·Chapter 1·

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Author's note: Hello everyone!! I hope you enjoy the first chapter of my Twenty One Pilots fanfic. I came up with this idea with the the help of my friend. So shoutout to her!! Enjoy the story! :) And don't forget to spread the word to your friends!!
Having a famous Father seems amazing but I don't really care about the famous part. That's not what really matters. It matters on who the person is and what they're like. It does not matter if you're famous or not. We are all human beings. It's all about who we are and that's what makes us special. It's not about the money and popularity.
My father is different though, he saved millions of lives and I admire him so much for that. He's an inspiration. He and Josh are an inspiration and I hope to be able to accomplish amazing things one day, just like them..

I'm really lucky to have the parents that I have. They're amazing and I love them with all my heart. You may know who my parents are. Tyler and Jenna Joseph. You know Tyler? The lead singer of the incredible band, Twenty One Pilots? Well that's my dad. He's in a band with his best friend, Josh or as I like to call him, Uncle Josh. We'll talk about Uncle Josh later, sound good?

Well let's get to the point. I'm Tyler and Jenna's daughter. My name is Catharsis. Catharsis Joseph. Catharsis? You must be thinking, what a strange name. I actually love my name even though not many people know what it means. Here I'll give you the definition of my name: the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions. Pretty sweet, eh? My dad gave me my name. It's his favorite word and he wanted to name his child that since a new, favorite person would be coming into his life.

I'm 15 and I'm still trying to find who I am. I'm a teenager after all. We're all trying to figure out who we are. Now that's some of my background information. Let's hop into my story, shall we?


I open my eyes to the gleaming sunlight entering my room. It was morning and it was the first day of school. Great. A sophomore in a new city, a new school. This should turn out swell. I sigh and rub my eyes. I get up and head to the bathroom. I take my time to get ready and once I'm all set, I head downstairs. I walk into the kitchen and I'm greeted by my Mom.

"Hey, Mom," I say as I grab an apple and take a bite out of it.

"Hey, honey. You ready for your first day of school?"

"Not at all. Let's hope I survive."

"You will, I promise."

"Whatever you say," I sigh and sit down at the dining table.

I continue to eat the apple and analyze it's features. This is what I do all the time. I always think. I think too much..about everything. Which isn't something I'm extremely proud of.

I feel a kiss land upon the top of my head.

I smile.

"Hi Daddy."

"Good morning, Cath. How's my favorite person in the entire world?"

"I thought Uncle Josh was your favorite person?" I say, teasing.

"I thought I was Tyler's favorite person?" Mom says with a pout, looking at the two of us.

"Oooh, busted!!" I say and we all laugh.

"I have a lot of favorite people, okay? Don't judge me," Dad says as he sits down next to me.

"How's that apple?"

"It's very good."

"So I see. Let me taste some of that action," He grabs an apple from the fruit bowl and takes a bite out of it.

"This is so good," He says with his mouth full.

"Dad, you're talking with your mouth full."

"Sorry," He swallows and holds the apple in his palm.

"You ready for today?"


"You'll do great."

"I don't know about that."

"Trust me, you will."

I look down at the table and nod.

I was so nervous that I wanted to throw up. I just wanted to get out of going to school.

"Hey, look at me," Dad says and places his hands on both of my shoulders.

"I believe in you. You have the potential to do amazing things, okay? I love you. You can do this," He kisses my forehead and gives me a reassuring smile.

I smile back and look at mom.

She nods and gives me a thumbs up.

"Let's go, I'll drop you off," Dad says.

I grab my backpack and throw it across my shoulder. Dad gives mom a quick kiss and heads out the door.

"Bye, Mom," I give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Have a good day at school, love. You'll do great. I love you."

"Love you too."

I head out the door and close it behind me. I walk to the car and open the passenger door. I sit down and buckle up.

"What do you want to listen to, today?" Dad says, looking through his phone trying to find a song.

"Anything you'd like."


The song he picked was, "Can't help falling in love" by Elvis Presley. I adored Elvis. I grew up listening to him. Dad would always play me this as a lullaby or whenever I felt down. It made me happy and would completely cheer me up. I feel my lips curl into a cheesy smile. I look at my dad and he's smirking.

"You're the best, dad."

"I know."

"Shut up."

We both laugh and we start singing along to the song.

I had a wonderful relationship with my parents. I could trust them with anything especially my dad. He was my best friend and we were alike in a freakishly amount of ways. He even said so himself. Mom even agrees. That's probably we understand each other more than anyone else.

The song finishes as we reach the school. I take a deep breath as we park in front of the school. The car stops and I look at my dad. He gives me a thumbs up. "Knock em' dead, kid."

I nod and exit out of the car.

I look at the huge school in front of me and climb up the stairs.

I reach the main entrance and open the door.

Here we go...

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