Chapter 35 - Mirkwood

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Gandalf was gone. He left.  I had no doubt it had to do with the mark.

Now an odd sense of foreboding and dread hung over me like a sword ready to drop. Bilbo seemed to feel it too, watching after Gandalf as he galloped away. The poor hobbit didn't understand. I looked at him for a moment, beginning to see differences in him. It wasn't his appearance, or his bravery etc, though they had changed to, no it was something deeper.

Bilbo turned as he felt eyes on him, meeting my piercing gaze. He shifted as if he had something to hide. I narrowed my eyes.

"Let's go!" Thorin called, snapping me out of what ever strange trance like haze I'd been in. I'd chosen not to mention the mark. It wouldn't make a difference anyway, we'd still go to the mountain and possibly poke at a sleeping dragon. The thought of it all made my stomach drop. Without any Second thoughts, I headed towards the forest entrance, pushing back the primal instinct that shouted:


Thorin was close behind, the rest of he company following in a convoy. Once again the light was swallowed by the forest canopy, the air instantly becoming thick with the sickly sweet rotting taste that hit the back of my throat. I grimaced.

"Gandalf said to keep to the path. We'll take it in turns to guid us, it'll take a few days to travel through this formidable forest." I spoke, keeping my voice quiet as if we were hiding from something in the gloom of the trees. Maybe we were, and deep down I knew that we had to keep quiet, not attract attention. Thorin gave a swift nod as we continued on the path.

The further into the forest we went, the less light there was to see by, and the less air there was to breath. I began to feel woozy, shaking my head every now and then as if to clear it. I used my feet to tap away at the ground, listening to the subtle sounds the path or the dirt gave so I wouldn't miss lead us. We traveled like this for a few hours before Thorin decided to make camp.

"Wait, stay on the road, and make sure the fire is high. We're not alone!" I hissed, a shiver going down my spine as I pin pointed the odd feeling I'd been getting all day. We were being watched, but not by elves or simple forest life. By something much darker. The dwarves went to work quickly, not bothering to cook anything and simple eating what dried food they had in their packs.

After that, we sat sprawled across the path, huddle together back to back so nothing could creep up on us. I'd offered to take first watch, as I doubted I'd be able to sleep with the eerie feeling of being watched setting my hair on end. I sat back to back with Thorin, glaring into the shadows. I knew they were there. But they would not show themselves.

When the last few flickers of light were gone, the forest seemed to resurrect itself. Strange noises and trees groaning echoed around us, making me twitch nervously. I didn't like this place, it was wrong.

'Evil sleeps here' my wolf growled, the same dread corrupting her as well.

'Not safe'

"I know." I told her, my eyes doing another sweep through our meagre camp. Everyone stayed close together, easily in sight and touching distance of one another. Even the dwarves seemed to sense the dark presence in the forest, sleeping lightly and jumping at the slightest noise.

The trees groaned above us, and my eyes instantly snapped upward. A hiss came from the shadows up there and I found myself growling back. Eyes, beady black eyes watched us. There looked to be hundreds. I had no idea what was keeping them back, but I had a good idea that it was the fire. Just in case, I added more fuel, making sure that I kept my eyes towards the havens.

It was no use, I wouldn't be able to watch them all at once and keep and eye on the company. Guiltily, I nudged Thorin. He was awake in a millisecond, looking towards me with worry.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2016 ⏰

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