·Chapter 23·

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Author's note: Dedicating this chapter to my amazing, fellow writer, and friend, Grace. Happy early birthday! I hope you enjoy this chapter and I hope you have a fabulous birthday tomorrow. I love you so much! May all your wishes come true!

Weeks passed by and Dad was healing. He was getting better every passing day. He had to be kept longer in the hospital due to his injuries but he's home now. And that makes me so happy, it's so wonderful to have him home.

I walk into the kitchen, opening the fridge. I see strawberry banana yogurt and grab it, opening it up, grabbing a spoon, and begin to eat it. I rest my elbows on the kitchen counter and look towards the backyard door. I see Uncle Josh sitting down, looking at the trees.

It was autumn and the colors were changing in such a magnificent way. I have always admired the way nature behaves, how it changes, everything about it was so..beautiful.

I go outside and sit next to Uncle Josh.



"What are you thinking about?" I say as I take another bite of my yogurt.

"Just life, in general. About things that I haven't experienced."

"Like what?"

"Not being married, not having kids."

"I don't know what to say.."

"It's just, I don't understand. I don't understand why I haven't settled down. I mean I have, but I just haven't been able to find love. Whenever I go home, to my apartment, I dread it. When I go inside, no one is there to greet me, and there's this strong feeling of loneliness when I'm alone..and it's hard. I'm frustrated with myself. I just- I just don't understand myself." His voice breaks and he starts to cry.

I pull him into a tight hug and he cries even more.

"Uncle Josh, look at me."

He does as I say and looks at me.

"You're not alone, you will never be alone. Yes, you're not married, or have kids, but you have us. We're your family. You're like another dad to me and I'm like your own daughter. I know it's hard, but I'll tell you this. Things take time. Some longer than others. Love is hard to find but it isn't impossible to find love in your life. You have love surrounding you, from us, from your family. We love you so much. There's someone out there, just for you, and you will find her. Okay? I'll help you find her."

"Really? You would do that for me?"

"Of course I would. I would do anything to make you happy."

"I'm sorry, Cath. I'm just having a down day, thank you for reminding me of all these things. I don't know what I would do without you, and your family. All of you mean the world to me."

"I love you, Uncle Josh."

"And I love you."

He gives me a big hug and spins me around. I laugh as he does and say, "You know, you can move in with us, right? You practically live here already."


"Yes! I'll talk to mom and dad about it, okay? I am 100% sure they'll say yes. Why don't we just ask them right now?"

He nods and wraps his arm around my shoulders as we walk into the living room.

"Hello hello," I say to mom and dad as they're sitting on the couch, going through photo albums.

"Hey, sweetie," Dad says, as he flips to another page in the album.

"I have a question for you guys."


"Can Josh move in with us?" Josh hides behind me as I ask the question and peeks over my shoulder.

"Josh, of course you can, man. I'm all for it. What about you, Jenna?" Dad says, with puppy dog eyes.

"No need for those eyes, Tyler. Josh! We would be delighted to have you move in with us," Mom says with a beautiful smile and laughs with happiness in her voice.

"Uncle Josh, you can stop hiding behind me now."

"Oh, right! Sorry. Thank you guys!" He pulls us all in for a group hug.

"This is so exciting!" I exclaim with excitement.

"I need to get my things though back in LA."

"Why don't we all go get your things with you? We can make a vacation out of it," Mom recommends.

"That sounds like a great idea! Let's do it!" Dad agrees.

"Guess we're going to LA." Uncle Josh smiles at me.

"This is going to be fun."

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