His face froze in a look of pure and utter shock, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. My heart stopped and my stomach dropped. What had I done?! This was a bad idea! What's wrong with me? Why would I just-
He didn't even breath, just stayed there staring openly at me. I'd never seen him like this and I didn't like it. He was beginning to scare me.
"T-Thorin-" I whispered, biting my lip anxiously "-say something, anything."
"W-what?" He stuttered, making me breath a sigh of relief....at least I hadn't broken him.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have strung it up on you like that! It was stupid of me. I'm an idiot, a fool, cretin a-"
"Luka!" Thorin chuckled, but I was way last responding with.
"I mean, I should've thought this through-"
"Luka!" Thorin laughed, throwing his head back as a loud bellowing laugh left him. I faltered in my rant, staring at him wide eyes. He was laughing.
"A-are you laughing at me?!" A choked, my face heating up with embarrassment. He was laughing at me!!
"I can't believe you're laughing! T-this is serious-" I snapped defensively, feeling humiliated as he continued to guffaw.
"Stop it! Stop laughing at me!" I cried, crossing my arms and glaring slightly at him.
"Woman, you continue to baffle me!" He chuckled, shaking his head and he finally managed to calm down enough to speak.
"What?" I squeaked in confusion as he smiled, his eyes twinkling. He wasn't mad? I'm not sure what I expected, but this wasn't what I braced myself for. My bruised and bandaged state was forgotten as he suddenly pulled me to him, lacing his fingers into my hair as he kissed me deeply. I instantly melted into his, my arms sneaking up to link around his shoulders. I think I succumbed to my wounds and died, I'm in Valhalla. When he finally pulled away, I was left stunned, blinking away my confusion as he brushed my hair out of my face. He leaned forward, placing his forehead against mine as he laughed breathlessly.
"Damn it, woman. Couldn't you have just told me that in the first place?"
"I did try, but you're as stubborn as a mule when you believe something." I grumbled, making him chuckle again. I don't think I've ever seen him in a mood as good as this. He rolled his eyes, before closing them and sighing. I winced as my shoulder protested, a sharp pain shooting through my arm. At least it was beginning to heal.
"Come, you need to rest." Thorin told me, bring me out of my thoughts as he stood, offering me a hand. I took it gratefully, my legs still aching as he helped me out of Beorn's room and into the main room where the others slept. It was difficult to tip toe over the sleeping dwarves, but with Thorins help, I managed it. When I was finally clear of the dwarven mine field, I turned in the opposite direction in search of a place only for Thorin to pull me back.
"Where do you think you're going?" He asked, pulling me with him.
"To go sleep?" I asked in confusion, a small surprised squeak leaving me when he dragged me down with him to the hay.
"No, you're sleeping by my side tonight." He demanded, although I was happy to comply. With a small, content grin, I bedded down, curling up in the hay beside my king. My grin began an all out smile when he lay down beside me, pulling me to him and burying his head in my hair.
"Goodnight, Vavak yven ( little wolf )" he murmured.
"Goodnight, my king." I replied sleepily, snuggling into him for warmth. I winced slightly as my other, un-wounded shoulder burn fiercely. My stomach dropped as I realised why.

Devotion (Thorin/OC)
FanfictionShe goes by many names; the fearless one...blood runner...chain breaker. She has lived through many things. She had seen many faces. But will any of this help her when Gandalf seeks her help in a quest. She constantly struggles to contain the beast...