My life.

15 3 2

A/N: The goat is me.

Here's the thing about kids, especially smaller ones. They're not picky about songs because they haven't been in the world long enough to know enough songs to know which ones are good or not. I don't know if that makes sense.

My point is, I have a feeling that little kids like that are the reason some songs are overplayed. All day long, Elle, my sister, plays every single Taylor Swift and Katy Perry song. All day, it's Uptown Funk, it's Roar, it's Bad Blood, it's Turn Down For What, then occasionally a song like Love Me Like You Do, which is sad because I like the song. A little bit less now.

Help. Me. Please.

Oh, but that is not all. Little kids love singing. At least, that's what I've gotten from living with her. She sings all the time. There's that unbelievable in-your-head song, then that kill-me voice singing along with it, and my sister hitting every note. And when I say hitting every note, I mean hitting them and the windows into little pieces, and making it sound like she's getting murdered, while I'm grabbing my phone and calling 911. It's a truly beautiful sight, I promise.

Now you can add that to the long list of why I stay at home. Right here at the bottom- oh, wait, there's no room down there. One second. I have to go get another piece of paper.










Hi, I'm back. My sister is listening to more Katy Perry. Spark just skipped the song XD

Now you know. Put that little big thing on my list here, and now, watch a screaming goat video and forget about Katy Perry forever.

Oh wait, nevermind, because it'll show up on the radio, and randomly in your head, and other people will sing it, and the birds' songs will sound strangely familiar and you'll run to me begging for help, and then I'll laugh and start singing the same exact song.

Byyyyeeee, good luck!!!

RANDOMNESSDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora