~Chapter 39

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*Few hours after Drake's bad news*


"Here I bought a giant tub of cookies and cream ice cream. I also got some carrot cake." I said girnning and making Sharon laugh. "You bought ice cream on a cold, and rainy day?" she said raising an eyebrow. "Yep. No need to thank me." I popped the 'p' in yep. She laughed and quickly asked, "Is the carrot cake warm?" "No, it's cold and hard as ice." I said sarcastically and rolling my eyes. Sharon laughed again as I sat down next to her and put the tub of ice cream down. I then heard my phone vibrate. "Be right back with two bowls and spoons." I said smiling and running to where my phone was. It was from my boo bear. 'Hey babe, you free tonight? xx' I laughed quite loud. I then covered my mouth which caused my mouth to hurt because I slapped it.. 'Sorry boo bear, it's girl's night out with me and my sis. xx. Maybe tomorrow?' 'Okie bye babe, xx. :*' I smiled and put my phone down. I then got two bowls and spoons. "Wey hey, I'm back." I stated. I gave her a spoon and a bowl and gave her almost half the tub of ice cream. But we didn't care, even if we did get sick from all this yummeh ice cream, it was so damn worth it because I got to spend time with my sis.


"I'm tired." Sharon said yawning and slouching. I didn't want our hang out to be over yet, plus, she didn't even finish her ice cream. So I stood up and said, "Ya know what would make this ice cream taste better? Oreo Cookies." "Ooo, I want Oreos!!!!!" Sharon said hopping around like a cute little bunny. "Okay!" I stated loudly and marched out of the room

like a weird soldier. I came back in with some Oreos in a little, tiny, and cute cup that Sharon made for my birthday. "Oreos! Oreos!" Sharon yelled punching the air. "Okay, okay! But after this, you gonna pick up yo lazy bum and go to your bedroom since you're sooo damn tired." I said smiling as I sat down and thew the oreos to her.


*Sharon's POV*

After the mini girl's night out with Lily, I went upstairs and threw myself on my bed and layed there, thinking about Drake, Brandon, Harry and Niall. Drake was going to die.. Brandon

is only a friend. But I still love Niall and Haz.. I just think I like Niall more.. But... At the same time I love Haz and it's just so hard. But it didn't matter right now. The present will soon be the pastand who knows? I might just end up spending the rest of my life with Harry.. I fell asleep and forgot what I was thinking.


*Next Day*

I woke up to my alarm ringing so loudly that I think the whole house heard it. I groaned and slammed it off I then went to the bathroom to get ready. I layed down on my bed just about to sleep again when I heard a loud THUMP on my bedroom door. I groaned again but answered it anyway. "Hello gorgeous." Niall said winking and leaning in to kiss me. I was about to push him off when I felt soft lips pressing against mine. I heard his foot close the door as our kiss got sloppy and Niall entered his tounge in my mouth. I softly pushed him off me and said, "What was that for?" "I want you back Sharon." Niall whispered hotly inside my ear. I felt his hot, minty breath move from my ear to my neck and left wet kisses. "Niall... Don't you think it's a bit too late for this?" I asked stepping back and crossing my arms. "Yeah.. But I know you still like me.." he said back. I hugged him and said, "No I don't, I like you as a friend." I smiled but Niall did the oppisite. He frowned and hugged me tight. "Okay.. Fine.. But when you need me, just give me a call." he said winking and pecking my lips for a long time. I rolled my eyes and pushed him out. "Wow. Well done Mrs Harsh." Niall said smirking. "I believe I have a boyfriend Niall. Bye." I said slamming the door in his face. I quickly opened it and added quickly, "Sorry for being harsh. By the way, if I ever stop being with Harry, you'll be the first one I call." he gave me a grin and a small nod. Our eyes locked and stayed quiet. Blue eyes staring at mine. It was as if we were speaking with only our eyes.. We both leaned in and moved our lips together slowly. I fluttered my eyes shut and moved my lips with his. I felt his hand wrap my leg around his waist as I tangled my hands through his dirty blonde hair. He pushed my on my bed and closed the door with his foot. He was about to come to me when he stepped back and locked the door. "Just so you won't escape." he whispered with a wink. I mentally rolled my eyes. I then went to go get my phone and check something. I turned around and saw Niall was laying on my bed. I walker over to it and my clumbsy self tripped over my own feet which caused me to be on top of Niall. Our faces were THIS close. Our breathing was heavy. Niall smirked. "I like girls on top of me. But I like them even more under me." he whispered hotly in my ear as he flipped us over as I ended up under his body. "I know you still like me Sharon, and I'm going to make you prove it." he said leaving a long trail of wet kisses on my neck. He found my sweet spot and sucked. Fuck. Throaty moans came out of my mouth as he went faster. "Niall." I say trying to breathe. I wasn't able to see him because of his sucking but I felt the smirk on his face. "You like that? You want.. More?" he asked. I shook my head. "Yes you do." he continued sucking my sweet spot as I whimpered and tried to push him off. His lips finally got off my neck and moved to my lips. "Niall please stop..." I pleaded, but he acted like he didn't hear and kept kissing me.



Wey heyyyy (: sorry if this was short :( but I'm sick and tired :( so yeah. I luv you all very much!! Muah muah!! xx. :D Byeee<3 by the way thnx for reading please comment and vote! (:

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