Chapter 19

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We walked in the front door and everyone looked at clothes,faces, and more important Kaze. Aaron was shocked when he walked in to door and said, "Hey Kaze long time no see where have you been all this time?" Everyone had a confused face even me and I asked, "How do you know each other?" "This is my best friend and my more importantly how did you two meet?" Aaron replied. We explained what happened, and Riddle who just came in and said, "Wow and great job on retrieving the herb; I'll get started on the potion. Kaze explained to Aaron what happen to him after the last several years after he left. "That's awful but good that you found your dad," Aaron said. Kaze nodded and Aaron said to everyone and especially to me , " Serenity my sweet love do you mind if we if break up and not get married." " I completely understand and plus I was going to tell you the same thing," I said. Aaron wasn't shocked by this cause he already knows, because once a vampire has bitten you he or she can sense what you feel and done. I asked, "So what are you going to do now Aaron?" "Well me and Amy are going to get married and are you going to get married to Kaze," Aaron replied. "Maybe if I had your blessing and congrats," I answered. Aaron went over to Kaze and told him to get on his knees in front of me and he said, "My sweet dear Serenity will you married me?" I said, "Yes I will my sweet Kaze." Everyone aw at us and felt normal. "Can I still be your wedding planner?" asked Amy. "Why of course," I agreed. Three days has past since that day, and Aichi is almost better; I'm glad for that and I wonder did he see the proposal or hear at least. Riddel says that all he need is rest now, and I also wonder why mention his past. My told me that Apollon died and died because of an illness. "Why you couldn't heal him?" I ask. "Well honey this illness,Mondai, can't be cure not even magic could cure it," Ariabella explained. "But while you were gone I got married to Shiloh." WHAT!!!!!!" I yelled in shocked. "Tomorrow will be our honeymoon so we won't be here for about a couple of months also you stay with great-grandmother Luccia and great-grandfather Aichi," she explained so more. "Alright and where are you going on your honeymoon?" I ask curiously. " I honestly don't know he says its a surprise," Ariabella replied. During that day, Ariabella and Shiloh went in their honeymoon. "I can't even imagine what they're going to do," I said to myself. Rai came up to me and said, "They're going to have sex." I was in shock, so I slapped him in face and said aloud, "SHUT UP YOU FREAKIN' PERVERTED VAMPIRE!!!" I slapped him so hard that he went through three whole walls. Everyone was staring at me and I said, "Oops sorry I kinda of over did it a little ." Cake comes up to me and she was about to go to bed and said, "A little? More like a lot and goodnight." Out of nowhere and I mean nowhere my cousin of the devil, I think she is, Rina; asked my the most random-est question ever, "Serenity, what is sex?" I was completely shocked when she asked that and she is like eight years old. "Well Rina, we don't need to have this talk," I replied. I walked quickly to my room and never looked back. I woke this morning feeling and weird, cause at the end my dream and I was  talking snoring the words, "No tacos don't eat me,eat a cheeseburger." I talking about in-case you didn't know. I got out of bed, fixed breakfast and I was cooking breakfast Aichi walks in the kitchen his pajamas and says, "Good morning." I had a faceless expression, but the waterworks came and I said, "Grandfather I so relieved that your finally out of your slumber and have join us in the living." Aichi replied, "Thank you so much for your help; it's because of that I can breathe life again." I let go and said, "So did you hear I got married to Kaze instead of Aaron?" " Yea but I didn't hear it I seen it," he replied. I looked confused and said, "How did you see it?" "Well I started to wake up without realizing it and I saw Kaze proposing to you and you said 'I do'," he replied. I was happy that he saw the proposal and there is one thing I can't that he is the most powerful sage and I more think I don't get why isn't telling us. I gather up my courage and ask him this, "Why aren't telling me?" "Telling you what honey?," he replied confusedly. "You know how you were a hero in the past," I said. "Oh, that well um I'm afraid it's going to hurt in near future honey," he explained. "Why do you think it would hurt me?" I asked. Before he could answered his wife, Luccia, enter the room and he whisper to me, "I'll tell you when the time is right." "So grandfather have they told what happen and stuff, I mean have got caught with all the events that happen around here," I said changing the topic. "Yes they have and Luccia please be nice to Riddel she is just an old friend of mine," he replied. "Are you still planning to get married on Halloween?" he asked. "Me and Kaze are still thinking about that,and before you say anymore questions, me and are not sleeping together that is until after we get married," I said. "We didn't say anything dear," Luccia said. Kaze came in the kitchen and gave me quick kiss on the lips and said," Good morning my love muffin." I