Chapter 13

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As where falling down I see someone walking towards where we were about to fall. I shouted, "HEY LOOK OUT!!" He looks up and he tries to catch us both, but he only caught one of us and it was me. Cake landed on a giant cactus and screamed, "OUCH!!" The man who caught look like he was fifth-teen, had red spiky hair, strong muscle, black pearl eyes, white breeches, black sandals, a black vest sleeveless with a gold trim, and a black scaled scarf. The stranger puts me down and Cake said, "Oh don't mind this doesn't hurt at all and don't me bleeding all over my body!" Me and the stranger giggle and I asked, "What's your name, I'm Serenity ?" "I'm Kazashi," he answered. "Oh and you don't bother to introducing me?" Cake said while she is getting down from the cactus. I smiled and answered, "This Cake." She walks up to Kazashi and punches him in the face and said, "How dare you save only her and not me and I could of died for hobbits sake!" "Why are so dramatic all of a sudden?" I ask. "Well you would too if you almost died," she ask. "I just notice something you almost have the same name as the dragon Kazasho," Cake pointed out. "Wait did you say dragon and where did you seen this dragon Kazasho?" he asked. "Yah and he is the one that took me Cake off the edge of a cliff and drop us off here because where looking for a herb that heals magic energy," I explain. "Yea that sounds like my dad," he mummers. "WHAT!! and how in the globs name he is your father," Cake said. "Technically he the one who raised me and taught me magic," he explained. "Oh back to the saving problem why on hobbits earth why you were flirting with him if you are going to get marry already ?"she asked. "Wait your getting married and to whom?"he ask curiously. "To a guy name Aaron, I said. " Can I call you Kaze from now on," Cake said. "Yes you can and I haven't heard that name in forever; by any chance is he a vampire," he said. "Wait how do you know each other?" I asked. He answered true fully, "Well he and I are friends and he disappeared from us and I'm trapped here as well." "Well why don't stop the talking and start walking and we will take you to him," Cake answered. They started walking and we continue on like this and I ask, "Cake why can't you just fly us out of here?" "Well this place is to small but I can transform into baby dragon if you want," she replied. "No that sucks and I wish that I had food," I said. "Say Kaze what is your power and what are you?" I ask. "I'm a wizard and and can control the elements and I also can eat those elements to replenish my magic energy," he explain. All of a sudden we heard a large rumbling sound and it turns out to our stomachs. "Say do have any fire on you," he ask. "Yea sure," I answered. So I conjure up a fire ball and throw it in midair and he gulped down like it wasn't nothing. Me and Cake's jaws dropped and we look dumbstruck and Cake said, ".........?" I giggle and Kaze said, "I get that reaction a lot." A rumbling for a afar shakes the earth and Cake said, "I hope that was your stomach." "No and we should go towards what that was," I answered. "WHAT! Are planning to commit suicide?" she exclaim. "Kaze agree and plus I have a fire in my belly," Kaze said. I giggle and said, "Plus we need to find what that is because it might be evil or something might be in danger." "Yea I know who is danger," Cake said. "Who?" I ask. "Us why of course and I not gonna go I will wait for you people and don't come back to me for help and if your not back I may save you," she replied. "Thanks for the support and it might a source of food and were gonna eat at all," I ask with reverse psychology. "Fine I'll go but first were gonna stay the night here," she said. So we all stay were at and all of a sudden I awoke and there were a shadow in front of Cake and as I was about to warn her it grabbed her down and yelled, "Cake!!!!" I thought to myself, What was that shadow?"It was and as I arose from the ground , find myself next to Kaze , and I also see Cake is safe and sound.

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