Chapter 7

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As I enter the mirror, a frog said to me , "Hey mister why are a ghost ?" I look surprise and I respond, "I'm looking for my great-granddaughter have you seen her?" "Yes she is in the creepy dark mansion up ahead," frog respond. As I went towards the creepy mansion I saw Serenity in her room, so I went through house without being seen. There is the door in front of me that leads to her,Serenity, and I went through the door and then  Serenity saw me , fainted and pass out on the floor like she seen a ghost or something. I finally got her to wake up by pouring water over her head and yelled at me. "Why did left me?"she ask. I respond, "I didn't the mirror did and plus it as a mind of its own also not to mention I have came here to save you." " Oh and how are you gonna save me where I can't escape this place!" she yelled furiously. "Yes you can by waiting until the blood moon comes out then you can escape," I respond. As I continue with the strategy, I notice that Serenity was bitten by vampire and said, "Who bit you on the neck?" "Oh Aaron did as you know we are immune to their bite unless their mother or father bites us and this is their son so, ha," she respond. I sigh and I said, "In order me to survive I have to possess someone or something." "Well possess this stuff penguin because your not possessing me," she said. "How did you get a stuff penguin," I said.  So I shook my head and respond, "Never mind." So I possessed the stuff penguin and Serenity said, "You actually look better as a stuff penguin." I respond, "Oh be quiet." She smile and she went to get something to eat. As she walk into the dinning room Aaron was waiting for and save her a seat. Aaron got up and pull out the chair for her like a gentlemen would and pull her in towards the table. "Thank you for the stuff penguin Rai," she said. "Your welcome, and I was walking by your door and it sound like you were talking to someone?"he responds . "I was practicing my acting of course and do you have some water, I'm sorry but I don't like wine," she said to change the subject. Rai nod his head and went to get her some water and that's when Aaron made his move so, he scoot the chair and it made a loud screeching sound. He walk over to Serenity and kiss her on red rose lips. A  slap like sound  made by Shiloh and it scared Serenity and she  jumped a thousand feet into the air. "No kissing at the dinner table," said Shiloh. They separated and Serenity said, "Sorry." Rai finally comes back with a glass of clear sparkling water, and sets it down beside her. After eating dinner, Serenity went into her room and there is something that she never seen in life she can't believe it, she was in shock and how can this happen it was humanity impossible. The thing she saw was a stuffed penguin jumping up and down on her bed . "What in the globs name are you doing Aichi ?"she ask. "I can't believe it you actually said my first name and having fun," I respond. "Okay I brought you some water," she said. "Are you crazy I'm a spirit and I'm in a stuffed animal's body for heaven's sake," I answered. As I got done jumping on her bed Aaron walk in the room, so I quickly stop acting like I'm alive and pretend that I'm a stuffed penguin and Serenity said, "Oh hi." He rushes to her and kiss her for awhile and she is responding  well like they were destine to be to get her. " I'm okay about this being together and all , but it's her parents saying not mine. Vampires are they this friendly? I guess it depends personality," I said to myself. They are still  kissing and I can see that Serenity's bloody red lips are running down Aaron's mouth. Serenity pulls him back and says, "I love you and I want to be with you and I fell like we were meant to be together." "I know that I'm not perfect but I love you in every way, will you be wife," he respond. I said to myself, "That was so dramatic and what did he just say?" I said in my head. "Let me think about it yes, but there is something I want to tell and here goes nothing," she said. "Are you already married?"he interrupted. "No nothing like that, I'm not from this mirror world I'm from the human world, but I'm still a witch though and my family is probably worry about me and I want to go home, but I want you to come with me," she explain. "So let me guess there is a family member in this room that told you this," he said. So he grab the stuff penguin and I went, "Ouch that really hurts and please stop your breaking my body." "How did you know about him and please let him go his in a fragile state right now," she answered. "Well I heard the bed banging on the wall and over heard him talking to you through the wall and why is he in a fragile state?"he said. He throws me against the wall and landed on the bed and I start waddling and said, "Ouch again and you my friend are very rude and plus have  you heard  the saying "Treat your elders with respect"," "Yes I have met the person who said that quote," he said. "Now to answer my question about him being so fragile, he has come to help me get out of here by doing he cast a spell and he has possess that stuffed penguin also he only can stay here for three days," Serenity said. "Oh that makes sense, okay I'll agree to let you go home if you let me but my brothers and I come with you," he said. "I would said yes , but it's his  decision though," she said. "Yes, but treat me respect and I will," I answer. "Yeah I'm sorry about and plus we got off the wrong foot, I was feeling a little cranky sorry," he replied. "Apology excepted and when is a perfect place to escape this mirror?" I asked. "Ok back to the matter at hand so we have to wait for the blood moon and wait until the day after tomorrow right," Serenity said. "Yea and how did you know about this?"Aaron asked. "The penguin told me and plus were gonna escape anyways," she answer.  He grabbed me again and I said, "Please don't kill me." I squint my eyes and as he  grab my tiny body and he pat my small head and squish me to death and said nothing. "Hey I just though of  something I won't be here to guide because of the spell," I said. A light bulb just struck in my head, "Okay there is a talking frog he will show the way." Everyone nods.

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