Chapter 21

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As Selena was staring the attack, she thought of something clever. She summon a fire arrow and aim it at the ground. Just in time when the attack hit, she dodged it. As the dust was covering the field, we saw something shoot from it; it was Selena and she was not hurt from her own arrow. I asked, "How did she not get hurt by her own attack?" " Well, Selena is immune to own attacks," Aichi explained. That was awesome I thought, and as I saw the dust was clearing I saw a human shape figure. The dust cleared completely clear and I can't believe what I saw and what I saw was another Selena! "How is this even possible?" I said aloud. Aichi replied, "Well you see she is one of the most powerful sages and she don't just transforms into animals and supernatural stuff, she also can transform into people and copy their abilities." My jaws drop to the ground and speechless. As Selena got up, she glanced at her and she said with cockiness , "You think that I fall for that old trick! "No I though this would make the battle for interesting," Cake replied. So they got their bows ready and fight. Selena was charging with an arrow in bow ready and she jumped in the air and said, "May your light burn with hope, Matasu!" As project light from the arrow, it came close to Cake but she manage to dodge it just time. While Cake was on the ground she chanted, "From the Heavens and the angel blue sky's grant thee with powers of holy light, Shikaku!" After Selena hear that,her eyes open wide and Cake release the arrow and the arrow was pure light and it was head toward its As Selena was staring the attack, she thought of something clever. She summon a fire arrow and aim it at the ground. Just in time when the attack hit, she dodged it. As the dust was covering the field, we saw something shoot from it; it was Selena and she was not hurt from her own arrow. I asked, "How did she not get hurt by her own attack?" " Well, Selena is immune to own attacks," Aichi explained. That was awesome I thought, and as I saw the dust was clearing I saw a human shape figure. The dust cleared completely clear and I can't believe what I saw and what I saw was another Selena! "How is this even possible?" I said aloud. Aichi replied, "Well you see she is one of the most powerful sages and she don't just transforms into animals and supernatural stuff, she also can transform into people and copy their abilities." My jaws drop to the ground and speechless. As Selena got up, she glanced at her and she said with cockiness , "You think that I fall for that old trick! "No I though this would make the battle for interesting," Cake replied. So they got their bows ready and fight. Selena was charging with an arrow in bow ready and she jumped in the air and said, "May your light burn with hope, Matasu!" As project light from the arrow, it came close to Cake but she manage to dodge it just time. While Cake was on the ground she chanted, "From the Heavens and the angel blue sky's grant thee with powers of holy light, Shikaku!" After Selena hear that,her eyes open wide and Cake release the arrow and the arrow was pure light and it was head toward its opponent. She quickly chant, "Goddess of Defense protect thy bow and thyself from this mighty attack, Matuka!" Selena spin her bow and reflect the attack and smoke filled the air and Selena went down to the ground. Selena looked up for a sec and she saw the Cake transformed into Tyrannosaurs Rex and it had its mouth open and she said, "Oh Globs." Cake ate her opponent and we all heard her swallowed and plus we all were by this action. Meanwhile in her stomach, Selena yelled, "THIS IS DISGUSTING AND COOL AT THE SAME TIME!" "AND CAKE WHY THERE A CACTUS IN YOUR STOMACH AND PLUS I FOUND MY TACO.....WAIT A MINUTE YOU ATE MY TACO?" She continued, "YOU JUST WAIT UNTIl I GET OUT OF HERE, YOU ARE SO DEAD!" She continued more. Cake is just standing there with guilt and says, "Don't ask about the cactus I'll explain later and for the taco I was hungry and please kill or I'll won't let out of my stomach." "FINE! I FORGIVE YOU," she replied. Cake regurgitate Selena and we all went, "Ew!" Selena was laying in the ground cover in puke and Riddel announced, "Cake wind the battle by eating her." Meanwhile at the mansion, Ariabella and Shiloh woke up in the bed and Shiloh was staring in love towards her; she glanced and kissed him on his bloody red lips and says, "I love you too much." He kissed her back and said, "Ditto." Their love is like an ocean its shifts back and forth, as the tides do in the sea and their eternal love last forever as the warm, cold, blue ocean. They both got out of bed and put their night clothes on and went downstairs. As they walk into the kitchen, the warm sun was beaming across the room. Shiloh asked, "What do you want for breakfast honey?" "Anything will be fine as long as it made by you my love muffin," she replied. Ten minutes a has past and breakfast is done, they had a extreme fancy breakfast that I can't pronounce and they had herbal tea on the side. Then they went to the living room and watch the movie When the Red Fern Grows; during the movie Ariabella was and Shiloh pulled her closed to him and kissed her on the forehead. After a hour has past, the movie was over and Ariabella was asleep, so Shiloh swept her up and took her to bed. He laid down gently on the bed; he bent down towards her neck and he plunge he sharp white fangs into her paleish skin neck. While he was gulping down her blood, she had woken up and this time she wasn't screaming in pain? As he drew back his fangs and as he leaning up, he had notice he eyes were grayish black and had no pupils like she had no live or something. Shiloh was thinking how cloud this had to happen? Then a theory had come to him and said to himself, "Unless she's a Earth Priestess!" As you may not know, it is forbidden for a vampire and an Earth Priestess to fall in love; if they ever do fall in love the priestess is now the vampire slave and plus no one and I do no one has broken a vampire spell like this before. It has said that the vampires