Chapter 27

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A month had past since Harmony's beloved sister had been dead, but everyone looks cheery especially Cake; I wonder why? Little did I know that today will be a sad and rememberable day. Today's was Halloween and it was it was my wedding day and I was tearing with tears of joy and a little bit nervous too. "Come get up sleepy head!" Cake yelled at me and Kaze. I turned and faced Kaze then I see his bright smile and I then I smiled with him and said, "Morning hun."
"Morning beautiful ," he replied.
We got up and went about daily routine getting dress, brushing our teeth etc. as we walked into the living and I see banners across the ceiling,  presents, and cake. Then that remind me a question to ask Kaze. I turned to face and said,"Hun this reminds to ask you."
"Oh what is it my sweet," he replied.
"Remember that you went to see your friend last," I paused and continue on, "What were talking about?"
"Oh that I was talking about wedding details."
I glad that it's out my mind and next I faced toward the people in the living room and said, "You do know that wedding doesn't start until nearly midnight, so we a long way to people." "You know Serenity you're a party pooper even when it's your wedding day," Cake said.
I stuck out  my tongue at her. "May she just got cold feet," Amy said as she walks through the door. I turned around and dropped my jaw and yelled and gave her a hug, "Amy glad to see you."
"You too," she replied.
I looked behind and I see Aaron behind her and said, "Hello. How is the married life?" He draped his arm over Amy and replied, "Lovely."
Amy respond while pointed at him, " Isn't he just adorable." I turned my head away. Sky comes in and asks, "Where is Morgan she said that she will be back after her trip?" "Amy face looked sad and said with depressed tone, "I'm sorry to tell you this but Morgan is dead." Everyone went silent. As I stand there in guilt of not telling of what happen to Morgan. I wept tears of remorse. I could feel everyone's staring at me and said out of guilt, "It's fault I'm the one to blame." Everyone was shocked to hear this. "As might not know that Morgan was originally Katie's mom, but my had adopted her cause Morgan was on her deathbed after she gave birth to Katie. Back then I was only ten years old and I just discover that I had magic powers." I was interrupted by Ariabelle and she said, "When were going to tell us this? Morgan was here a couple of months ago, so how was this your fault." I continued explaining my situation, "I did not want to know cause you might this that I'm a freak and to answer your second question. I actually made into a human first." Everyone was flabbergasted at this point and didn't know what to say and I ramble more, "But then she had began having a personality and memories of the original Morgan. A couple weeks later, she would tell me about these memories and at night she would scream in pain and agony; this went for several days that until one day she ask me if would destroy her. At first I was speechless, but I began to think about the pain she went through every night. I finally told her yes and she smiled with joy and relief. She told me her last words, "Thank you. I'm free of this burden and that you allow me to spend time with my beloved daughter and to see that she is being taken care of with a great family. When are you ready to tell her the truth say." At that moment turn towards Katie and said Morgan's last words, "I love you. Katie started crying and I continued my story, "after those heart words I had obliterated her into thin air. Then I wept into tears of sorrows." Then Ariabelle asked, "How did we not hear her screams while we were asleep?" "This was last year when you let me spend a whole an entire year with her and Katie was about seven or eight years old when this happened," I replied.
"Then how was she at my house a couple days ago?" Sky asked.
"That Morgan was a thought projection and I would made her go on certain date, so it would look like that she would come back; when really it was that the spell was wearing off and for that I'm truly sorry Sky." I replied and then I went to her and gave her a hug. Harmony walks in the room and says, "I heard everything and I still don't get  how could you learn thought projection when it was an advance spell and why would you do this when it does it will cause more sorrow?"
"I learn thought projection when Ajah kidnapped me," I replied and then I continued on, "now to answer your second question about why I'm doing this," I started to tear up and continued on so more, "I did it so that Katie can actually spend time with her birth mother since she was dead. Is that so wrong?" Everyone looked at each other with a sad look on their faces. "There is more I have to tell you she promised me too tell you guys when I'm ready," I said while drying up the tears. They looked clueless. "Morgan she had another daughter besides Katie," I said with a calm collective face. "What do you mean by that?" Harmony asked. "Before Katie was born she had another daughter, but she was force to give it up for adoption or to kill the child." They didn't know what to say, so I continued on, "Morgan chose to give it up for adoption and the name of the daughter was Sky." Sky looked at me and said, "How can this be? I'm an orphan,originally,I had no mother and father expect when Harmony and Lucah took me in as one of their own." "Yes you was in orphan at the beginning, but it seems that fate has brought you three together for a reason and the reason was to find out who was your mom." "Okay I know my mom now, but who the father?" Sky asked curiously. "He is dead too." I announce sadly. The look on Sky's face I will never forget. She is an orphan now no mother or father only her step family can we really fell the void of her broken heart? Her though. Sky had lost all color in her face and bursting tears down her cold face. I tried to hug her, but she is too sad so I let her cried it out. As I lift my head from sorrow, I saw Katie coming up to her and hugged her with warm and comfort. Then she whispered in her ear, "Your not alone cause your sister is here and your family so there is no need for tears of sadness. Lift up your chin sis and give me a smile." Sky had stopped crying and she gave us the biggest smile ever it made the room brighter than ever." To break up the sadness I said, "Well enough mopping around we have a wedding to plan to." "That is right now let's end this day on a happy note!" Amy said enthusiastically. 

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