Luka POV
A small bird, a thrush I believed, flew, it's tiny wings carrying it towards a solitary mountain. It bounced from current to current, flying past the ruined gates of Erebor. The tiny creature dropped down onto a rock on the side of the mountain, picking up a snail in its small beak.
When the Thrush knocks...
The tiny bird banged the snails shell against the side of the mountain, attempting to crack it open. With each tap, the noise sounded ten times as loud, echoing in my ears. The scene changed and I was now inside the mountain. It was dark, but I could see perfectly. Vast mounds of treasure surrounded me, as far as the eye could see. But I didn't care for the gold. A pile of gold, coins and jewels shuddered before sliding down the small mountain of gold and stopping by my feet.
Terror filled me as my eyes traced the path of the fallen treasure back up to its original resting place. Scales, their colour as rich as blood and as shiny as rubies, contrasted powerfully against the shining gold. I stared at Smaugs snout, the harrowing sound of him drawing in a deep breath making my stomach drop. Slowly, as a deep rumbling growl echoed powerfully around the mountain, Smaug raised his massive head. My heart stopped as he looked down as me, his eyes still closed.
I tried to move but I couldn't. His eyes snapped open glaring down at me, his pupils turning into slits. He snarled, baring him teeth as he drew in a deep breath. Oh no...
As fire erupted from his mighty jaws, I screamed, my skin blazing with heat and pain.
I jolted upright, breathing fast. I groaned the instant I did, my entire body aching as pain burned into my senses.
"Easy" a deep voice murmured gently from my right. I slowly lowered my self back down and then looked towards the owner of the voice. I knew who it was.
Thorin sat beside me, gazing down at me with a look in his eye. I smiled softly, happy to see him alive and well, but then winced as my body protested again any movement.
"I was starting to think you wouldn't wake up." Thorin spoke, his voice gentle and soft. I laughed tiredly and shook my head.
"I've had worse-"
"I doubt that" Thorin cut me off instantly, frowning as he looked down at his hands.
"Gloin did what he could to stop the bleeding for now, but your wounds will have to be cleaned and sown." I nodded in agreement before realising we were not on top of the huge rock any more. How had they moved me?
"How did y-?"
"Move you here?...I....carried you" Thorin explained quietly, his bright blue eyes meeting my own dull ones.
"You should get some rest. I'll be on watch, you can sleep" Thorin said before I'd even had the chance to yawn. How did he-? I sighed, my eyes stinging as I yawned. I nodded my head before lying down on my side as to not hurt my shredded back. I closed my eyes and shivered. God it was cold.
A warm blanket was placed over me, fur tickling my neck. I opened one eye to find Thorin coat covering me. I looked over at Thorin to find his back facing me. I smiled and then buried my head into Thorins coat, enjoying his scent as I was surrounded by it.
"Night" I whispered weakly, not expecting a reply.
"Good night...Vavak yven ( little wolf)" Thorin replied softly after a few minuets, making me smile.
I winced as Gloin removed the bandages. I sat, Thorins coat clutched to my chest to hide my naked form. Bandages had seemed to cover everything before, but now it was time to treat all the wounds. Just adding more scars to the pile. I grimaced as Gloin gave the bandage a quick tug as dried blood welded it to my back. I felt hot blood dripping down my back as Gloin began cleaning off the scabs. My torso was now completely uncovered with no bandages. I clenched my jaws, waiting for Gloin to spot the scars on my back. Blood had concealed the horrid things before but now, I couldn't hide them.

Devotion (Thorin/OC)
FanfictionShe goes by many names; the fearless one...blood runner...chain breaker. She has lived through many things. She had seen many faces. But will any of this help her when Gandalf seeks her help in a quest. She constantly struggles to contain the beast...