotly said. Ugh I hate this. "Oh.. W-Well.. Yes it's true.. W-What do you want?" I asked shyly. "Since we live in the same place, I need to meet you at the Cherry Tree Park tomorrow at 4:30 PM sharp okay?" Brandon said harshly. "But what will I say to Ha-" I was cut off by Brandon. "I don't fucking care what story you make up to him, JUST MAKE AN EXCUSE!" He yelled. "Okay, okay.. Don't yell Harry could hear... Bye now.." I said softly. "I look to seeing you tomorrow gorgeous.." he said deeply and hanging up.. Crap.


"Uh.. Harry I have to go somewhere I won't be long." I said as I kissed his cheek. "Alright love don't worry me" "Okay" I responded as I rushed out the door. It was already 4:25 PM... I hope I'm not late.. I walked slowly to the park that was just 2 blocks away. **5 MINUTES LATER** It was 4:30PM and I saw a tall guy with dark chocolate hair and blue eyes, so I asumed it was Brandon. "I'm here" I said as I examined his body. "Wow you're twice as sexy as you used to be." he said with a wink. "Well you haven't changed a bit either" I said as I raised an eyebrow. "So what do you want Brandon?" "I want you" he whispered into my ear as I felt his hot breath slowly move to my neck.. Wet kisses were left on my neck as I pushed him away softly. "No Brandon, I'm with Harry now.. You could've came before I even met One Direction, but you didn't" I said turning away with my arms crossed. "Please give me another chance.. I can be better!" he pleaded as he brought me close to him. "I know you and Harry had fun before" brandon said smirking. "But I can rock you way more harder than he could ever do.." he whispered hotly into my ear again and smirking. "Oh please, where's that girl who liked you? Make that ALL the girls that liked you and hated me when we were going out?" I asked harshly. "Well let's just say one of those girls came to my house and we almost had fun.." he said grining. "Let me guess.. Sandra was that girl huh?" I said pushing him off of me. "Yup,  but she was only a boring toy, I want you the real deal that I won't play with" He said leaning in to kiss me. But I turned my head like I did with Niall and he ended up kissing my cheek. "Ahh playing hard to get now are we? Well two can play that game.." he whispered hotly and kissed my neck. He found my sweet spot and sucked as a throaty moan slipped out of my mouth. I saw him smirk and he stopped. He pulled me close to him as I felt his hot minty breath on me. I smiled when he held my hand. "We can still be friends..." I said soflty and kissing his cheek. "No, I won't give up.." he said as he pulled me and dragged me into his car. 


Where was Sharon? I was getting worried and so I went to the Cherry Tree Park which is her favorite place. I saw her arguing with a guy and I started to get bad feelings in my stomach.. He kissed her on the neck but Sharon pushed him away. Who was this guy and what did she want from her? "NO! STOP! I'M WITH HARRY! YOU CAN'T STOP ME FROM BEING WITH HIM!" She yelled as I walked toward them. "What's going on here?!" I asked as my eyes got darker and darted them towards the guy. "H-Harry... I-I can explain.." Sharon said softly as I looked at her waiting. "No, I know the explanation, it's that this guy is bothering you. I said as my jaws clenched. "Y-Yes.. He is.." Sharon said softly as she came next to me and hugged me. "Well I guess I should go." the guy said as I punched his stomach. He bended and his eyes got darker. "Harry no!" Sharon yelled. The guy punched me back as I felt the pain in my stomach. "STOP IT YOU TWO NOW!" Sharon whined as he pulled me away from the guy. "Harry please don't... Brandon don't you dare touch him either.." Sharon said as she walked away with me. "I'll call you" Brandon said with a wink. "Don't even bother" I growled as I took a step forward. Sharon pulled me back once again and I couldn't help but pull myself away from her and walk ahead of her. 


**RING RING** I wasn't even paying attention to my phone until it rung I looked at it real quick and laughed. It was Brandon. I roled my eyes and answered, Harry came down stairs and looked me. I decided to test how much he really loves me so I talked. "Heyy Brandon" I said in a flirty way. "Hey Cherry boo" brandon said as I smiled and waved at Harry. His eyes got darker and I realized he was getting jealous. I wanted to laugh but I didn't. "What's up bro?" I said as Harry got milk out of the frigde. "Nothing. How about you gorgeous? Is Harry there?" Brandon asked as I heard his deep chuckle. "Yes yes he is. Why? Did YOU want to come over?" I said smirking at Harry who was getting even more angry at every word I said. "That's it!" Harry yelled as he snatched the phone and yelled into it, " STOP TRYING TO GET MY GIRLFRIEND YOU LITTLE BITCH! GET LOST!" he ended the call as I started to laugh non stop he look at me breathing heavily with anger his eyes getting darker. "What are you laughing at?" he growled as he grabbed my right wrist. "Harry stop! Chill out and let me explain." I said between laughs. "Aw Harry you really do love me" I said kissing his cheek. "What do you mean?" Harry said as his beautiful eyes got lighter. "You got jealous didn't you? That means you love me." "I did not..." Hary mumbled. "Not even a little? I said puting my lips. "Okay maybe just a little, BUT ONLY a little." Harry said as he grinned and kissed me as he always does. "I only love you Harry. No one will stop me from loving you forever." I said softly as I pecked his lips. 


"Harry what time is it?" I asked as I got out of bed. I realized I had only had Harry's shirt on. But that was it. Harry lay there shirtless and his curls were wild. his pants were on the floor and I gasped. We had done it again last night. We weren't drunk at all but that was tiring haha. I softly shook Harry's shoulder and whispered, "Harry wake up!" "Huh?" Harry said as he ran his fingers into his wild curly hair. It looked sexy and I couldn't help but moan. "Like what you see eh?" Harry said as a smirk was spreading across his face."Why not?" I said sitting on the bed next to him. He kissed my neck and I giggled when his curls started to tickle my neck. I pushed him away softly and said, "Put some clothes on first" He pouted his lips and said, "Okay Mrs Bossy" we laughed and I went to the bathroom to take a shower. I heard the door knob twist right after I had taken off Harry's shirt to take a shower. "Harry!" I said throwing a towel at his face as I got another towel and covered myself. "What? I've seen you naked before take that towel off and show me that body" Harry said as he grabbed my exposed waist and kissed me. I let out a throaty moan as Harry smirked and grabbed my bum. I flinched when he did that but then I backed away. "Harry..." I warned.. "Don't worry I don't bite.." Harry whispered hotly into my ear. "Get out" I said as I laughed. "Okay" he said pouting his lips and closing the door behind him..

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