Chapter 23: into the fire...

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Luka POV

Once the force of the explosion had passed, rage hit me like a ton of bricks. My vision became red and once I'd gotten off Thorin, I shifted. I howled, the sound haunting, then jumped into the Frey, killing any goblin I saw before Gandalf even had a chance to speak.

I kept a close eye on Thorin, but once he had his sword, he took care of himself. The dwarves quickly began fighting the goblins, working together while I just crashed through the goblins ranks, tearing them apart and becoming covered in thick black blood. I froze when Thorin jumped infront of the great goblin, deflecting the blow that was meant for Nori. A satisfied growl escaped me as the fat goblin stumbled backwards, falling off the edge of the platform. Thorin could take care of himself, I knew, but I still stayed close.

"Follow me! Quickly, run!" Gandalf bellowed, leading the others along a pathway leading away from the throne room. I quickly followed, my back pulsing painfully, clearing the path for them as I barrelled through the sea of goblin in our path. I knew exactly where I was going. The same way I came in, all those years ago. I lead the company down the suspended passageways of Goblin town, hundreds of goblin chasing us.



In front of me, several goblins sprinted towards us. I let out a ferocious growl before lunging forward. Seconds later the company was jumping over the goblins mangled corpses. My mind was in a hase, fury blinding me to pain as an arrow sank into my shoulder. The arrow slowed me down slightly until I was at the back of the company, allowing Gandalf to take the lead. Several goblins swung on ropes towards us, ready to rain on us from above.

"Cut the ropes!" Thorin shouted, cutting the one nearest to him as the others did the same, sending the swinging goblin hurtling to their deaths. Adrenalin made me move faster as Gandalf was about to go the wrong way. I lept over him, turning right instead of left. Luckily, Gandalf got the message and followed. Up ahead, a small section of the bridge was missing. I snatched up Ori in my jaws and threw him over, grabbing Kili after and tossing him over too.

Once most of the dwarves were across, I ducked under Thorins and Gandalf's legs, backing up slightly then sprinting towards the break in the bridge. With my powerful back legs, I launched us across, landing smoothly on the other side and allowing Thorin and Gandalf to slide off. Soon we were moving again, fighting off the goblins that had gained on us while we were crossing the broken bridge. I snarled as I tore off a goblins head throwing it into the dark cavern below and moving on.

Admittedly, I was acting like a wild beast...a monster. But rage fuelled me like wood does fire.

"Quickly!" Gandalf urged, rushing past me as I waited for the others to catch up. We sprinted through the maze-like paths, fighting the goblins we came across. They just kept coming, as if they had a never ending supply. I knew we were coming to the end when I caught a faint scent of grass instead of dirt. I surged forward across the suspended bridge, leaping off as the company cut the ropes, effectively making a swinging pendulum. Back and forth it swung, one or two jumping off each time, only to be caught by me. Finally, when everyone was across, they, cut the ropes and we carried on.

Gandalf slammed his staff against the ceiling, loosening a huge boulder that cleared the path of goblins for us before joining them in the bottomless pit below. The scent became stronger, we were getting closer! Suddenly, as we were crossing a bridge, the great goblin swung from underneath it like a troll from under a bridge. I skidded to a stop, snarling wildly.

"You thought you could escape me?" The great Goblin laughed, spit flying from his mouth. I roared with anger, jumping back as the fat goblin swung his mace, only just missing Gandalf, who fell back.

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