A Pissed Gen Strikes Again!

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~At Gen's Studio~

Me: *watching movie*

Amani: Is this any good? *peers over couch*

Ange: *scrolls through tumblr*So far it's been really funny.

Snow: *walks by* You can tell me when it's over if the high was worth the pain.

April: ...do you even like her music?

Amani: She's dating her husband rn, so no I don't think so.

Snow: *puts on Strider shades* Irony.

Me: This Trevor kid is being a little shit.

Everyone: ...and?

Me: I have adopted him.

Everyone: Of course.

Ange: I feel like something's about to happen.

Snow: And you've jinxed us. Coddammit. *Shakes her around* do yOU KNOW WHAT YOU'VE UNLEASheD? HUH?!

Amani: *does Gally stance* Calm. Calm. Calm.

Me: *throws Sans at her*

Sans: sup

Snow: HISS *demonically crawls into the shadows w/ Sans*

April: *shrugs and eats popcorn* You were right this kid is a little shit.

Ange: ...what the shell.


Everyone: ...*looks at meh*

Me: ...

Me: no

Me: No

Me: No Godammit.

Turtle Bros: *pile in* HI!!


Snow: *crawls back* You is dead.

Sans: I agree, tibia honest. *Grins*

Snow: *crawls back* SHADOWS. *backtracks* Oh nvm it's dusty.


Amani: Someone's gonna get cut.

April: *passes popcorn* Mhm.

Ange: I am so sorry.

Me: Shad0w71

Everyone: What?

Me: *evil grin* Shad0w71 dares Donnie and MIkey to never again kiss their brothers on the lips...

D & M: Phew.

Me: -but Boy Blue and Raphie have to.

Girls & Sans: OHH!!


Me: Mikey and Donnie, since I love you too much, Imma just push y'all into a fangirl pit.

D & M: *fall into le pit* HOW IS THIS BETTER? / BOOYAKASHA!


Ange: *snaps photos of kissing bros* Once again, I am so sorry.


Amani/ April: *watching movie* Send us those.

Me: *finally allows them to separate* Now, you two are going to tell Splinter why you're gonna be fixing my wall for the next three weeks.

R & L: ...

Me: Am I clear?

R & L: *hug each other in fear* Aye!!

-Somewhere, Natsu and Gray are sneezing.-

Snow: *appears on couch* This movie is pretty good. Oh and Sans said to express his condolences. *plays tiny violin*
Everyone else: ...

Snow: Das it.

Me: That's all for now! And remember...

April: Vote!

Raph/Leo: *getting yelled at over the phone*

Snow: Comment!

Amani: Ask!

Donnie/Mikey: *high pitched screaming*

Ange: Dare! (Gen, I am so sorry.)

Me: *cackles* See ya!

Turtle Bros: SAVE U-!!

Technical malfunctions have led the cameras to crash. Please stand by.

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