Chapter three: Big Mistake!

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Tormented screams and insane moans floated on the ever stagnant air. The rancid smell of rotting corpses and foul smelling cages lingered on the non-existent breeze, wafting around the prison as an ever present reminder of what was to come. The cramped rusty cages containing wargs, were dark, excrement caking the bars that had never been cleaned.

The cages were rancid and the wargs they held were shrouded in pitch black darkness. Demented growls and snarls came from the beasts inside some cages, and screaming and insane laughing came from the iron doors behind them, cages in the own right.

I tried to ignore this all as I was dragged along by a pack of orcs, lead by Azog himself. Everywhere hurt, my swollen eye, my broken arm, and the new assortment of bruises and scrapes that covered my entire body. My legs couldn't even hold me up, I'd been beaten for so long. I'd lost count of how many orcs I'd beaten to death with my fists while they took the other skin changer away.

Before the iron doors had slammed shut, we had exchanged names.


"Luka" I had managed to yell, before being cornered again by a group of orcs. I looked up, wincing slightly as my legs dragged painfully across the rough floor, scraping off the skin and leaving bloody streaks in my wake. I couldn't see out of my swollen right eye, but from my left I saw the upcoming doors, leading to the blood room...


I began thrashing around, but my strength was all but gone. Soon enough I was dragged into the room, and none of my resistance helped me.

The dark stone walls were covered in dried blood and chains. In a corner, a large pile of bodies lay rotting. I gaged, my inner animal going crazy at the sight of so much death. The death of my kin.

The beasts inside the cages outside quieted as the iron door slammed shut behind us. I growled and weakly struggled as I was slammed down onto the wooden chair, then chained to it. I winced as my bruised back pressed hard against the chair and the chains dug into my broken arm and wounded limbs. Even though I was beginning to slowly heal, it still hurt like a bitch.

Galzac stepped forward, a cruel smile on his face.

"Hello mutt, ready for another round?!"

I snarled, lurching forward and straining against the chains as my anger got the better of me, my wolf taking control momentarily before I pushed her back down. I followed Galzac with my eyes as he walked over to a table filled with bloodied instruments. Many would die of infection was just a matter of time. He grabbed a particularly bloodied and rusty knife, then walked towards me.

'Kill himmm' a rough female voice growled inside my head. My body shuddered as my inner animal strained to get out. My muscles strained as I clenched every one of them, trying to prepare for the pain I was about to feel. I closed my eyes.

"Wait..." Azog growled, making me snap my eyes open to look at him. I didn't like what I saw. A cruel smile was on his lips, as he strode up to Galzac, snatching the knife from him.

" You three stay, the rest leave!" He growled at the others, while pointing at Galzac and two others.

'Big mistake you bastard' I though menacingly, concealing the tired smirk that threatened to break my firm scowl.

The orcs always had more then 12 in here, incase their...subject broke free. But these orcs knew better then to argue with Azog.

I bared my teeth at Azog as nearly everyone left. It made me smirk slightly as I saw the fear flash on the faces of the other orcs. Like I said, I had a reputation.

A plan started to form in my mind.

I screamed In pain as a knife was abruptly slammed down into my right knee, sinking so deep only the handle stuck out.

"You will look at me when I speak to you, bitch"

I snarled when the pale bastard called me a bitch, but cried out as he pushed the blade deeper, if that was possible. I nodded my head frantically. Follow the plan.

"Good..." Azog growled, showing his pointed fangs. I bared my own, my eyes flashing as my wolf pushed to the surface. While Azog grabbed another knife, I let my gaze flicker from Galzac to the other two, stood on either side of the door, sick smiles on their faces. I howled in pain as another knife was stabbed deep into my left shoulder of the arm that was broken. The orcs laughed as they heard my screams. I quickly clamped my jaw closed, I would not give them the pleasure of seeing me scream.

"Unbroken? I think not" Azog laughed, coming to stand right infront of me. Big, big mistake. A smirk came on my lips as I looked him in the eyes, my smirk turning into a mad smile.

'Now' in a sudden movement, I snapped the weak chains with the last of my strength, hissing as my broken arm fixed itself with the sudden movement. In a split second, I had Azog pinned to the bloody wall, his throat clutched in my frail hands.

I snarled, before punching him as hard as I could. Sadly, that wasn't as hard as it could've been, but it was enough.

I span round as the two orcs at the door charged at me, their weapons raised. I side stepped the first one, my right leg shaking as blood dribbled down from the knife imbedded deep in my knee. I reached up and yanked the knife from my shoulder, before slitting the orcs throat with it and moving on to the next one. I punched his gut after ducking under a swing, winding him. A Snarl ripped from my throat as I grabbed his weapon a swung it at his head. Warm blood spattered across my face as his head caved in. Slowly I turned to Galzac curled up in a corner. I smiled crazily.

I slowly limped towards him, letting the mace drag along the floor, creating sparks. Oh I was enjoying this...

"N-no, p-please have merc-"

I ended him quickly and brought the mace down, smashing his scull in. Warm blood once again hit me, painting me red.

I looked down at the unconscious Azog, my eyes narrowing. Should I-

I heard shouting outside, and ran towards Galzacs corpse. I snatched the keys off his belt before kicking the door open.

It was time to break free.


Sorry I'm really tired so this chapter isn't too good :/ sorry. Vote, comment, have a good one! xx

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