Chapter 38

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-This is the dress Lauren will be wearing.^  Lauren's P.O.V 

Sam, Matt, Nash, Cameron, Skate, Emily and I all woke up on the floor. 

" What the fuck?" Sam said as he lifted Skate of him. 

" Sorry dude, I was dreaming such an amazing dream last night and I must've thought you were this sexy lady I was fucking." Skate said and smirked at Sam who was obviously grossed out. "I'm joking by the way." 

" Thank god, else you'd be dead right now Nate." Sam said and laughed. 

" Wait? is Skate's name Nate?" I asked and rose and eyebrow. 

" Yeah? You didn't really think his real name was Skate?" Cameron said and laughed. 

" Well what was I supposed to think when everyone here calls him Skate all the time?" I said. 

" Word." Skate said. 

Matt and Nash were still asleep and they were holding hands. 

" Why can't I have this?" Sam said and looked at them. 

" Because you're not gay?" Skate said. 

"I know, I mean why can't I have this with a girl?" Sam said. 

" You could, You're a very handsome guy and you could easily" I said and smiled. 

" Thanks Lauren." Sam said and hugged me. 

" Lauren, we have to talk." Emily said. 

I nodded and Emily and I went downstairs. 

"Can you please help me get Skate? He's just... He's fucking perfect!" Emily said, she was even drooling. 

" I can try but I won't promise anything BUT there's one thing I need to tell you about Skate and Sam." I began. " They smoke weed like 24/7." 

" I know, Skate and I talked for a long time yesterday when you, Cameron, Sam, Nash and Matt were watching T.V. " Emily said and smiled. 

"Okay, well I can try all my best to help you get him." I said and smirked. 

" What is this smirk supposed to mean?" Emily said and rose an eyebrow 

" Nothing." I said and walked away. 

I walked back into my bedroom to see Cameron, Skate and Sam drawing penises on Matt's and Nash's faces. 

" What the hell are you doing guys?" I said. 

" We're making a masterpiece" Sam said and laughed. 

"Well anyways, Skate. I need to talk to you." I said and handed Skate my hand. 

We walked into my mother's bedroom since she wasn't home. 

" So, I want to ask you a question." 


" What do you think about Emily?" 

" She be fine as fuck." 

" Would you ever like.. go out with her?" 

" Yeah, she's hot. Why?" 

" Because she likes you and I just wanted to check if you did too." 

" Well tell her I'll be waiting here." Skate said and smirked. 

" You're not going to have sex in my mother bed thank you very much." 

" Where else then?" 

" I'd rather go out with the guys and you could have my bedroom. " 

"Do it." 

I went back into my room and dragged Emily down to the hall. 

" He likes you, I asked him." 

" What? Now I'll be forever awkward around him." 

" No there's no need Em" 

"Okay? Well where is he?" 

" In my mother's bedroom, waiting for you." 

Emily walked into my mothers room then before I went back to my room I saw Skate closing the door with  a smirk on his face and mouthing thank you. 

I decided I'd let them use my mother's bedroom since Matt and Nash were still asleep. 

I cuddled myself up to Cameron and he kissed my forehead. 

" I love it when you do this." 

" Do what?" 

" Kiss my forehead." 

Cameron smiled and began kissing my forehead a lot. He then suddenly stopped and looked at me. 

" When do you want to have our wedding?" He asked and smiled. 

" Well, I don't want to rush into this so what about 2 months?" 

" Yeah, that's great." 

We kissed and then laid back on my bed. 

" Oh FUCK Skate go faster" I heard Emily say and I'm pretty sure Cameron and Sam heard it too by the look on their faces. 

I laughed at them. 

" I told them they could do it in there since my mom isn't home and Matt and Nash are still asleep in here." I said. 

We then turned on 'The fault in our stars' and I cuddled myself up to Cameron again. 

" How long does Skate last?" Sam then asked as he clearly still heard them

" Longer then you." a newly woken up Matt said. 

" Fuck you." Sam said. 

" Nah, That's Nash's job." Matt said so Cameron and I died with laughter. 

" FUUUCK EMILY I'M CUMMING" We heard Skate yell. 

" That's about time" Cameron said and we all laughed causing Nash to wake up. 

" What's so funny?"   Nash asked. 

" Skate and Emily are having sex in my mothers room and they're yelling a lot." 

" Ew, I'm going back to sleep." Nash said and kissed Matt. 

Finally 2 hours later Skate and Emily came back into my room and they were holding hands. 

" FUUUCK EMILY I'M CUMMING" Cameron yelled making all of us laugh. 

" Fuck you mate." Skate said and laughed. 

We then ended the day on checking if Nash was still alive, he was. 

When I was back in bed I started thinking. Wow, I'm getting married after 2 months. 


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