Will Raph Survive?

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Pic above is Snow.
Raph: What do I do? If I stay in view, she'll hurt me. But if I hide then... *thinks of Amani* No! They'll be killed.
Snow: *eyes turn red* Go! *runs towards him* *starts scratching his face*
Raph: No! *grabs her shoulders*
Snow: *voice changes* What. Do. You. Mean. No?! *scratches more viciously* I'll kill you!*roars*
Raph: Snow, listen to me! There are people out there that we care about, and I'm not about to let them die because I decided to be a coward. So my answer is no!
Snow: *screeches* *any look of humanity is gone* *claws faster*
Raph: Ow! Snow, if you're in there, listen! It's Raph! Hotheaded, impulsive Raph! Your friend! Snow, if you're still in there, I need you to stop. I know it may not seem like it, but I care about you! We all do! Especially Mikey! And right now what I need to do as Mikey's brother and your friend is snap you out of this. So go ahead! Claw my face off! If that what it takes to get back Snow, then so be it! You need to know that you're not alone anymore!
Snow: *stops clawing* *eyes go back to normal*...Raph? *pants*
Raph: It's me kid. It's me. *has scratches all over his face*
Snow: *eyes water* Thank you... *hugs him* Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! *falls asleep*...thank...you...
Raph: * pats her head* What are friends for?
Me: *opens door* Whoa, what happened to you?!
Raph/Snow: *wake up* Huh? Wha? *run over*
Mikey: *gets tackle-hugged by Snow* Hey, Snowflake. I missed you too!
Raph: *hugs Amani* Hey...
Amani: Hey. You alright there big guy?
Raph: *looks at a smiling Snow and Mikey* Just fine. What'd I miss?
~Le Timeskip~
Ange: Time to get this show on the road!
Riley: *appears next to her* Hey Angel.
Ange: H-Hi. 0///0
April: Huh, guess Donnie passed the stuttering and blushing on to her.
Donnie: Hey, I do not stutter!
Leo: Sorry bro, but you do.
Me: Yep! :3
Donnie: H-Hey!
Snow: Moving on, blueflameprime dares the turtle bros to live without comics, gadgets, video games, and Space Heroes until they all take their girlfriends out on dates!
Amani: Huh, now that I think about it, we've never actually gone on a date Raph. Why exactly is that?
Raph: Well, I, hum, you see, I was uhm...
Amani: *raises eyebrow*
Raph: ...scared.
Amani: *hugs him* I'm already your girlfriend! All you have to do is ask!
Raph: *coughs* Will you go on a date with me?
Amani: Of course!
Me: *looks at Leo and Donnie* Well?
Donnie: *blushes* W-Will us, with you, I-I mean-
Leo: *calmly* Will you go out on a date with us?*ducks his head and blushes*
Donnie: W-What he said!
Me: Well how can I refuse?
Mikey: Hey, Snowflake? Wanna go on a date? :P
Raph: Well he has to be if he's dating you.
Snow: True true.
April/Casey: *look at each other* Wanna hang in the park? Sure! *leave*
Me: Unfortunately, I am not up for writing those out, but you guys can guess what we all did for dates and the (possible) winner(s) get something very special. On to the next thing!
Ange: Our next dare is from Snow, well not Snow, but, you know what? We'll get to her dare next chappie.
Leo: That's all for now! Remember...
Riley: Comment!
Ange: A-Ask! O///O'
TJ: Arf! (Dare!)
Mikey: Oh, there you are!
Me: See ya!
Sorry it was so short. I'm sick. XP

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