Luka POV
I awoke to the sound of a crackling fire, popping and snapping as it devoured the wood. I could feel the heat from it on my side, and when I opened my eyes, my surroundings were lit up with a soft, orange light. It was night, but the fire supplied warmth, as did the layers of cloth I was wrapped up in. I was grateful for the added cloth, as it covered my naked flesh.
"You gave me quite the fright" Someone chuckled from nearby. I sat up instantly, growling as I turned towards the voice. Sitting on a tree stump on the other side of the fire, was an old man. The old man had a greying beard and long hair, and his attire was all grey. Grey hat, grey robes, the only thing that wasn't grey was his staff that he kept close to his side. I relaxed slightly as I realised this old man wasn't a threat. I opened my mouth to speak, but then shut it again. I hadn't spoken to another being in...I'd lost count of how long. Instead of speaking, I laid back down, looking at the old man expectantly.
"You were rather beat up when I found you. And by the looks of those arrows -" he pointed to a pile of elf and Orc arrows a few feet away "-you have not been having a good day!" The man chuckled at my misfortune, making me growl softly, I didn't like being laughed at. I sat, staring intently at the man once more, encouraging him to speak.
"Any way, I shan't ask questions-" the man smoked his pipe for a moment, sighing deeply as he exhaled "-other then ask where you are going"
He fixed his old eyes on me, they seemed to sparkle with mischief and...magic. The silence lay heavy on the air as I gathered my thoughts.
"I-I have not made a de-decision. I go where my hearrrt tells me to." I managed to stutter, stumbling over words like a nag does jumps. My voice sounded...strange, rough and feral, but the old man understood me all the same.
"Is that so? Well, what is your heart telling you right now...?" The old man chuckled, raising a busy old eye brow. I furrowed my brows, thinking hard. I wanted somewhere peaceful and calm...something I'd never really had. But where was this place my heart yearned for? I wanted to stear clear of the elves, and orcs and goblins...but where?
'The shire' my wolf whispered to me.
"Hobbiton-" I blurted out "-it's telling me to go to Hobbiton" the man smiled.
"Well, it seems we're both In luck. It just so happens that I am also traveling to the shire. I'm going to be putting on a fire work show you see" I nodded, as if I completely understood, but...fireworks?
"My name is Gandalf the grey, the wandering -" I froze, he was a "- wizard"
I became rigid. I had once had quite a bad run in with a wizard, I ended up with blue fur for a month! I wasn't so sure about this 'old man' any more, although he had saved my life.
"Luka-" I barked, extending a hand for him to shake "-at your service, it's a pleasure to meet you" I was getting the hang of talking again quite easily.
"Well Luka, what do you think?" The Wizard chuckled, shaking my hand.
I looked at him strangely. Think about what? Gandalf sighed, smoking his pipe once more. I watched in awe as the smoke twisted and became a butterfly, flapping its wings once or twice before disappearing.
"A nods as good as a wink to a blind horse-" he muttered to himself, making me frown more...was he calling me stupid?! "- what do you think about us traveling to the Shire together, Miss Luka?"
I paused, thinking it over.
"It depends, how do you feel about traveling with a skin-changer?..."
I'm sorry, this is a very short chapter, but next one is gonna be a lot longer, I promise. Vote, comment and have a good one! xx

Devotion (Thorin/OC)
FanfictionShe goes by many names; the fearless one...blood runner...chain breaker. She has lived through many things. She had seen many faces. But will any of this help her when Gandalf seeks her help in a quest. She constantly struggles to contain the beast...