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~Earlier That Day~

*Brooke's P.O.V.*

After the note I got today, all I wanted to do was curl up in a bawl and cry.

It never hit me how much Matt has actually cared about me until now. Now, he won't even look at me. And that hurt to be honest.

Once I got home I smelt my mom's home made pasta sauce- my dad's favorite.

"Hiya," I said walking into the kitchen.

"Hey honey. How was you day?" She asked as she stirred the sauce.

I shrugged. "I've had better days."

She nodded. "Well today is about to get a lot better. Not only did I make dad's favorite but I have a suprise for you!" She said with the biggest smile I've seen on her face sense my dad died.

"Really, what is it?"

She laughed, her smile growing even bigger. "Now if I tell you that it won't be a surprise anymore now would it? Go upstairs. I'll call you down when I'm ready for you."

I smiled at her before running up to my room.


"Brooke, dinner!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs.

I ran down to the kitchen where she had a whole load of food. Pasta, salad, bread, brownies, fruit punch. "What's going on?" I asked a bit confused.

"I have some news. I don't know if you'll be too excited but I am. Now I've been trying to move on ever since he died. I can't bare to be alone and you leave for college in two years. So I got a boyfriend." She said smiling a lot again.

I didn't like the sound of that. "Wha- what? How could you just leave dad like that?"

"I'm not done. He proposed last night while you were with Cameron." She said holding out her finger. My father's ring was no longer there but this one was there and I hated it.

"But here's the best part." She said handing me a bag. I opened the bag and noticed about 10 pregnancy tests. I took one out, and another, and another and-

"You're pregnant?" I asked, my lip starting to quiver.

"Isn't this great?" She exclaimed clapping her hands together.

"Oh and Ronnie has a nice house a couple hours away from here. So, we're moving in with him!" She smiled as she walked towards the front door.

"We leave tomorrow! You won't be going to school tomorrow we don't have time for that." She opened the door revealing a middle aged man.

"Brooke, meet your step father, Ronnie." He smiled at me before he kissed my mom.

"I hate the both of you!" I screamed at them making my mom's smile fade away.

"Honey you don't mean th-"

"Yes I do!" I continued to yell. Now however, there were tears falling from my eyes.

I took one glance at Ronnie's hand which was tightly gripping my mother's and took off running up to my room.

I sat on my bed crying and telling myself this can't be happening. I even pinched myself a few times and when I didn't wake up from this nightmare I knew my life would never be the same after today.

I pulled out my phone with my shaky hands and started calling Matt. I needed to tell him I felt the same way about him before it was too late.

It rang a few times before I heard "Your call has been forwarded to an-" I hung up and re-dialed.

"Come on, Matt. Come on." I whispered axiously to myself as I started biting my nails. "Come on."

Again I heard those awful words. I had to call someone else. Obviously he was mad and wasn't going to answer my calls. I could tell by the note.

I knew I could count on Ashley. The phone started to ring and before I knew it, I heard those haunting words yet again.

I chucked my phone at my wall. I sat there sobbing as i watched it shatter into a million pieces.

~The Next Day~

*Matt's P.O.V.*

"So how's your girlfriend, lover boy?" Nash asked me as we walked to lunch.

"She's not my girlfriend. I ruined that. She's with Cameron but I took my chances and told her how I felt anyway. She called my last night, twice. I didn't answer and now she won't answer her phone at all. The worst part is is that she's not here today."

Nash patted my back as we walked through the cafeteria. "Ask one of her friends. They might know." He said pointing to Brooke's normal table.

I ran up to them and sat down next to Ashley. Nash slowly followed behind me and sat next to Jocelyn once he finally reached us.

"Do you guys know where Brooke is?" I asked making Ashley and Athena exchange looks. The girl sitting next to Athena spoke up.

"Brooke tried to call Ashley last night, Ashley declined, and when she tried to call back she didn't respond." She informed me.

"Wait who even are you?"

She smiled saying, "the name's Abby. I'm a new student. Friend of Shawn's. Nothing really interesting 'bout me. Want anything else?" I shook my head turning my attention back to Ashley.

"Why'd you decline her call?" She glanced at Athena again getting me irritated.

"Stop doing that! Why didn't you answer her?" I asked raising my voice at her.

"I figured it wasn't that important. I'm sorry! I tried to call her back, I really did! She didn't answer when I called back! It's not my fault!" She answered.

"Well if she's dead it's your fault."

"Hey hold up!" Nash said putting his arm on my shoulder. "You did the same thing as Ashley! You shouldn't be blaming her.

"Shutup, Nash. Nobody likes you." I said pushing his hand off my shoulder.

"Not true. I know Brooke likes me. I also know she can't stand you." He smirked.

"What did you just say?" I whispered pushing him off of his seat.

"Woah!" Shawn said pulling me away from him as I started swinging at him.

"YOU ALREADY HURT ASHLEY, NOW YOU'RE TRYING TO HURT NASH TOO? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?" He yelled, pointing at Ashley's now empty seat. I stood up and brushed off my legs.

"What's wrong with me is I actually care about my friends. Something that you obviously don't know how to do." I said walking out.


I'm actually really proud of this chapter even though it sounds like everyone is about ready to kill someone..

Thanks for reading. Please vote and comment if you enjoyed (:

I'll probably update again soon because I have nothing better to do so talk to you soon <3


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