Warning! This does contain some sexual content. Read at your own risk.
Luka POV
I yawned and stretched, freezing when I felt a warm body pressed against my back. An arm, that was not my own was wrapped around my waist, holding me close to the warm body. The beast was practically purring, giving me a good idea of who the person was. Held my breath, afraid that the slightest sound would wake him. How on earth had we gotten like this? I couldn't remember. His hot breath hit the back of my neck, making me shudder, my wolf going mad with lust. I squeezed my eyes shut, controlling myself.
'Mark himmmm'
I shook with the strain of holding back. Being so close made it hard, I knew that if I just turned over...no, I couldn't the do that to him.
'But I coulddddd' the beast snarled. I growled back, forcing her into submission. I needed to get away from him. I didn't want to do anything he would regret....like marking him...claiming him. I clenched my jaw at the thought. I took a deep breath, but whimpered when Thorin pulled me closer in his sleep. The wolf howled in bliss, but every one of my muscles tensed.
I ripped myself from him and bounded across camp in a split second. I could Feel the shift starting, a blood curdling scream ripping from my throat as I fought it. Fighting the shift made it a thousand times more painful. My scream woke the while camp up, except Thorin who had been awoken by my sudden movement. Panic erupted as dwarves lurched to their feet, stumbling around half asleep and bumping into one another. I would of laughed had I not been in agony. I scrambled up again, drawing the companies attention,
"Luka?" Kili yelled, running towards me. My limbs broke and twisted, before twisting and braking again as I fought it. My spine arched upwards, my body convulsing. My eyes were wide with terror, begging those around me to make the pain stop.
"MAKE IT STOP!" I screamed as my bones began braking and twisting viciously. The pain was unbearable. What was happening? I knew what, but I didn't want to admit it. The beast and I were fighting for control, for alpha position. She wanted to be in control, but I couldn't allow that. Blood streamed from my nose and ears as white nose began drawling out the sound of the panicked company. My body have out, slamming me down on the ground. Then one voice stood out.
"Luka?" It whispered, deep and alluring. I whimpered.
"Luka...open your eyes" it was Thorin.
"Aye, now open your eyes."
All of a sudden, my eyes snapped open. I yawned and stretched, freezing when I felt a warm body pressed against my back. An arm, that was not my own was wrapped around my waist, holding me close to the warm body. Thorin. I held my breath, afraid that the slightest sound would wake him. How on earth had we gotten like this? I couldn't remember. His hot breath hit the back of my neck, making me shudder.
I gasped slightly as I remembered my dream. In a flash, I was on the other side of camp. I was shaking slightly with the strain of holding back the beast, but it was somehow easier, as if it was weak, tired. I gave a soft growl, warning her that if she didn't submit soon, she would regret it. Surprisingly, the beast submitted instantly, tucking her tail between her legs and lowering herself to the floor.
"Lass? Are ye alright?" A voice to my right asked. I stiffened and whirled round to face the intruder, only to find Balin sitting on a rock near by, on watch. I relaxed quickly and moved to sit beside him.

Devotion (Thorin/OC)
FanfictionShe goes by many names; the fearless one...blood runner...chain breaker. She has lived through many things. She had seen many faces. But will any of this help her when Gandalf seeks her help in a quest. She constantly struggles to contain the beast...