did this the past, in order to destroy there enemies. Shiloh was in a bit of panic and he didn't know what to do; except to go back to the house and tell Aichi what happen. Meanwhile back at the area, Riddel came out of the booth and talked to Aichi and said, "Hey you better take it easy on her and not mention yourself." He nodded and she quickly went back to the booth and annouced, "Now for our next match is Aichi VS Serenity!" Before I went to my position the area, I had asked Cake if she would watch Kaze for me and she said, "Yes I will and good luck my friend." I roll my eyes and went on to my position and as I arrived I was feeling nervous and some fear; I was going up against my great-grandfather and not to mention one of the Legendary Sages and who wouldn't be afraid also it kinda bad that I have the advantage, since he just recover and all. Next Riddel annouced over the speakers and said, "Ladies and Gentlemen I present you the next battle and BEGIN!" Up in the bleachers Cake said to Katie, "This is going to interesting." On the battle field Aichi said to me, "Good luck and may the force be with you." I gave a stare that said "really" and I replied, "Ditto!" Oh scythe, piercer of light and darkness, bring hope into the world of chaos, strike from the Heavens and the pits from Hell, Aharon!" I chant aloud. Aichi was shocked that I would summon my scythe and he chanted, " From the Moon to Heavens and from the Earth to the Sky, may light thy light shed upon thee from The Earth to Hell and from Hell to the Heavens may the jaws of Death open thous mind RISE! TSUKINO HANA!!" A beautiful looking scepter carved out of a single piece of pure black onyx, two to three feet in length and cool to the touch. The scepter was the shape of a crescent moon. Then he shouted shouted," Daze Glance!" After he shouted, a white thick fog appear and I can't see a thing also I shouted, "Disperse!" As the fog clearly up, I notice a girl shape figure in front of me. "Grandfather!?" I gasped and he replied. Actually your grandmother Harmony my dear, my jaws dropped to freakin' ground. I could grasped to situation my great-grandfather was a woman name melody and she married to girl? "Wait that means that your married to a girl?" I said confusingly. She faced palmed and replied, "No actually your great-grandmother,Luccia, is a guy name Lucah." "UH?" I said. I was totally confused until Harmony explained, "Well long ago before you were born and me, Riddel, and Harle were friends, until our friend Harle cast a forbidden spell that would permanently change our genders; we taught that we would never change back until you cast that spell." "Okay why did Harle cast that spell and um did it change parts?" I asked. "Yes it did change the parts of man and women; the reason why he had to use that spell is to infiltrate the enemies territory and plus we had to change our names too while at it; then a few years later me and Lucah got married and had kids and you know the rest." she said. "Oh that makes sense," I replied. It kinda did make sense but why she/he didn't tell me until now? "Enough chit-chat and lets fight," Harmony said eagerly. I nodded and we traded spells on-and-off but we got nowhere at all; then I got a great idea and shouted, "Phoneix Fire!" She responded, "Water Heron!" As the two attacks collided, I decided to run through the smoke at the speed of light and once I aimed my fist with full strength. My fist lunge and yelled, "TAKE THIS !!!!" It made direct contact to Harmony's face; it punch her so hard that it knocked her into the stadium. After a few minutes, Harmony got up and said, "Nice strategy and I think its my turn now." I got ready for her attack and when I blink she wasn't there no more. When I blinked again there were a bunch of Harmonies, I got confused for a second and shouted, "Dis.." Before I could finished my spell, they all charge at once. I quickly defend myself, I couldn't feel a hit until I let my guard and Harmony had her finger in a flick position; For some reason I couldn't move, then she flicked me I went through the stadium like crashing on a bunch of boxes but harder and breaking through stone rock. I laid there for a few minutes, then I got up squinting one eye and holding the right side of my body; when I got up to my spot I said, "I didn't know you were so strong and so powerful I thought.." Harmony finished my sentence in a serious tone, "Weak and still recovering!" My eyes widen with shocked and Harmony continued on, "Don't under estimate me, I maybe was out of commission for awhile but once my magic was healed I gained full strength." I was horrified, my eyes had major fear in them, how can I go on like this and was she toying with me? "At this rate I could end up dead," I thought to myself.
Then a voice shouted out to me, "DON'T GIVE UP!" I looked up and it was Kaze and my fear turned into conviction. "DON'T GIVE UP ON ME NOT WHILE I AM HERE, YOU'RE THE STRONGEST GIRL I EVER MET NOW END THIS FIGHT!!" His eyes as filled with compassion; I clinched my fist and I shouted towards Harmony and said, "I VOWED TO NEVER GIVE UP AND LONG AS I CONNECT KAZE'S HEART I AM A CHAMPION, MAGE, AND I'M THE STRONGEST FEMALE IN THIS FAMILY." She smiled and I said, "From the fires of Hell heal me with your burning rage and fill me blazing ash, SCORCHING FIRE!!" "IT ENDS HERE!!" I yelled aloud. The crowd goes wild and Kaze smiled and whispers, "That's my girl." In this moment, a clear victor will win this battle and it will end the day of night, for we have been fighting for two whole days straight and none of us lost sleep. The end is nigh. After a minute past, we both charge with full speed, which felt like we were in slow motion, and we had our fist towards each other and at the breaking point we both screamed, "I WILL WIN AND I NEVER GIVE UP THIS FIGHT AND NOW YOU LOSE!" Our fight finally collide and the impact was so great that me and Harmony knock into the opposite sides of the area. After five minutes, none of me and Harmony got up and Riddel annouced with a shocking tone, "The match is a draw.

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