Luka POV
I had warned them. I had told them we had to find another path. But they would not listen, not that they could hear me now over the wind screaming in our ears. With the rain lashing down on my face, I couldn't help but wish I hadn't shifted back as the thin clothing I wore was no match for this storm. However, with the path so narrow and slippy, my hulking wolf form would never fit down it.
I shuffled down the track after Fili and Kili, grimacing as my long hair stuck to my face and neck. I had the overwhelming urge to shake away the rain drops rolling down my face and arms as I would as a wolf. Yet, fear of falling kept me from doing so. I had promised myself that I wouldn't come back here, or any place that had ever caused me pain and left me with scars that wouldn't ever heal. I had so many scars, both physical and mental, serving as souvenirs from my travels around Middle Earth.
And yet, here I was, back at a place that nearly made me meet my end. I subconsciously raised a hand to the iron collar around my neck...more specifically, the jagged stone, goblin made arrow head. I grimaced as I felt the rough, ice cold metal chafe against my bare neck, the freezing rain droplets only making the matter worse, in every way.
I reached out for a new hand hold, clutching the cliff with a vengeance; I had never liked heights. The trail we traveled along was narrow and dangerous; a cliff to our left and a sheer drop on our right. This storm was messing with my sense of smell and hearing, all I could smell was damp earth and my squinted eyes could only see kili's ' brown hair in front of me. Thorins scent was faint and was washed away by the wind and rain, making me nervous that I couldn't see him. Lightning flashed nearby, making me flinch away from the sudden light, a few moments later thunder roared, the sound deafening.
"Hold on!" I vaguely heard Thorin bellow, as we all huddled against the cliff side. I growled softly, my eyes darkening...If only they had listened. My head snapped back at I heard Bilbo scream behind me. I turned just in time to see Dwalin throw out a hand and save bilbo from the fatal fall he was about to enjoy. The ground bilbo had been standing on had given way, almost sending him to a rocky death. I scowled at the danger Thorin had put the company in! why that stupid, stubborn mule! I told them! I told them...
"We must find shelter!" Thorin cried, suddenly realising the danger we were all in.
"Watch out!"Dwalin suddenly shouted, pulling Bilbo and myself closer to the mountain side. I cursed as a massive boulder came hurtling out of the darkness, crashing into the mountain side above us and sending a shower of rocks tumbling down upon us. We pressed ourselves against the cliff, trying to avoid the jagged rocks.
"This is no thunderstorm; it's a thunder battle! Look!" Balin cried, from further up the line, his voice full of awe and terror. I looked out across the mountain side, my eyes widening at the sight. Giants...stone giants! From a nearby mountain, the colossus being reared up, ripping a large chuck off the top of a mountain to its right. My breath left me, my shock and awe making me forget my need for the cold harsh air around us.
"Well bless me, the legends are true. Giants; Stone Giants!" I hear someone nearby whisper, my eyes fixed on the hulking golem.
"Take cover; you'll fall!" Thorin roared, his voice competing with the thunders bellow.
"What's happening?!" One of the pups cried as the noise level kicked it up a notch. I watched, horrified, as another stone giant appeared from behind us, carrying a boulder of its own in its ginormous hands. I yelped in shock as the first giant hurled his rocky weapon at the head of the stone giant beside us. The second giant roared in pain and anger as he went crashing own, the blow to his head making his face crumble. Suddenly, the ground beneath my feet began to shake and crack. I looked up wide eyed as the clif split, the divide separating the to pups.

Devotion (Thorin/OC)
FanfictionShe goes by many names; the fearless one...blood runner...chain breaker. She has lived through many things. She had seen many faces. But will any of this help her when Gandalf seeks her help in a quest. She constantly struggles to contain the beast...