This chapter is a filler, it is here to give you an idea of time passing, I'm sorry if it's a wee bit crappy :/ enjoy
(P.S. Rape and other violent scenes are mentioned in this chapter so just be careful)
Luka POV
We skipped over the town completely, having been cut off by the pack of orcs. No matter how far we ran with out rest, they were always a step behind us. My body constantly felt icy cold and boiling at the same time, and I could never keep and meal down. Of course I hid this from the company. I knew I was losing weight, but I frantically tried to hide it. When this was over, my corpse would probably be reduced to nothing.
Today, we trudged through a small valley of rocks, having lost the pack for the time being. I stumbled along at the back, sleep deprivation making my eyes look sunken in. The cold rain felt like hard pellets as they stung my fragile skin, leaving red mark and marking me shiver violently. When I had checked my mark last night, my bones had chilled as I saw the tips of the marks fingers beginning to fade slightly. With this development, came more pain. My old scars felt like they had only just healed, everything felt sore and my bones felt like they would snap at the faintest touch.
I tripped over a pebble and scrambled to gain my feet again, falling into someone as I did. Firm hands gripped my arms gently and for the most fleeting of moments, the pain was gone. I looked up as Thorin stood me up before scowling and storming off back to the front. I watched him go before sighing and marching on with the others. I was afraid, afraid of how bad this was going to get before it was finally over.
For some reason, through I suspected it was for mental torcher, I found my thoughts wandering to my time in the cages when my kin and I were first taken. The vivid flashbacks made my eyes go vacant as memories flashed before them like lightning.
"Nucraig...nekko...nucraig...nekko....nekko" the orcs growled as he shoved us to the left of right, our chains clanking as we struggled to regain our footing. I couldn't see where I was, due to the dirty rag pulled painfully tight over my eyes, but by the smell and rough stone making my feet bleed, we were under ground. I snarled as the orc shoved me to the right, muttering "nekko" as he did. I had no idea what it meant but I could help but feel angry as he shoved me. If it wasn't for the chains clinging to my limbs and the spiked collar digging into my neck, I would have shifted and torn these rats apart. I came to a stop as my chains were painfully tugged and I bumped into someone in front of me. I lifted my head in an attempt to see through the small space where my blind fold hadn't covered my eyes properly.
Orcs carrying deadly looking spears stood on either side of every one of us, shoving us along when we didn't move fast enough. I scowled as I saw how short I was compared to the others. I'd always been looked down upon and bullied for my stunted growth and I had a hunch it would be no different here. I was roughly shoved forward as the line started moving again. I winced as the end of a spear dug into my back, drawing blood. Those around me growled as they smelt the unmated alpha blood dripping from the wound I had just gained, their instincts telling them to protect the Alpha. I may be small, but I still stood above my kin with the Royal blood flowing through my veins.
I was pulled to a stop, as were those around me as two group were formed. I scowled as I was shoved into the middle of the group of young men and woman, blocking out my view as those around me stood a lot taller then me. I was suddenly reminded of a nickname I'd earned when I was a child, that still stung. Half-ling. I growled quietly as I remembered the cruel children chasing me as I ran as fast as I could of my short legs. I always outran them, but the name always lingered.

Devotion (Thorin/OC)
FanfictionShe goes by many names; the fearless one...blood runner...chain breaker. She has lived through many things. She had seen many faces. But will any of this help her when Gandalf seeks her help in a quest. She constantly struggles to contain the beast...