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*Abby's P.O.V.*

"Alright class," Mr. Connors clapped from the front of the classroom, "Autumn break is fastly approaching and so are deadlines for your projects. I strongly suggest you meet with your partners now to discuss your projects."

I turned to Matthew and watched as he doodled broken hearts on the inside of his notebook.

"Are you okay, Matt?"

He nodded shutting his notebook. "So what are the plans for this stupid project?" He asked.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes Abby!" He snapped slamming his hands on his desk making me jump.
"So what are our plans?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I figured we can do a write up on what love is. And pretty much how to know if you're infatuated or if it's real love."

He nodded his head, "that sounds good to me. So when are we gonna work on it?"

"Maybe Saturday, the first day of Autumn break and then maybe Tuesday?"


"So this is your room?" I asked as Matt brought me into his room.

"This is where all the magic happens." He answered with a wink.

I chuckled, sitting down on his bed, opening up my notebook. "So I looked up the meanings of love and infatuated.
Love means an intense feeling of deep affection for a noun and the the verb is
feel a deep romantic or sexual attachment to someone. Infactuate is a verb which means inspired with an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for."

"I already know what those words mean," Matt told me looking through his closet, "you don't need to tell me the definitions of them, Abby."

I blushed shutting my notebook. "We still need them for our project."

Matt ignored my question and turned around holding up a gray hoodie. "Should I wear this to go bowling tonight?" He asked.

"You're bowling tonight?"

"Yeah with some friends. You can come if you want."

I smiled, "I'd be happy to join."

"Great, so what do I wear?"

"Hmm," I got up and walked over to Matt's closet.

"I like this," I said pulling out a maroon hoodie.

"Really?" Matt asked grabbing it out of my hand, "it's pretty boring."

"You'd look hot in it though," I commented making Matt smirk.

"Really Abs?" He asked.

I blushed making him chuckle. "I'll wear it. Come on let's work on this project." He said putting on the hoodie.

"No are you kidding me? If we're going bowling tonight I need to look good. I can't go out wearing this." I said looking down at my outfit. My marvel hoodie, black sweatpants and Vans.

"You look fine," Matt commented scanning my body up and down. "In fact you look kinda hot."

I blushed grabbing my backpack. "Ill see you tonight, Matt."

*Matt's P.O.V.*

I walked into the bowling alley being the late self I am and grabbed some bowling shoes from the lady running the counter. I walked back into the VIP lounge that Ashley had rented out. I noticed another group of people in the lanes next to us but I ignored them and made my way up to Abby who sat alone on the couch in front of the lanes.

"Abs, this is bowling not a strip club." I chuckled looking at the dress she was wearing.

She smiled and stood up. "I'm surprised you actually wore that hoodie."

"I was told that I looked hot in it." I laughed giving her a hug.

"You really do I wouldn't lie to you Espi-"

"YEAH BROOKE!" I heard someone from the lane next to ours. I looked over to see no one other than Brooke running into a guy's arms. My happy mood instantly changed causing me to plop down where Abby was sitting just moments ago.

"So that's the famous Brooke I've heard so much about." Abby asked sitting down next to me.

"Yeah it is."

Abby glanced over at her and shrugged. "I mean I guess she seems nice."

"Brooke?" I heard Ashley ask happily. Then I heard a ton of screams and I knew without even looking up that Ashley, Athena, and Jocelyn we all over her.

"I'm sorry, Matt. I know how much she meant to you."

"Hey, Matt it's your turn." Nash yelled causing me to stand up.

I walked past the girls on my way to the lane. I could feel Brooke's eyes on me but I refused to look her way.

I grabbed the bowling ball and scored a gutter ball for both on my turns.

On my way back to my seat, I did make eye contact. I sent her a light smile and then sent my glare back where I was sitting before I bowled.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and started going through all the pictures of Brooke and I. God I need to get over her. I felt someone sit next to me so I put my phone away to see who it was. "Oh, hey Ash."

"You're upset you stopped talking to her, aren't you?" She asked putting her arm around my shoulder.

I nodded, "I messed up Ash, didn't I?"

She shrugged her shoulder. "God bought us all together tonight for a reason. Go talk to her." I looked over to Brooke to see her sitting on some guy's lap. That guy was kissing her..

I put my face in my hands. "So he just bought us here to make me feel like a jerk?" I asked Ashley making her chuckle a bit. "Are you serious?" I asked elbowing her.

"No one ever said you weren't a jerk."

I rolled my eyes and took my phone out again.

Suddenly, I heard someone scream. I looked up to see Abby running excitedly in my direction.

I stood up in time for her to jump into my arms. "I GOT A STRIKE!" She exclaimed making me laugh.

I put her down and glanced over at Brooke who was now looking at us upsettingly.

For the rest of the night I tried to keep my mind off of Brooke and the guy she was with and think about my group of friends.

But when I left that night, something told me I should have said something. Because after that night, everything changed.


I'm sorry I haven't updated in forever.

More updates coming soon :)

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