replied, "I love you too my hot stuff." "Okay I guess I better go turned the fan on if you catch my drift," Aichi said. I stared at him and gave that stare saying "You gotta be kidding me, really." So he left the kitchen and Luccia followed and it was just the two of us, for so reason I nervous. Kaze came up close to body and as he came close to my body I felt the warm body heat, the love , and the rush of romance. As our eyes met, and we kissed; it was normal and magical and I push him and said, "I love you so much." His eyes sparked with a burning of love, Kaze I'm glad that I met him, he makes me feel safe and most importantly he loves me too. Cake walks into kitchen and says, "Uh should I let you get a room?" Cake ruins the moment and I said, "No we are perfectly fine and a good morning to you too," "Okay and a good morning," she replies. Cake walks over to water bowl and goes Slurp! Slurp! and licks her mouth and walks out of the kitchen. "She is an odd one," Kaze said. "Maybe but you'll learned to love her for weirdness," I replied. "Plus I have to deal with it every morning," I continued on. After that, the day goes by normally until Katie, my sister, comes barging in the front door and announces, "Hey guys guess what?" I answered, "What is this time and let me guess you saved someones life." Before we go on about my life a little bit more, I have to tell you about my sister. Katie, she always and I do mean always, she is goody-two-shoes. She believes that if she does human stuff that she would be respected by our step-father. I honestly why she just talks to a guy and just marries him and moves so she don't have to deal with Shiloh. Continue on with the story, Katie replied, "I just got married you guys." My jaws open wide to the ground and I said, "To whom?" "His name is AJ," she replied. "We have been secretly been dating for a year and he finally ask the question," she continue on. We all were completely shock by this and Cake asked, "Does your parents know?" "Nope," she quickly replied. "Why?" Aichi asked. "For one he wouldn't agreed, and two he wouldn't understand," Katie explained. "Okay, but are you still married to that guy, Joel?" I asked. "No, cause I divorce before I met AJ," she answered. "Plus I think we're soulmates," she continued on. After Katie ramble on about AJ, and Aichi said, "Are we gonna me this guy?" "Yes very soon after I tell mother and father," she respond. "I can't believe this," I said frantically. Katie grabbed my hand and said, "Please don't tell mother and father and that goes to all of you." It was a serious moment and everyone nodded and I answered, "You didn't let me finish my sentence." "What I mean is I can't believe it THAT MY SISTER IS GETTING MARRIED," I shouted. We both jumped up and down screamed,"Yay,Yay,Yay,Yay,Yay." Kaze and everyone are covering there ears and we finally stopped. Then all of a sudden the got quiet and a *knock* at door; I went over to door and open it. For strange reason I nervous like I was in a Horror Movie, But it stopped when Kaze comes behind and says, "I'll protect you even if it cost me my life." I nodded and we open the door together. When we open the door it was just Rai and Selene, and I can't believe it that they're dating. I ask, "Are you two um dating." They looked at each other and laughed and Selene answers, "Hahah very funny Serenity." I gave a serious look and Rai looked at Selene and he said, " Your serious, and think we were on a date. No no no it was just a coincidence that's all." They explained where they were and I said, "Okay so let me get this straight Selene you went to the grocery store and Rai also to the same store and you just talk also not to mention Selene you walked to the grocery store and Rai offered you a ride home." They both agreed and Kaze pointed out, "Okay where is the groceries?" They both gasped and they stormed out of the house like a tornado destroying a building. After a couple of minutes, they came back with a bunch of groceries and Selene who was out of breathe said, "Don'" Me and Kaze chuckled and went to help. Meanwhile in the mirror at the mansion, Ariabella and Shiloh arrived, but Ariabella had her eyes clothes. Shiloh said, "You can open your eyes now." She opened he eyes and said said, "It's beautiful." She was astonished by the beauty of the hallways to doors to the kitchen to everything. Shiloh picked up Ariabella and said with hold her in his strong arms, "Let me show our room." She went, "Ooo." impatient. "I just wanna get done with it," he replied. Ariabella was thinking this was the most perfect honeymoon cause it has pure romance, just the two of them, and love. Before they went to the room Ariabella suggested they get something to eat. So Shiloh to her to the kitchen and starts cooking a meal for them. "Man you can cook too," she said. He nodded and he said in a romantic tone, "I'm cooking your favorite,pasta." Ariabella was thinking Heaven,it has Shiloh who is strong, hot, he can cook and he is very romantic in every way and this mansion is huge. After an hour of waiting, the pasta was done. As they were eating there pasta, they both eating the same noodle and as they got closer to each other they met and kissed passionately.

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