·Chapter 20·

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I gasp and do a double take as his hand moves again. Tears threaten to spill as his fingers entwine with mine.

"Uncle Josh?"

His eyes slowly open and when they are fully open, they meet with mine. He gives me a small smile and then flinches a little when he realizes it hurts to smile.

He fights through the pain and speaks.

"Cath, it's always good to see you."

I smile and wipe my tears away as they spill down my cheeks.

"How are you feeling?" I ask.

"Like a million bucks," He says jokingly.

"You're lying."

"Yeah, but I'll be okay. My body hurts like it feels really sore. The last thing I remember is our car rolling around and glass breaking. Where's Tyler?"

I look away and he follows my gaze.

I look back at him and his eyes shut tight, trying not to cry.

"So, I'm the first one to wake up," He says quietly.

"When we came, the doctor told us you guys were in critical condition. You and dad have been unconscious for over a week."

"A week?!"

"Yeah. Do you remember what happened that caused the accident?" I ask, as I look over at dad again.

"Well, your dad was driving. We were heading to the studio to record and we stopped at a red light. We saw cars driving back and forth and then we saw one coming towards us instead of going the other way. We thought it was going to turn until it suddenly hit us and other cars, which caused our car to roll around. Since Tyler was driving he was the first one to become unconscious. I was freaking out trying to help Tyler but I felt the car go upside down and blood was rushing to my head. Tyler was stuck in his seat and I was trying to unbuckle his seatbelt and the other cars that were hit as well, had hit our car again, glass shattered even more and cut us badly. I felt something hit my head really hard and I blacked out. That's the last thing I remember," His voice cracks as he finishes explaining.

Before I say anything, I hear the door open and I had completely forgotten that mom went to get the doctor as she saw Uncle Josh's hand moves.

"Mr. Dun, I see you're awake," The doctor says as he begins to do a check up on Uncle Josh.

My mom kneels down beside me and puts her arm around my shoulders, squeezing me in reassurance.

"Josh, it makes me so happy to see that you're awake, that you're alive," She says as she shares a smile with him.

He smiles and thanks her.

The doctor finishes his check up and tells him he has to stay in the hospital for a week more. He tells the nurse specific instructions to treat him. The nurse nods and offers Uncle Josh something to eat.

"I'll get him something to eat, don't worry," Mom says and gets up.

Mom. Always so generous and kind, qualities that I've always admired and have inspired me.

"Thank you, Jenna," Uncle Josh says with a smile and mom nods, leaving the room.

"Uncle Josh?"


"Please tell me that dad will be okay. He will, won't he?"

"If there's something I've always loved and admired from your dad is, his strength to fight the most difficult battles. I know he will be okay, he will wake up. He just had a worse impact from the accident that I did, give him more time. He's fighting as hard as he can right now."

He takes my hand and squeezes it.

"I love you, Cath."

"I love you too, Uncle Josh."

"Come here."

I come closer to him and hug him, he grunts in pain and I quickly apologize.

"As tyler says, fight it, take the pain, ignite it."

I laugh and kiss his cheek.

He grins in reply.

"Thank you for being my best friend. Thank you for always being my friend, it has always meant the world to me."

"You're like Tyler in so many ways that it shocks me how similar you guys are. Maybe, that's why we have this bond. I was meant to be Tyler's best friend and that also meant that when Tyler would have kids or kid, they would be like my own children, my own friends automatically. You see, Cath, we were always meant to be family. You were always meant to be like a daughter to me. You've taught me so much about myself and have inspired me to be better, you make me a better person every day. As does Tyler, and Jenna. If I could ever explain how much I love you guys, I wouldn't be able to because there is too much to express," He places his hand on my cheek as he looks me in the eyes. I smile.

"Uncle Josh, you're going to make me cry again," I laugh as I sniffle.

"That's okay, I don't mind crying right now, I think it helps all of us at this moment of time."

So we do.

We cry together and release all the pain and happiness pouring out of our souls.

And that seemed to help, it seemed to help a lot.

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