·Chapter 11·

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I ended up falling asleep in Uncle Josh's arms from exhaustion but once I wake up, he had moved and was now on a chair, sleeping.

I rub my eyes and sit up. My head feels much better than before which brings me relief. I look at Uncle Josh and hear that he is snoring softly. He was always a napper.

"Psst," I say as quietly as possible to try to wake him up.

"Psssst," Nothing.

"Uncle Josh, wake up," I say and he wakes up abruptly, he looks scared but then realizes where he is.

"I'm up," He says as he wipes a hand over his face.

"How are you feeling, Cath?" He asks, standing up.

"Better than before. Thank you. What time is it?"

"It's 5 a.m."

He walks over to me and sits on the side of my bed.

"This day has been so long. I'm so glad we've reached a new one," I yawn.

"Yeah, I'm glad you're feeling better. But, we need to talk."

"I know, I know. About my parents. You haven't called them yet, have you?"

"No I haven't but I'm planning to. They need to know that you're okay, Cath. They have a right to know."

"I'm not ready."

"I know you aren't but sometimes in life, we have to face things we're not ready for. This is one of those moments, okay?"


"You're going to be okay, everything is going to be okay, trust me. Do you trust me?"

"More than anything."

"Thank you," He kisses the top of my head and smiles at me.

"I promise you that everything will sort out, in time. Just be warned, your Dad is going to be steaming because I was notified first instead of him and Jenna. So be prepared."

"It's such an odd sight to see him upset with you. It's just something that's hard to picture."

"I know it is, but it isn't the first time either. I know your father and things are going to be fixed. He's just stubborn but it's not his fault. He's just upset because he cares about you."

I nod.

"Well, time to call them. Jenna or Tyler's phone?"


He nods and takes his phone out of his pocket. He turns it on and goes through his contacts. He stands up and walks over to a corner in the room.

He waits as the phone rings.

"Hello, Jenna."

He nods as he listens.

"Yeah, I've found her. You're not going to like where she is. She's in the hospital."

He paces around the room.

"Yeah I'll text you the address. Mhm. See you soon. Okay, bye."

He hangs up and looks at me.

"So?" I ask, anxious.

"They're on their way."

I forget to breathe for a second.

"All right," I blink.

"Do you want me to get you some breakfast? The doctor said you can eat normally."

"Yes, please."

"Alright, I'll be back in ten minutes."

He leaves the room.

I lay down and look at the ceiling.

Everything felt so unreal, overwhelming, and exhausting.

I was worried about my parent's reactions and I was scared if they were going to be disappointed in me.

Worrying does nothing. Worrying just makes you sick. And that's what it did to me.

My breathing quickens and I try to focus on slowing it down at a normal pace.

The door opens and Uncle Josh comes in with a tray of food.

He looks at me and gives me a worried glance.

"Are you okay?" He asks as I sit up.

"My breathing just quickened but I'll be okay. I have it under control."

"Deep breaths, okay?"

I nod and he places the tray of food on my lap.

"Would you like me to feed you?" He teasingly says.

"That would be nice but I think I can do it on my own," I laugh.

"Well, okay then. Suit yourself," He sits down on a chair and pulls out his phone.

I begin to eat my food and feel my stomach becoming satisfied.

While I'm eating, Uncle Josh begins showing me pictures of cats and we start joking around like we normally do.

I finish my food and set the tray to the side. We continue to look at cat pictures and talk about what our favorite cat breeds are. We've talked about it many times but it felt nice to talk about it now. It was something uplifting.

As we're laughing at a funny cat video, the door opens. Uncle Josh looks over and his face changes.

He's frowning.

I look over and meet a pair of brown eyes.

Dad was here.

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