·Chapter 6·

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We sat there all night and until the sun started to rise, we headed home. Something about the day soothed me more than the night. The night is deadly, you don't know what hides in the darkness.. The day is peaceful and the sun shines, sharing light that spreads into your life.

I think about all these things on the drive home. I felt so exhausted and I felt my eyes getting heavy. They close right as we pull into the driveway. I hear the car turn off and the door open on the driver's side.

The door closes and I hear mine open.

I feel my dad's arms wrap around me and lift me up, carrying me inside the house. I lay my head on his chest, hugging him. I felt at peace for once. That's the last thing I remember as I feel sleep take over my mind and body.


I wake up to the sun shining into my room. I look around my room and the events from last night, rush through my head. I stretch and yawn. I reach for my phone and check the time.

2 p.m.

Wow it's late.

I get up and exit out my door, heading to the bathroom, sleepily. I enter the bathroom and rub my eyes. I was still really tired. I brush my teeth and then turn on the water. I take a much needed shower and feel my muscles relax when the cold water touches my skin.

The shower helps me relax and once I get out, I feel refreshed. Then I start to get dressed.

I put on a striped, black t-shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans. I slip on my black and white high top converse. I tie my laces and I look in the mirror. I almost laugh at the sight of my hair. It was all poofy from blowdrying. I pick up my brush and brush through my wavy, brown hair.

I pull two pieces of my hair to the back of my head and connect them with a white bow. Which created a cute half up kinda do. I look in the mirror again and smile. I felt pretty good about myself today. Satisfied with my outfit, I exit out of the bathroom and walk down the hallway, heading down the stairs to the dining room.

"You're finally up!" Dad says, cheerfully and greets me with a warm hug. I chuckle and nod, "I was exhausted."

"I figured, so was I."

"Where's Mom?" I ask, opening the fridge to see what food was available.

"She's on her way down here. She had to grab something from our room real quick."

"Oh okay," I say, half distracted. I was really hungry.

"Don't tell me she made lunch."

"She hasn't."


"I suggested we go out to eat but we wanted to wait for you to wake up."

"That's a relief. Thank you."

"I understand your pain. I like to have good food. Not be afraid of food poisoning."

We both laugh and then we hear Mom walk into the dining room.

I close the fridge and walk over to her, greeting her with a hug and kiss.

"Hi sweetie, sleep well?" She hugs me back and smiles at me.

"Kind of, I'm still tired."

"Long night?"

"Yeah..I figured Dad told you everything."

"He did."

"I'm sorry," I feel my lip tremble.

"Don't apologize. Hey, look at me," She kneels down and puts her finger under my chin, making me look at her.

"I'm here for you, okay? We both are. You are not alone. We will do as much as we can to help you. I love you, Catharsis," She pulls me into her arms and gives me a long hug.

I feel myself relax and feel at peace once more. This is one of the reaons I loved my parents so much. They're amazing people. They're so understanding of others.

"If you ever need anything, I'll always be here for you. Okay?"

I nod as she pulls away.

Dad looks at her with love in his eyes as he watches us share this moment. He puts his arm around her and kisses her cheek. She smiles at him and she opens her arms to me. Dad does the same.

We all share a group hug and I feel safe in their arms.

We all pull away and Mom asks me where I want to eat.

"I'm not sure. Any suggestions, Dad?"

"There's this lovely italian restaurant downtown, want to eat there?"

"Italian food? Frick yeah! Let's go!"

He and Mom laugh.

We head out the door and enter the car, buckling up.

Dad hands me the aux cord and I smile.

I put on a Keane song called "Bend and break" We all start singing along and enjoying the ride, downtown. We listen to a whole bunch of songs of my choice until we reach our destination.

We exit out the car and enter the restaurant.

We get seated and order what we want to eat.

We all enjoy our meal and have a pleasant conversation with each other. We catch up on each other and Dad tries to make me laugh by cracking cheesy jokes at me. They kept working, causing me to laugh so hard that my stomach hurt.

We finally finish our meal and head out.

We decide to walk around town and visit little shops. Mom bought me little vintage things that I enjoy immensely which made me really happy. Dad and I visit the record store while Mom goes to another store.

He buys a few vinyls that we would both enjoy and we walk out happily from the store. I couldn't wait to play the vinyls using our record player, at home.

We spend the rest of the day together as a family in pure joy. I felt so happy and felt at least for one day, truly happy. I missed days like this and I hoped there were many more to come.

We arrive home and Mom and Dad tuck me in under the sheets.

"Thank you for everything. I love you guys."

"We love you more."

They both kiss me goodnight and head out my bedroom door.

I smile to myself and feel my eyes close where I doze off into the world they call, "The Dream World."

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