Luka POV
I had taken everyone's watch, and when the first light broke, I was the one to wake them up. I started with the pups, they lay in pile on top of one another. It was extremely funny to see. I tiptoed over, stepping over snoring dwarves and their bags. The morning air was cold and fresh, and I could smell the rain that would soon fall. This was going to make keeping up with the ponies hard.
I knelt down beside the brothers and poked Kilis' face...nothing happened. I tried again a little harder, but again nothing. Fili wasn't any different. I scowled. I tried waking some off the other dwarves up the same way, but alas I got no were. I growl to myself, then spotted the cook pot with the ladle inside. Perfect.
I grabbed the ladle and wacked the side of the pot. A loud ring was extremely effective in waking them up. In seconds, dwarves were leaping round, grabbing their weapons and coming together. I, however, just stood their, hands on hips.
"Wakey, wakey we haven't got all day! Get up, get got and get going." I shouted, throwing the ladle back into the pot and stalking over to my things in order to pack. The day went from there. I walked, while everyone else rode the muddy ponies, who were beginning to get used to me. Not surprisingly, the heavens opened and rain poured down, making the dirt floor muddy and hard to walk on. As I predicted, I had a hard time catching up, and ended at the back.
We were all cold, wet and miserable,( me especially).
"Here, Mr. Gandalf, can't you do something about this deluge?" Dori shouted up to the front. Distracted by this, I slipped and fell. I let out a small yelp as my ankle twisted. Thorins' head whipped round to see me sat in the mud, holding my right foot. A scowl came upon his face as he turned his pony and came trotting over to me. Without looking at me, he offered a hand, which I took. Unexpectedly, Thorin pulled me up onto the pony, sitting me in front of him.
I gasped as his arms came round me to hold the reins and his chin went to my right shoulder so he could see. Thankfully, he couldn't see my face, or so I thought, as it was burning and was most likely bright red. We trotted back to the front, just in time to catch Gandalf speaking.
"It is raining, Master Dwarf, and it will continue to rain until the rain is done. If you wish to change the weather of the world, you should find yourself another wizard." I scowled at this, as I was freezing as I had given my cloak to one of the pups. My body,despite the warmth coming off Thorin, began to violently shiver.
"Are there any?" Bilbo asked.
"What?" Gandalf blinked, turning in the saddle to look at bilbo.
"Other wizards?" Bilbo sighed. I jumped as Thorin spoke in my ear, capturing my attention.
"Cold?" I wordlessly nodded, my teeth chattering as my body shook. Suddenly, Thorin wrapped his coat around the both of us, pulling me closer as covering me with warmth. In doing this, he had to rest his chin on my shoulder, sending electrics shocks through my body. The beast purred so loudly it blocked out any other sound except the rapid beating of my heart.
'Mark' the beast snarled at me, pushing for control, but I didn't give in. I snuggled deeper into Thorin coat, effectively shutting the beast up through contact.
I awoke as someone called my name in a deep alluring voice. My eyes flickered open, but the warm behind me called me back to sleep. I moved closer to the warmth, unwillingly leave it. But all good things come to an end.
"Miss.Luka!" A voice snapped. A voice belonging to Master Thorin. I was fulling awake and off the pony In seconds,wide eyed and humiliated.
" Im so sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep I swear. It's just that it was warm...and...and..." I trailed of as I realised my clothes were still wet. I look down and immediately wished I hadn't worn white today. The blouse followed every curve like a second skin, and I felt my face warm up as the thought of Thorin seeing this.
I looked up. To my horror, Thorins' eyes fluttered over me, his eyes dark and an unreadable look, that was there so often, on his face. Heat exploded at the bottom of my stomach, but my heart stopped as Thorin looked up and met my eye. His face instantly was taken over by a scowl and he past Kili his reins and stormed off to the remains of an old abandoned farmhouse not far away. For some reason, that look, of distrust and hatred made my wish to cry and I never, ever cried. I quickly slipped off into the forest, making sure I was out of sight before I began running.
The light was already dim, as the sun would soon fully disappear. I ran until the sun had gone, which was a very long time. The reason I had stopped, was because of a smell that reached my nose. It smelt like rotting corpses, mould and many other thing I would rather not name.
Panic rushed through me as I worried for the company. Sadly I'd left my weapons back at camp. With out further thought, I shifted and followed my nose towards the disgusting smell of troll. THe closer I got, the louder it became. Shouts and battle cries reached my ears, making me increase my pace.
By the time I reached my destination, it seemed the dwarves were already in trouble. Half were in sacks, while the other were over the fire, being slowly roasted!
I hid in a bush, using my dark fur and the shadows to conceal myself. I quickly found Thorin, gladly in the pile of sacked dwarves, looking furious. The beast growled in anger, the emotion was so powerful, the sound ripped from my throat.
"D'ye hear that?" One of he trolls asked, looking round.
"What yer talking bout?...I don't 'ear nothin'" another replied, looking back down at a terrified bilbo who appeared to be giving them 'cooking tips'. I circled the camp, watching the trolls closely. The beast pushed for control so it could rip the trolls apart.
"What about the seasoning?" The third troll, supposedly the cook, asked, leaning forward.
'KILL!!!' the beast roared, suddenly taking full control. We burst out of the bushes, starling everyone. Bilbo leapt back in fright, landing on top of Bofur. A snarl ripped from my throat as I knocked the dwarfs from the spit and away from the fire. One of the trolls screamed, sounding more like a human girl then a troll. I whipped round and lunged at the screaming troll, clawing at its chest as I knocked it down.
"'Elp! 'Elp meh!" The troll squealed. I leapt from the trolls chest as another brought down a club on the space I had momentarily occupied. The troll yelp as the spiked club came into contact with its rib cage. While they were distracted, I jumped onto the back of the third troll, biting down on its shoulder and shaking my head side to side viscously. The taste of troll blood made me want to be sick, but I kept at it. I smelt a familiar scent, and quickly looked up.
I was suddenly hit hard in my side, sending me flying into a large tree. I yelped as a few ribs cracked, winding me. Gandalf stood on a large rock above the clearing, his staff raised high.
"The dawn will take you all!" Gandalf bellowed, bringing his staff down on the rock. I looked over to Thorin, to see him staring back. I got up with great difficulty, and ran off back to camp, limping away with a great deal of pain.
I quickly shifted back, wheezing as the pain increased with the shift. My ribs were bruised and cracked, making any sudden movement painful. I wrapped my ribs, before quickly getting dressed and getting all my things ready to go. A few moments later, Thorin ran into the clearing. He stooped, and stared at me for a moment.
Did he know?
He looked around, noticing a few spots of my blood. I cursed myself for not cleaning it up quicker.
"Did you see...never mind" Thorin sighed as the rest of the company followed behind him, Gandalf giving me a knowing look.
"We have a troll cave to find!" Thorin snarled, his mood bad again. He shot me an odd look before stomping out of the clearing.
Sorry about the small chapter. I may stray from the exact story line because of the characters influence. Vote, comment and have a good one! xx

Devotion (Thorin/OC)
FanficShe goes by many names; the fearless one...blood runner...chain breaker. She has lived through many things. She had seen many faces. But will any of this help her when Gandalf seeks her help in a quest. She constantly struggles to contain the beast...