Luka POV
The next day, we traveled quite a long way, through forests, hills and plains. But alas, night came and we camped near the edge of a cliff, just above the low lands. We had eaten a hearty meal made by Bombur, and now most of the company slept. Fili and Kili were the ones on watch, but a few others were awake too. I couldn't stop my eyes from glancing at Thorin every few seconds.
He sat leaning against a boulder, drifting off into sleep. Only the gods knew how much I wanted to mark him. In his sleep, he looked younger, more...peaceful. I smiled softly at him, before turning my attention back to the fire as I poked it with a stick. Loud snoring came from all around, save the odd few who were silent in sleep.
My eyes flickered up as I caught movement. Gloin slept not far away, snoring the loudest, taking deep breaths and letting them out in a big whoosh of air. The thing that made me grimace was the tiny flying insects he kept breathing in and out. It was rather disgusting. I went back to poking the fire, listening to the popping and cracking as the fire ate away at the wood. I glanced up as Master Baggins crept over, rather loudly might I add, to the ponies. Myrtle to be exact. I chuckled as he gave the muddy pony a ruby red apple, cooing softly to her and stroking her neck. The gentle creature had grown on bilbo in the last two days, and I would often catch him talking to the chestnut mare.
Sadly, the peaceful sene was destroyed as a blood curdling scream floated upon the night air, startling the ponies and the little hobbit. I was instantly on edge, my hands on the handles of my twin blades. I couldn't help but let my eyes flicker to Thorin before I once again eyed the night. The hobbit ran past me, towards the two pups, Fili and Kili.
"What was that?" Bilbo snapped breathlessly, his head snapping back and forth as he searched the shadows.
"Orcs." I growled before any one else could answer. I felt bad as Thorin jerked awake upon hearing the word 'orcs'. Another scream echoed on the air. I growled softly, my eyes flashing gold. I felt the hair covering my left eye fall away, but I was too focused on the shadows to really notice, instead I pushed it behind my ear.
"Orcs?" Bilbo stuttered, his eyes wide. Suddenly, the pups got a mischievous glint in their eyes.
"Throat-cutters. There'll be dozens of them out there. The lowlands are crawling with them." Fili growled in a sinister voice. I tensed up, remembering my run ins with the Orc filth.
"They strike in the wee small hours, when everyone's asleep. Quick and quiet; no screams, just lots of blood." Kili continued, his eyes glinting with laughter. I growled again, not loud enough for them the hear though. Bilbo looked away, frightened; Fili and Kili looked at each other before cracking up laughing.
"You think that's funny? You think a night raid by orcs is a joke?" Thorin snapped behind me. The sudden sound made me flinch and look round in fear. I had never been good with sudden sound or movement.
"We didn't mean anything by it."Kili muttered shamefully, looking down.
"No, you didn't. You know nothing of the world." Thorin growled before walking off to the edge of the cliff, looking out over the valley. I stared after him, the beast whimpering as we could feel the waves of pain coming off him.
'Follow' the beast growled at me, but I clenched my fists and stayed put. Would he want me to comfort him?
'Follow..' The beast snarled forcefully, forcing me to move. I stood up, and began walking toward Thorin. I began moving on my own accord, the beast letting me have control again. I almost snarled when a strong hand latched onto my wrist. I whipped round to see it was Dwalin, holding my wrist in a steal grip.
"Leave him be, lass." I stared into his eyes, contemplating his words. Leave him be? Why? Who wants to be alone? No one deserves to be alone, no one. I gently, but firmly, removed Dwalins' fist before carrying on towards Thorin. I listened to Balin's' voice as I went, and it broke my heart to hear the hard ship Thorin had faced.
'He is strong' the beast growled, it's voice rough and animalistic...beast-like. The scary thing was, it's voice was mine, just with something darker underneath. I reached his side, and just stood there. I knew no words could heal his pain, but I stood by his side, showing support. No one should stand alone. The beast purred as we brushed shoulders. The touched sent a shock of electricity through me, but if Thorin felt it, he didn't show it. His shoulders tensed, before relaxing again.
"You're strong..." My voice came out as a whisper, but I knew he heard it. I smiled softly at him, relaxing when I saw him relax his muscles.
He turned to me, an unreadable look on his face. The corners of his lips turned up, before a scowl replaced it. I winced back under his intense gaze, but I felt empty when he suddenly turned and marched back to the group. The beast whimpered as we watched him go. I let go of a sad, lonely sigh. Lonely was a feeling I felt most these days.
'Vasva..' the beast whimpered mournfully after Thorin. I looked down, then turned away to look out over the valley. I still listened to Balin, telling the company about the day Thorin had earned the name ' Oakensheild '. I knew the pain of watching your family slaughtered. I too had seen and felt such horrors.
It was something I would never forget.
I suddenly felt weak as the last shard of my soul sank. I leant against I tree, taking in deep breaths as a tear rolled down my face. I quickly wiped it away, standing up straight and walking back towards the company. I hated remembering such things.
"But the pale orc? What happened to him?" Bilbo gasped, looking at Balin with a shocked face. I tensed at the name of that filth. A snarl chocked in my chest and I yanked it back down.
"He slunk back into the hole whence he came. That filth died of his wounds long ago." Thorin snarled. I looked towards him, part of me was furious I couldn't kill that pale piece of shit, but part of me didn't care as long as he was dead. The beast howled inside me, the sound showing the pain and sorrow we constantly felt.
I wouldn't sleep this night.
" I'll take this watch" I growled, my voice thick with emotion. But the thing that I hated most was the fact that my voice was beginning to sound like the beasts.
But it made sense. The beast and I were one and the same.
I was...I am the blood runner.
***** watcha think? I'm never happy with my chapters, they always seem crap to me :/ any who, vote, comment and have a good one!xx

Devotion (Thorin/OC)
FanfictionShe goes by many names; the fearless one...blood runner...chain breaker. She has lived through many things. She had seen many faces. But will any of this help her when Gandalf seeks her help in a quest. She constantly struggles to contain the beast...