
18 4 0

Major win.

Guys, in my drawing book I said I got two T-shirts from Rome that are like Camp Jupiter shirts so here they are hehe.

Guys, in my drawing book I said I got two T-shirts from Rome that are like Camp Jupiter shirts so here they are hehe

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They are actually maroon but I put a filter on it so they look purple. They're better that way anyway. Looking awesome btw.

And there's the second one

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And there's the second one. I like them both the same, they're so awesome and these are really good selfies.

The only thing that I would change is the color but maroon is fine. You know, it's way more awesome to get a SPQR T-shirt in Rome than on Amazon, even if it doesn't say Camp Jupiter. I still fit in, I still fit in.

Peace!! ❤️😀❤️

RANDOMNESSDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora