~Chapter 19

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**BEEP BEEP** Huh? I was out of the shower when I suddenly heard my phone buzz.. Harry. (H=Harry S=sharon) H: "Hey love I have some good news" he added a smiley to the end. What's the news? S: "What is it Haz?"' I added a heart to the end.. Crap.. O_O H: "I'm moving next door to you!" he added with a :DD OMG!!! Yayy!!! I can finally spend more time with him while Niall's gone. S: "OMG that's awesome!!! I hope we can spend some more time together <33" H: We will, well night love ;)" S: Night" 


"Harry we're moving." my mom said at dinner. "Where mom.. It isn't somewhere outside of London right?" I asked hoping with all my might that I would still see Sharon.. "No son, we're moving next door to Sharon" my dad said with a toothy grin. "That's awesome!" I said as I hugged both of them. I excused myself and went to text Sharon, I hope she wasn't asleep.. After that I started to pack my things quietly so my parents nor the servants would hear.. After that I went to bed and slept like an angle....


It was the afternoon after me and Sharon went to play Tennis. In Sharon's room I saw Sharon's curtains open she didn't notice me and so she left the curtains open and started to change. She had an amazing body. She took off all her clothes.. Except underwear... She put a nice outfit, red shirt, black skinny jeans. black shoes, hello kitty glasses and forever neckless. (without that backpack) I licked my lips, as usual and Saw her walk out of her room. I decided to text her. H: "Hey love what's up? Going somewhere right now ;) ?" S: "Yes Harry I'm going over to the beach to have a walk :)" H:"Can I come :)" S:"Sure :) See you there<3" Yes! I put a jacket on and some awesome shoes I almost forgot, a hot beanie for the ladies. ;) I went next door to see that Sharon was sitting on her porch smiling then darting her eyes with a grin. I took her to the beach and we just layed there... Enjoying the sunset.. "Remember when our parents brought us here and we almost kissed until they called us?" I said with a smirk. "Yea. Ah shut up we were only 11.." Sharon said laughing.. We looked at eachother and we ended up locking our lips together.. "HARRY!!!!!" someone yelled we stopped and there I saw Carrie with folded arms and her eyes getting dark...

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