~Chapter 29

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I heard the knob twist as I gasped knowing it was Harry, I quickly got a towel and wrapped it around my exposed body my hair was dropping sevral droplets of cool water. When Harry opened the door, I was smirking. "Aw damn it, you're not naked..." he said pouting his lips and kissing my neck. "Well you should learn to be quicker." i whispered into his ear as my right eye closed and turned into a wink. "I'll try love, I'll try.." He said as our lips smashed together in movement. I softly pushed him off after a couple of seconds and went to go change. **KNOCK KNOCK** "Would you get that Cherry?" Harry asked as I gave him a small nod and went downstairs to see who it was. I opened the door and it was Brandon... I closed the door halfway through but Brandon pushed it back open again. "What do you want?! Harry could come here any second!!" I whispered loudly as he smiled and said, "Say you're going home I need to tell you something.." I sighed and nodded as I heard loud footsteps coming from up stairs. I slammed the door and saw that Harry was about to ask me who it was. "It was my mom she told me that we were gonna go shopping!" I said as I kissed his cheek and grabbed my bag. "So you slam the door infront of her and don't let me say hello?" Harry said as he gave me a confused look with his beautiful face. "Haha sorry, but it's to late." I said shrugging. "Well later babe." Harry said smiling and kissing my cheek. I got out and closed the door behind me, I sighed heavily and checked to see if Harry wasn't in the living room anymore. He had went upstairs to his bedroom so I ran to Brandon's car. My eyes widened at what I saw. I saw a really beautiful and shiny red car. I thought it was new but I didn't think so. Well let's just say, I was confused. Lool. "I-Is this thing.. Y-You know... New?" I asked nervously as Brandon smiled and said, "Nope. You really thought it was new?" he asked raising an eyesbrow. "Oh... Okay.. Now let's go!" I said softly as he started the car and drove away. **6 MINUTES LATEr AT STARBUCKS** "I-I thought you were taking me to your house.." I said shyly and softly as he smirked and put his index finger on my chin. "You want me to, love?" "Y-Yes.. Harry could see us and think I'm cheating on him when I'm not..." I said crossing my arms. "Can we at least order something?" he asked getting his money out. "Fine.." I said blowing my hair off my face. After we got our orders, I walked quickly to Brandon's car and got inside as quickly as I could. "Whoa, what's your rush? We have all day.." Brandon said with a wink. "Shit.. I should've said I was going home.." I mumbled as Brandon turned to me and whispered, "I'm not gonna do anything Cherry boo.. Relax.." "Well you better stop calling me that or I'll be the one doing something." I warned as he smirked and said, "Was that actually a 'threat'?" "Shut up.." I said playfully and softly oushed him. He turned the car to scare me.. "SHIT! IT WASN'T THAT HARD!!!!!!" I said hoping he would be joking."First time I hear ya cuss, and no it wasn't hard. I had a feeling you still got scared easliy." Brandon said winking. I felt my cheeks burning hot red so I put my angry face on him and since he already heard me cuss, I yelled, "DAMN IT BRANDON! YOU SCARED THE FUCKIN SHIT OUTTA ME!!!!" "Whoa calm down girl, geez. I didn't mean too, plus I didn't even turn it all the way around.." Brandon said sighing and continuing to drive. We didn't talk for the whole time until we got to his house. He opened the door but I stayed outside until he said, "You know you can come in." "O-Oh..." I softly said as I quickly walked inside and closed the door shut. "What's the rush for?" he asked raising an eyebrow and then smirking. "I-It's not what you think.." I said rolling my eyes. "We'll see" he said holding my hand and kissing it. "Have a seat we need to talk.." Brandon said as his eyes got calm and started to darken. But he wasn't angry, he looked... Upset.. "Look, I'm really sorry about the incident between me and Harry.. I just.. You know.. I-I couldn't resist you.. I need you back Cherry Boo.." Brandon said softly. I felt his hot, minty breath on my neck once again and felt a trail of wet kisses. I couldn't help but kiss him back. I missed his kisses from middle school and 7th and 8th grade.. Every year his kissing would get better.. But I pushed myself away. "It's alright.. I really should go now.." I said softly as I stood up. He grabbed my arm and turned me around. The next thing I know, my chest was connected to Brandon. He pouted his lips and whispered hotly in my ear, "Give me one more night.. Please... I need to feel you.." My eyes widened as my eyes flutter shut from Brandon's hot kiss. "Please let me go.. I'm with Harry now." I whispered as Brandon's eyes darkend and held my wrist tight in his bigger hand. Just about as big as Harry's hand. "I don't fucking care if you're with him or not.. I'm just asking you for one more night.." He growled as a tiny squeak came out from my pink lips. "You're hurting me..." I squealed as he threw my hand causing it to hit the table. The pain in my wrist and hand were now getting bruises. Tears came out of my eyes as I got the courage to say, "What the hell happened to you Brandon? First you're being soft with me, then you try to hurt me?" I ran out the door as Brandon's eyes started to get watery and yelled, "Sharon wait!!!!!" I ignored him and kept running as fast as I could. I then heard another pair of steps. They became closer and closer. I realized it was Brandon when I heard him yell my name. I ran faster until I got to a dead end. I looked right and left for another way out but there was only a couple of big houses. I stood there, with my eyes full of fear and worry. I heard foot steps that became slower and slower. Brandon grabbed my waste and said, "Well that was fun." he winked and kissed me as my eyes fluttered shut and didn't stop kissing him..

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