Luka POV
I walked through bilbos house, observing the dwarves. They sat in groups, talking. A few times I was cast a curious look, but for the most part I was ignored. I still only knew the names of a few dwarves, and I was never very good at talking with people. I settled down in a corner the dining room, aware of Thorin coming back into the house again.
I closed my eyes, listening.
" the lass with us?" Asked an old, kind, (familiar), voice.
"Yes" Thorin replied in a way that sent shivers down my spine. I opened my eyes to watch the hobbit walk away down the hall. It seemed we had lost our 'burglar'.
"It appears we have lost our burglar. -" Balin echoed my thoughts "-Probably for the best. The odds were always against us. After all, what are we? Merchants, miners, tinkers, toy-makers; hardly the stuff of legend." The older dwarf sighed.
"There are a few warriors amongst us." Thorin chuckled, the sound making the beast purr. I scowled to myself, annoyed that I couldn't control the monster. Or myself. I was acting like a young girl again, how foolish.
"Old warriors." The older dwarf laughed.
"I will take each and every one of these dwarves over an army from the Iron Hills. For when I called upon them, they came. Loyalty. Honor. A willing heart. I can ask no more than that." Thorin proclaimed, his voice strong and...king-like.
"You know, lass. It rude to listen in on someone else's conversation." A cheery voice chuckled beside me, making me jump and the beast to instantly start growling and snarling. My muscles strained but I was pleased that I controlled it. The merry dwarf had a dimpled smile along with dark brown hair covered by a furry hat. He had an upbeat aura about him that made me feel...less on edge?
"The names your service!" Bofur broke the awkward silence, tipping his hat.
"Er...Luka, at yours..."I replied uncertainly, I wasn't sure what to do in these situations. I wasn't around others much...
"Pleased to meet you miss Luka. Am I right te assume ye haven't met m' brothers?" Bofur asked me, his trade mark smile gracing his lips. I nodded my head with a soft smile, I decided I was fond of this dwarf.
"Well then miss, we'll just have te change that now, won't we?" Before I could answer, Bofur linked his arms with mine, dragging me from the dinning room towards a small group dwarves. The beast had calmed down a bit, but now it started back up again, howling and snarling as we went. I bit down on my tongue in an attempt to control it. It didn't work.
My strained and tired expression was soon back in place, but still we walked towards the group.
"Gents! Let me introduce...miss Luka!" Bofur called to the group who quickly turned towards us. Unluckily, so did the others who were around. Now I seemed to have the attention of every dwarf in the room. Bofur lead me forward once more, towards the original group.
"Now lass, allow me te introduce you te me brothers. This 'ere's Bifur, and the others Bombur" Bofur said, pointing out two dwarves. One, Bifur, had a mop of black hair and a grey beard but what I noticed most was the axe head buried deep to Bifurs' skull. The other dwarf was by far the biggest of the bunch, with a big ginger plait that reached his stomach and then looped back round to his head. Bombur had the same cheeky smile as bofur, and I imagine the same humor. I dipped my head to them both, very aware of the other dwarves that had moved in closer.
"Ah yes, and these are the others! Allow me to introduce:

Devotion (Thorin/OC)
FanfictionShe goes by many names; the fearless one...blood runner...chain breaker. She has lived through many things. She had seen many faces. But will any of this help her when Gandalf seeks her help in a quest. She constantly struggles to contain the beast...