Luka POV
The morning was in full swing. We had all split up to search for the troll cave, and I was now following my nose as it caught a ghastly scent of troll. My sides hurt, and it was hard to breath, but I ignored it and kept going. Carrying my pack now became a huge chore. I pushed some bushes out my way and gaged at the smell. Yes, I'd defiantly found it.
"Thorin, over here!" I shouted, waiting by the cave entrance for them to catch up.
A few moments later, the company appeared, lead by Thorin.
"Oh, what's that stench?!" Nori cried, gagging at the horrid smell coming from the cave. I rolled my eyes, what did he expect, roses and daisies?!
"It's a troll hoard. Be careful what you touch." Gandalf shouted back as he entered the cave, Thorin and a few others on his heals. My nose was already burning so I decided I'd leave exploring the cave to the others. Instead, I went and sat on a boulder near by.
"You did see that back there didn't you, brother?" I looked up as I caught the quiet whispers of Fili and Kili talking. Quite a few had decided to stay out of the troll hole, and I couldn't blame them.
"Aye, I did. It was just as bilbo had said. But why d'ye think it attacked the trolls?" Fili whispered back, looking around as if expecting my beast form to come bursting out of the bushes.
"Maybe it was just trying to get a quick, easy meal?"
"EASY?! I wouldn't say attacking three trolls would be easy! Besides if that was the case, it would of stayed after the trolls were dead." Fili replied to his brother.
"Hmm.. I don't know, but it was weird that uncle ran after it. Maybe he meant to kill it?" Kili asked, his face confused.
"I don't know brother, we'll ask bilbo later, maybe he'll know somethin'" Fili assured his brother as Thorin and the others came out of the cave. Nori and Gloin came out dusting off dirt from their knees, while Gandalf walked over to bilbo, a small knife in his hands.
I found myself watching Thorin as he walked out of the cave, attaching a new sword to his belt, Dwalin following close behind. I winced as my ribs gave a quick shock of pain as I adjusted my seat, trying to get comfortable . Then I heard it, a furious thundering of galloping feet. It was getting closer.
"Thorin-" I shouted, gaining his immediat attention "-I hear footfalls". He listened for a moment, before his face grew serious.
"Something's coming!"Thorin shouted, pulling his new sword from its sheath. I didn't take out my swords, instead I took out my bow, notching an arrow before bounding of into the woods after Thorin. The others followed closely behind.
The closer the sound came, the odder it seemed. Eight sets of animal paws thundered across the forest floor. I couldn't identify which animal, but it was too quick for wargs.
"Thieves! Fire! Murder!" A crazy voice bellowed.
I leapt back with a growl as a sleigh pulled by large rabbits flew by, carrying an old man dressed in brown.
"Radagast! Radagast the Brown. Ah. What on earth are you doing here?" Gandalf cried, walking to greet his friend.
Radagast the Brown? Hm, fitting. I lowered my weapons and put them away, knowing there was no threat. Only now did I notice the protective way Thorin stood near me. Was he protecting me? No, mustn't have noticed me...
"I was looking for you, Gandalf. Something's wrong. Something's terribly wrong." The Brown wizard replied, his eyes panicked.
"Yes?" Gandalf questioned, dragging out the word and raising an eyebrow. Radagast opened his mouth to speak, but shut it. He opened his mouth again, but closed it once again. He had forgotten what he was going to say!
"Oh, just give me a minute. Um, oh, I had a thought, and now I've lost it. It was, it was right there, on the tip of my tongue."mradagast sowled, curling his tongue before addopting a surprised look.
"Oh, it's not a thought at all; it's a silly old..." Radagast began, stopping to allow Gandalf the pull the bug from his opened mout.
"-stick insect!"
I laughed, shaking my head while the rest of the company look flustered or confused. Gandalf and Radagast walked away to speak privately, leaving the company to talk while we waited.
"Where were you?" A deep, unmistakeable voice asked from my right. I turned slightly to look a Thorin, before staring back at the over grown bunnies. My scent was driving them insane with fear. I knew what he was asking about. Where was I when the trolls attacked. Little did he know I was there to help.
"What do you mean?" I asked stiffly, tensing my muscles. My attention my set on Thorin, nothing else.
"You know what I'm talkin-"
He was cut off by a howl in the distance, not far off. My wolf...the beast went crazy. It howled and snarled, pushing for control so it could rip the treat to shreds.
"Was that a wolf? Are there--are there wolves out there?" Bilbo cried, standing in between Fili and Kili.
"Wolves? No, that is not a wolf." Bofur whispered, pulling out his weapon.
"Thorin!" I screamed as a wargs leapt out of no where, aiming for him. I shoved him out the way, praying the fall didn't hurt to much, and took his place in front of the warg. The weight of the warg sent us both crashing to the ground. A loud growl ripped from my throat as the beast clawed at my chest.
I tried to reach for one of my swords, but stopped to scream in pain as it sank its teeth into my shoulder. The beast yelped as I snatched a dagger from my belt and stabbed its neck over and over until it slumped and realised its hold on my shoulder. I struggled to get it off, until someone else helped. I leapt up, gasping as my lungs were granted air. I held my shoulder, whipping round wildly, trying to catch a scent. They were every where
My animal side was taking over, and peoples words suddenly became confusing to me.
It was body movement that made sense now. The tremble of a muscle, the twitch of a finger. Fear leaked from everyone. Suddenly, the grey man walked towards my Vasva In a threatening manner. A snarl tore from me as I intercepted his path.
One more step, and he was dead.
He understood this. He froze, adapting a neutral stance, an unthreatening one. I cocked my head assessing him, them backed up slightly to Thorin side. I watched as the brown man leapt onto his sleigh, a determine look on his face. More howls echoed around us.
The human took control.
I gasped as I came to, shaking my feral thoughts from my mind.
Radagast was going to help us.
"I will help. Gandalf look after these" I snapped, not giving anyone a chance to refuse as I threw my weapons and my pack at Gandalf who past them out to other dwarves to carry. I gave a wicked smile before bounding out after the rabbit sleigh.
The second I was out of sight I shifted.
The beast wanted blood.
Sorry bit short, kinda a filler while I decide the next move for Luka and how to write it :)
Vote, comment and have a good one! xx

Devotion (Thorin/OC)
FanfictionShe goes by many names; the fearless one...blood runner...chain breaker. She has lived through many things. She had seen many faces. But will any of this help her when Gandalf seeks her help in a quest. She constantly struggles to contain the beast...