·Chapter 15·

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"I stare at the sunset and all the many colors in the sky.

Seeing the time pass me by.

I wonder if colors ever get tired of being replaced.

For sure, I would never keep up the pace.

I know in my heart that I will change my old ways.

But it's not as easy as it may seem.

The sky will always thunder. The rain will always pour.

I wish for a rainbow so my sorrow will be no more. "

As I finish writing the final words in my journal, I start to feel a little bit of peace of mind. I had just finished writing my first poem and I never thought I could express myself in such a way. I never knew there was words inside me just waiting to spill onto paper. I would have showed dad but for now, I wanted this to be mine. It's something only I could understand and that, brought me some hope.

I look over at Ziggy sleeping peacefully in the middle of my bed. It was a new day and I felt much better than the day before. I check the time and see that it's 1 in the afternoon. My stomach growls and I laugh to myself. It was always loud when it growled. I needed something to eat.

I get out of my chair and head downstairs, where I find mom making a salad. Oh thank goodness, she's making something I can eat. She hears me and smiles as I reach the kitchen.

"Hey mom," I say, leaning against the fridge.

"Sweetheart, how are you feeling?"

"Much better. Can I take off my bandage now?"

"Yes you can."

"Oh good, because I'm sick of this thing."

I take off my bandage and feel instant relief.

"How does it feel?"

"A bit weird but I'm so relieved that this is finally off," I throw the bandage in the garbage and move my neck side to side. I was trying to get rid of the tension that had formed ever since I hit my head.

"Easy there, kiddo. I don't want you to break your neck," Dad walks in with Uncle Josh and both of them smile at me.

"Sorry. I just feel tense."

'That's normal, considering you hit your head. I can massage your neck for you if you want," Dad says.

"That would be great, thanks dad."

He massages my neck and I feel the tension go away. I feel grateful and thank him.

Mom calls us over and serves me a bowl of Caesar salad. I clap my hands in joy as it slides over to me. Sure mom couldn't cook but she sure could make one heck of a salad. At least she could make one dish.

I thank her and start eating.

Dad looks at his bowl of salad and widens his eyes. He glances at me and then back to the salad.

"Aren't you going to eat?" I ask.

He looks over at mom and she gives him a warning look.

"Eat your vegetables, Ty," She says as she sits down with us.

"But I-"

"Eat it."


He starts eating and rolls his eyes as he looks at mom.

"I only say it because I love you."

"Oh, I know," He smirks as he stuffs a piece of lettuce in his mouth. He chews it without pleasure.

"Wait, where's Uncle Josh?" I say as I pop a crouton in my mouth.

"I have no idea. He was with us and then he disappeared."

I stand up abruptly and excuse myself real quick. I run upstairs to my room and open the door.

"Uncle Josh."

He was playing with Ziggy.

I put my hands on the side of my hips.

"You do know you can bring him downstairs, right?"

"Oh..yeah," He laughs.

"I forgot, I'm sorry. You know how I am with kittens."

"That's true."

"So what's up?"

"Mom made lunch and prepared you a bowl of salad."

"Sweet. Let's head downstairs."

He pets Ziggy one more time and stands up. We head down to the dining room and I sit down again and continue to eat.

"So there you are," Dad says.

"Here I am."

"Were you playing with Ziggy?"


"Josh I served you a bowl of salad. Here," Mom says as she hands him the bowl.

"Thanks Jenna, I was hungry."

We all continue to eat and talk to each other, enjoying each other's company. I felt good and that's what made everything so much better.

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