Chapter 28

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After that moment of heartbreaking sadness, everyone cheered up with a thought of happiness and that was I who is getting married. It has been a long couple of months and I would never guess that I, of all people, is getting married.  It's getting close to midnight and we all are ready. Me and Kaze are the bride and groom, Cake is in her dog form and she is the Maid of Honor; Katie, Kira,Ariabelle, Emi, and Selene are the brides maids, Sky is the flower girl, Draggy is the ring barrier, Aaron is the best man, and last but not least Harmony and Lucah are the priest for the ceremony. The theme of the wedding is dragons. The wedding is held at a build that Harmony made just for weddings; the building itself can change into any type of theme. I so excited to see what my theme is like. Four hours earlier, Harmony came in asked, "Hey do you have your vow ready?"
I look dumb for moment and replied, "Uh..what vow no one told me I had to write a vow."
She face palmed. "Obviously you should of know that you of all people should have written vow before your married." "I'm sorry as I a child I didn't really care for romance stuff," I replied back with an attitude and then I continued on, "but seriously can I not make my own vow."
She shook her head with concern and replied, "I guess;its your wedding after all." Then she leaves the room. I sign in relief. I so happy that I'm getting married and I love this dress I'm wearing; soft and silky and red. The wedding was to start , I waited to listen to the music. A second later I heard the which is a celestial type of music mainly somethings that are epic like angels or dragons. As I reached for the doorknob, I thought to myself, "This changes everything if I open this door." Then a moment of silence came and I grabbed the nerve to open the door. When I open the door it was beautiful and magnificent. Theme was dragons and the room has these dragon like paintings on the ceiling, dragons statues, the floor look lava, the poem was shaped like a dragon and my favorite is the back wall where Harmony and Lucah are standing in front where it looks like and actually dragon is behind them. As I walked slowly towards me beloved soon-to-be-husband, I started thinking to myself "I don't regret this" and I finally reached him. Slowly approaching and standing in front of him, the man I truly love. Harmony and Lucah came  the approach the alter and she said, "Everyone we are here to gather today to witness." Then it switches to Lucah, "In matrimony these lovers and now." Then switches back to Harmony, "Now Kaze it is time to say your vowels." "Ahem," he said while clearing his throat and continue, "I Kaze take you Serenity as my faithful and loving wife. We will love each other through the good and bad times, and we make memories that will planted in the stars and I will cherish them. Therefore our love will blaze on eternity." "Now Serenity its your turn," Harmony said. "By the heaven and stars my I Serenity take you Kaze as my husband and my lover forever in the galaxy. Shinning through our health and sickness pray to be heal and our memories recorded my heart as treasures and your smiles are a radiate sun; full of warm and love. May our love illuminate through the darkness eternally." Then both Harmony and Lucah said, "You may now kiss the bride." Everyone cried and cheer and we kissed for a long time. Then I threw my bridal flowers and Cake caught them with her mouth. "Now for the after party,"Rai shouted. Everyone gather back into the house where a buffet is held. As they arrived, they already started to dig in especially Selena and Rai. "I get first bite of the pizza," Rai shouted. "No you don't I should get the first piece cause I made it.," Selena cried out."I helped I bought the ingredient," Rai said and continued, "No you don't so screw you." "You would," replied with an angry tone. "Bend over," Rai said with a perverted tone. Selena punched him in the face and she hit him so hard that he went through the wall. As Selena was about to grab the  piece of pizza, Cake grabbed it first. Selena felt as she was struck with lighting and it made her immobilized. Everyone laughed and then they went on with the party; next it came to dancing. I hate dancing, for one I can not dance and two I just don't like them period. "It's time for father, daughter dance," Harmony announced. After she announced tuna everyone scattered; then me and Shiloh approached to center of the room. We danced the tango, the waltz, and ballroom dance. The dance was over finally. I sigh and party went back to normal. Click clack the sounds of Ariabelle high heel shoes approach me and Kaze. "So Kaze were are you taking Serenity for your honeymoon?" "It's a secret!" Kaze blushed. Then he walked away and Harmony came over to me asked whispery, "So when is due?" At that moment, I froze in shocked and I grabbed and took her over the corner and replied, "How do you know?" She gave this weird look and said, "Honey! I just know this stuff. Actually I am too." My face was flushed and full off red. " and you haven't told anyone? Not even him." She nodded and ask, "And how about you. You haven't told either one except me!" "Truth, but I'm afraid," I replied nervously. Harmony said, "You're adorable sometimes." I was confused and a little bit angry,but she just bursting out laughing. A moment of awkwardness that lasted for a minute until she brung up the question, "When are you going to tell you?" "Hah I could tell you the same. I guess your waiting for the right moment like me." I replied. She nodded and smiled; for the rest of the night everyone ate, danced, argued and smiled the whole night.

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