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It was kinda nice having that company not too long ago. I have to remember what he said and follow it exactly. He seemed very serious about what he was saying. All this Forerunner stuff is getting out of hand. From not even knowing any were left to being sent on some great journey by one against what is apparently the greatest evil there ever was. It all seems a little far fetched to me. I'm not even sure how to handle all this info in such a short time. I also have to do something I've never done before in my life. I have to lie directly to John. I have to keep a major secret from him entirely. Which is completely new to me. I never liked keeping secrets, especially with John. I never want there to be things hidden from each other. But I guess I have too. I mean the Forerunners are a species far more advanced then anyone will ever be. If they wish something of me, I should honour it. The worst part is the fact that I have no idea what they wish from us. Why us, of all people why us? They could have picked any one from any race and they chose us. At least that solves my worrys of the Elites. At least she won't allow the Elites to get to her, and there is no way they can fight and win. They are simply much less advanced. The Elites are smart though and they will realize this, probably already have. So we will have to fight them. They will not be happy, so they will be more aggressive than ever before. Maybe matching that of even the Brutes. John is going to have a lot of questions, where are we going? Why are we fighting the Elites again? Why are there Promethean's here? All of these I will have to lie to him about. I will also probably be going through rampancy at the time of this. It will be a lot for him to handle at once. I am not sure how he will take it. But I hope he can survive this, because after its all over, chances are I won't be around anymore. I have never seen him genuinely show sadness before, but I think this will kill him. He's never been alone before, he will just have to accept it. I hope he learns how to before it's too late.

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