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*Brooke's P.O.V.*

             -Two Weeks Later-

I walked out of the locker room for gym class and down the hall to my English class. Generally what I did here was keep my head down and ignore everyone since I really only have one friend here. Everyone else were complete jerks to me.

"Brooke!" Someone yelled running into me making me drop my stuff.

Groaning, I bent down and started grabbing all my stuff that people were now walking right over.

Once I grabbed all my stuff and stood back up I came eye to eye with Jocelyn.

"Hi," I said giving her a fake smile.

"Sorry about that," She blushed pointing at the floor.

Yeah and thanks for not talking to me for two weeks and completely ignoring me for some guy that Athena likes. Thanks for knocking all my stuff down and for just standing there as people walked all over it while I tried to pick all my stuff up. What do you want?

"It's fine, what's up?"

"So you know that boy I was telling you about a few weeks ago. Well he asked me out." She squealed.

I don't care and why are you telling me? Tell your little friend Athena there I'm sure she'll care.

"Really? When?"

"Just now. Oh my gosh I think it's love."

How could it be love if you barley even know him. You're almost 17 and you still sound like a middle schooler smh.

"I'm really happy for you, but I got to get going you know how Mr. S. is when you're late to English." I chuckled pushing past her.

I rolled my eyes. I really like how she thinks everything is good between us because if anything, it's not.

I walked into English and took my seat in the front of the room next to an empty seat because again I must say, I have no friends here.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen. We have a new student here today who is transferring here from Ms. Anglers room. Please welcome Nate Maloley." Mr.S. said as the hazel eyed boy walked in.

He tapped the desk next to me signaling Nate to sit there.


"So today, we'll be starting our narrative project with the person sitting next to you. And keep in mind this project has to be worked on both in and outside of school." I rolled my eyes and sunk down in my chair.

"So I was thinking you can come over my place tonight and we bang out this whole project so I don't have to look at you again." Nate said doodling on his binder.

"I'm busy tonight so looks like you'll have to see my ugly face some other night." I replied crossing my arms over my chest.

"Look my girlfriend gets mad when I hang out with other girls and tonight she's going to her friend's house so she won't know. Can we please do it tonight?" He begged.

I shook my head. "I'm busy so no I can't."

"Why do you have to be so stuck up. Can't you think about other people's feelings once in a while?" He asked me.

"Think about other people's feelings? You should try it yourself, hun." I said annoyed.

"You should just do this whole thing yourself anyway. It's not like I'm going to do anything. Besides, you can get me an A." He smirked getting up and leaving this classroom without even getting dismissed.

I pulled out my phone and texted Matt.

I hate my life. Have to do a project with Nate. He told me he isn't doing it, called me ugly and walked out of class. fml

Within seconds he replied.

Sorry. He's rude ik. I'll make it up to you tho. See you later *winky face*

I smiled and tucked my phone back in my pocket. I guess one great friend is worth having against the whole school hating you.


I hope you all enjoyed! I have really big plans and I'm excited to continue writing this story.

Have a good night ( or day depending on when you read this)

Please vote and comment too :3


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