Chapter 29

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I had just woken up and what I saw amazing too me at least. I saw that we all fell asleep with no covers or anything it was just us sleeping with our wedding closes and some of us sleeping next to each other. As I walked around quietly, I saw Kaze sleep next to Aaron, Selena and Rai and everyone was scatter around the room. I went to take another step and my belly thumped. "It's okay little one I'll tell him really soon," I whisper to my belly. As I look back, so much has happen in the past few months. First it was kidnapping, the mirror, the canyon, Harle, the big completion between us, Morgan's death and now this. I sigh. When everyone woke up, it was hilarious. First it was Aaron and Kaze they screamed like little girls and blushed; I laughed. Then everyone else, man what a night. "How long have you been awake?" Kaze said while talking to me. "I just woke in a matter of fact and just enough time to see you woke up with Aaron. He looked away and I giggled. "Well anyway we should be packing for the honeymoon," I reminded him. He nods. We packed for hours  and it felt like we were moving out of the house. "Finally, the last suitcase." I said as I closed the suitcase. I walked into the kitchen with Kaze and we saw Harmony and Aaron playing Black Jack, a card game. "Ha ha you loose again Aaron," Harmony said in a loudly proud girly voice. Aaron sigh. "Can we play?" I asked politely. "Yea sure why don't you play with Aaron! I have to go with Lucah somewhere anyway." She said while give me a look. So me and Kaze look at us and said," Let's get this party started shall we?" We played a couple of rounds and we all lost at least once. "I propose an idea?" I said with a mischievous smirk. They listen closely. "let us make a bet,"  I continue on. "Okay what do want to bet and it better be something good," Aaron said. I smiled and I replied, " If I win you and Kaze have to kiss on the lips."
They were shocked by this proposal and they agree to surprisingly. "Okay, if I win you tell me and Kaze a secret. What do you propose Kaze?" "You get Cake out our room for a week. Seriously no offense she snores really loudly and I need my sleep." We all nodded and begin our game. Good thing that Aaron is the dealer and not me. We all drew our two cards, except Aaron he draws three because he is the dealer. "I'm staying and you guys?" I said in a calm voice, trying no to see my poker face. they both nodded and Aaron said,  "In 3..2...go!" We all showed our cards, Aaron got nineteen, Kaze got seventeen and I got twenty-one. "I won..I won yeah," I screamed with excitement. I screamed with so much excitement that I fell out of my chair. Kaze and Aaron looked each with grotesque looks and i said, "Now a bet is a bet, so swallow your pride and kiss."  So they suck up their pride and began looking at each other longingly. As they lean  towards each other their red lips meet and they kissed. Then they back off quickly and I squealed with joy. Then I notice that their faces are red with embarrassment. "What the matter with you. You seem excited this morning." Harmony said while making her a cup of coffee. I pranced over to get and said, "Why shouldn't I been after all today is when I go on my honeymoon with my lovely," I kissed Kaze on the forehead. "Okay it's best that you should get dressed and be on our way don't you think?" Harmony asked. We nodded and left the house, after everyone said there good-byes and I as looked everyone had scatter excepted for Harmony,Lucah, Cake. I wonder why? They were just there for a few minutes ago. Then I saw Harmony point to her belly and I waved at her. That was sign to those who have waited. Hours and I have grow quite tired and I suggested that we should sleep here tonight; which was a creepy, eerie forest. "Why rest here when our honeymoon is just up a head?" he said happily. I walked a little bit further and I the place that we would be staying for the next couple of weeks, just by ourselves. The place was mysterious and grim; it look like a haunted mansion almost. "Oh you have to excused the mess I haven't been here in a couple of years." he said as approached the door. "Wait you use to live here?" I replied with disbelief. He nodded and said, "Yeah before I met you I decide to go on an adventure and to seek my parents, well my dad of course. So it's been about five years since I last came to this place." Wow! Five whole years of not returning home and to just search for his parents. He was probably lonely to spend all those years without a mother or a father. "Enough let's get in it's actually quite creepy out here," he suggested. When I walked in through the door, the place was ginormous, absolutely huge, bigger that Aaron's mansion that's for sure. Kaze grabbed our luggage and left me here alone in this one spot and it made it very frightening. "Normally I wouldn't be scared, this place takes the cake. I mean I standing in this one spot, no lights on yet, my husband has left me to do something, the tree's shadows are showing the window, and ghost who is stare right at me. I mean....wait a ghost," I paused for a moment and then I stared to screamed my lungs off, "GHOST!!HWAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"
I ran as I could throughout the mansion and eventually I bumped into Kaze. He grabbed me and said, " Calm down. What's the matter?"
"I...I..just...saw...a ghost." I said while hyperventilating. "Ghost?" he questioned.    I explained what happen and he looked at with disbelief.  "Serenity, my dear, it was probably just your imagination and I think you need to go to bed you look kind of tired." I felt dizzy, then all of a sudden I blacked out. What it felt like forever, I finally awoke from my slumber. I feeling a little bit daze, but I remember it all. Kaze. I looked at my surroundings and I appeared to be in some fancy room; then I hear loud footsteps coming closer to the door. The door creaked open and there was Kaze. "Kaze what did you do to me and why?" I questioned him. I looked at him once more and he appeared to be hold a tray of food. He sat the tray down and walked over to the bed beside of me and hugged me then said, "I had to you were not the Serenity that I feel in love with. You were so fragile and weak. That's not you; you are kind, calm, strong, and full of sincerity that's is who and this crybaby. I'm sorry." I felt his cold tears on my shoulder and I felt bad. I wept with him and said, "It's okay and I'm sorry that I lost my cool I'm alright." I held him in my arms tightly. We did this for a long time and I broke the silence, "Kaze I have...," he interrupted me. "Serenity already know that you are pregnant and I'm sorry that I won't be able to see our little baby girls grow up; because I'm on my deathbed." "What do you Kaze?" I asked. Meanwhile back at the house Harmony and Lucah were at the flower garden that Cake just started last year. Harmony sat down and said to Lucah, "I'm pregnant Lucah." "Wow! Your words was like a bullet and why are you telling me this after what to 'them'?" he replied. "You know why it's about that time I can fell it in my heart and I know yours is coming up soon. That's why I'm telling you now, but look on the bright side we have a beautiful daughter. Therefore, when it's my time I'm going to give it to her to adopt." I said with a serious tone. "I guess you're Harmony Alice and I forever will always love you," he said in a quiet voice. Then all of a sudden Lucah collapse. Back at the Mansion, Kaze and I are still sitting on the bed and he told me that he was on death bed. "Why are you on your death bed? How are you dying? You look perfectly healthy to me." I asked. "When I was very little I did mange to meet my father once in doing so he laid a curse on for being sad and being pathetic. He did not do this out of meanness, but out of love. He said, 'When you find true happiness you relinquished and finally belong to Heavens of the Dragons  and you will furthermore be with in the stars.' So for years I was alone until I met you,Serenity, the one who can heal me of my sorrows." Then Kaze collapse on the floor and I laid her on my lap and at this very moment I could feel that Harmony was going through the same thing and Lucah and Kaze said there last words, "I love you." I felt that my heart split into two and I began crying. 

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