Luka POV
The noises cut off quickly as the door slammed against the dirty wall. I stood in the doorway, taking in the sights, the smells...of death. I felt more wild now that I was unleashed. Those fools, they would regret the day they 'let' me go.
An evil, crazed smile became smeared across my bloodied face as I took a step forward. Then another and another, and before to long I was sprinting best I could past the caged wargs. The hall was quiet, except for the rattling of chains as the creatures inside the cages shifted nervously. I paid no attention to the pain that threatened to ruin my escape, I was drunk on the promise of freedom. I turned left, then right and then left once again down a labyrinth of dark hallways.
I ran almost blindly.
Now that I was roaming free down these hallways, I began to truly notice how many there were left of us. The answer was hardly any. As I ran past prison cells I realised most of them were empty, or held dead or dying shifters. None of them would make it through this but I freed them any way. I ran ahead of the crowd of sick and old, limping down hallways in an attempt to find the door I was looking for.
I followed my animal instincts, and used my enhanced eyesight to track the signs I needed. Claw marks across walls, a few splatters of blood here and there, and of course the stench of bear. I followed all of this, twisting and turning down hallways, stumbling as fast as I could whilst trying to keep the knife in my knee from moving. The pain was increasing, but I tried to ignore it. I couldn't slow down.
Finally I made it, just as I was beginning to hear the yells and growls of orcs and wargs. They were coming. I quickly fiddled with the keys, guessing which one would fit the keyhole. I tried everyone I came across with quivering hands.
A deep threatening growl came from inside the dark room as I flung open the door, making my wolf nervous and more jittery then she already was. I caught the scent of bear, and instantly relaxed, knowing this was the right cell.
"Beorn, it's me Luka, we have to go, come on" I snapped at the hulking shape in one of the corners, before turning and staggering away from the sounds of orcs and their wargs. I was relieved when I heard the sound of massive paws following behind me. I placed a hand on my impaled knee, hoping and limping as fast as I could. Beorn had already past me, but thankfully he kept waiting for me every few seconds. But I knew, I was slowing him down.
'They're coming' my wolf hissed at me, frantically pushing for us to shift and run. But I needed to get the knife out before I shifted, or else it would become logged in my joint as I changed. But there was no time.
Left, right, left, left again, right, left, right!
We turned corners and ran down hallways as fast as we could, trying to put as much distance between us and the orcs. Then I smelt it. The sweet scent of grass, the fresh, cold air of freedom, and the enticing aroma of clean water. CLEAN water, something I thought I'd never see again. Beorn obviously smelt it too, because he was instantly sprinting ahead, following the scent trail like me.
'Were nearly there!'
I took my hand away from my knee as my limping turned into an unsteady sprint. Nothing was keeping me from my freedom now. A cold breeze blew back my long hair, and caressed my skin, making me shiver. The cold didn't bother me anymore I'd lived with it for years. A smile reached my lips as I broke into a fast sprint, ignoring the pain throughout my body, following the breeze.
The way out! I finally turned a corner, leading down a long tunnel. I could see Beorn galloping down it towards the gaping hole at the bottom, leading to the outside world. I had the urge to howl with joy, but I concentrated on running. The orcs weren't too far behind now.

Devotion (Thorin/OC)
FanficShe goes by many names; the fearless one...blood runner...chain breaker. She has lived through many things. She had seen many faces. But will any of this help her when Gandalf seeks her help in a quest. She constantly struggles to contain the beast...