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*Brooke's P.O.V.*

"Have a good day today," my mom told me rubbing my cheek with the back of her palm. "And remember sweetheart, if you don't end up liking this school I can put you right back into public school. Don't feel trapped here if you don't like it."

I nodded as I took her cold hands of my face. "I'm sure I'll be just fine, mom. I have Athena and Jocelyn if I need anybody." I reassured her.

She gave me a warming smile as I kissed her cheek. "I'll see you right here at 2:17." I whispered before getting out of her Nissan and walking into my new school.

The hallway was packed with mainly guys which didn't surprise at all since this school was restricted "boys only" for 54 years.

I slowly stepped down the narrow hallway in search for my homeroom. When I found it I walked in and over to the teacher.

"What's your name sweetheart?" The middle aged man asked me. "Brooke, Brooke Jamenson." He scanned over his seating chart until his eyes lit up. "Ahh Brooke there you are! Right next to Mr. Espinosa in the back there." He said pointing to a boy sitting in a desk scrolling through his phone.

I sat down and took out my binder and tried to memorize my schedule.


"You aren't going to introduce yourself?" The boy asked slipping his phone is his pocket.

"I-I'm Br-"

"Brooke Jamenson. I know I heard you coming in. I'm Matthew. Matthew Lee Espinosa. But you can call me Matt. Just please don't call me Matty. I hate when people call me that," He spoke putting his hand out for me to shake.

"Nice to meet you, Matty." I chuckled shaking his hand making him roll his eyes.

"Welcome everbody to junior year. My name is Mr. Connors and I'm sure we'll have an exciting year, won't we Nathan?" Our teacher asked leaning on a boy's desk in the front row who wore a black leather jacket and wripped black skinny jeans along with a red snapback.

"That Nathan kid is trouble don't let him mess with you, if he does tell me and I'll handle it." Matt whispered to me.

I blushed, keeping my eyes on Mr. Connor's who was confiscating Nathan's pocket knife.


"How were your first classes?" My bestfriend Jocelyn asked my other bestfriend Athena and I as I sat down at our lunch table.

"Good," I said taking a bite out of my mac and cheese.

Athena agreed pulling out her schedule. "I met this really hot guy today in my history class." Athena informed us pointing to where it said history on the sheet of paper. "His name was Nate or 'Nathan' according to the teachers."

I nearly chocked on my mac and cheese at the sound of his name. "Athena, please don't tell me you like him." "Well he's hot, sweet and I got his number it's 529-"

"ATHENA!" I yelled making the cafeteria go silent.

I ducked my head down until everyone went back to their food. "You can't like him that kid is trouble." I warned her.

"How do you know, Brooke?" She asked adjusting herself in her seat.

"My friend, Matt told me that."

"How do you know that this Matt guy is just telling you that so you'll stay away from him because he's hot? Maybe this Matt guy is the trouble around here." Jocelyn questioned.

"Matt isn't like that."

"How do you know? You've only just met him!" Athena spoke to me through gritted teeth.

"You know what? Forget it. Don't say I didn't warn you." I said taking my belongings and walking away.


I hope you liked the first chapter :)

Thank you for reading and please vote and comment!

Talk to you guys soon <3


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