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Me: I can't believe we had to kill Yuki. Leo don't eat that! *stops Kid-Leo from eating katanas*
Snow: To be fair she transformed into a wall-crawling demon and tried to kill all of us. *shrugs* I was a strange child.
Me: Raph don't punch Mikey!
Kid-Raph: *pouts*
Kid-Mikey: Yay! *hits face with nunchucks*
Marcus: *remembers what Yuki did* *shivers*
April: Marcus you're already dead.
Marcus: Oh right! I forgot.
TJ: *facepaws*
Me: Ange! The daggers are too big for you!
Kid-Ange: *pouts* Phooey!
Me: Donnie drop that bomb! Wait on second thought don't!
Kid-Donnie: *blushes and nearly drops bomb* S-S-Sowwy!
Me: Amani don't scare Raph with the chicken plushie!
Kid-Amani: Aaw!
Me: Snow stop trying to put Mikey into cosplay!
Snow: *pouts* Fiiiiiinnnneee. Oh I forgot I have the - *grabs jar from purse* - reverse sparkles!!!
Me: *twitches* ...How long?
Snow: For a loooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggg time.
April: How come you didn't say so?
Snow: It's funny watching Gen flail around.
Me: *twitches* ...
Snow: Teehee!
Me: *walks toward Snow* *grabs jar* Give me thhaaat. *walks away and throws sparkles on the children*
Children: *turn back to normal*
Leo: Why do my katanas have spit on them?
Ange: Ooh! Daggers!
Raph: *looks at plushie* GAH! WHY?!
Amani: Lol. I think that's mine. XD
Mikey: My face huuuuurts!
Donnie: Why is there a bomb lying around. Wait, just what happened?
April: *shows them video*
Them: OHH!
Me: *twicthes* Lets just move on. *throws bomb through portal to random dimension*
~Somewhere else~
You: *waiting for Ask and Dare update like a patient potato*
Bomb: *flies through window* SAPRISE MUDAFUKA!!!
You: OH SHI-
Me: *appears* Oops. *fixes ur house and revives u*
You: How?!
Me: I. AM. AUTHOR. *disappears*
You: O_O' Why do I read her books again?
~Back to us~
Me: Well anyways lets do some dares. Oh and I guess you guys can have pizza now!
Snow: Ooh! _svetulea_ dares Gen to do seven minutes in heaven with Donnie AND Leo! Kid, I like ur thinking!
Me: O///O W-What.
Leo and Donnie: (Guess we'll have to share her.) O///O O-okay!
Me: What. O///O
Raph: Into the closet you three. *pushes us in a dark closet* *locks door*
Me: What. O///O
(Note: Switching the style because Snow would wanna know what happened in DETAIL. Such a great friend. So if you guys get uncomfortable with things like this just like ask me what happened and I'll tell you.)
  I looked around the dark closet nervously. Dammit why did this have to happen?! Who would want to kiss me?! Barely able to make out their figures in the dark, I gulped. "Um, you guys don't have to do this if you don't want to.", I murmured.

I gasped softly as my back gently hit the wall. Looking up, I was able to see both brothers leaning over me, smirking. Each placed a hand by the sides of my head and leaned closer. With our breathes mixing together, I was faintly able to see the unknown gleams in their eyes, stirring up an unknown feeling in my chest.
  Barely whispering, Leo asked, "Now why would we do that?"
Donnie leaned down and nuzzled my neck, whispering , "Do you want this?"
  With my face turning a searing red, I nodded slowly, too embarrassed to say the words. Leo winked at me before leaning down to the other side of my neck, slowly licking it. Donnie lifted his head and shakily grabbed a lock of my hair, gulping before gently tugging my face closer.
  His lips were warm on mine, and I couldn't help but smile into the kiss, which he returned. Leo made quick work on trailing kisses down my neck. He stopped on a spot that made my breath hitch and started sucking on it, making sure to make a mark.
  Grabbing the tails of his mask, I tugged Donnie closer, allowing him entrance into my mouth. With a fight for dominance he quickly won, exploring all over my mouth. Eventually we had to pull away for air, leaving a thin trail of saliva connecting out mouths. Just when the two boys switched positions, a knock was heard on the door.
  "Time's up!", we heard Mikey yell.
  Both brothers growled under their breathes in annoyance, "Mikey!" I blushed and fixed my hair, wiping the saliva off of my mouth. As we all waited for the door to open, both brothers whispered in my ears words that brought a whole new level of red to my face. "We'll continue later..."
(Back to normal style)
Me/Leo/Donnie: *walk out of closet*
Me: *clears throat* Well then... Next dare. O///O
Snow: Um, you guys ok?
Leo/Donnie: *faint*
Amani: We'll be back after they wake up.
Me: That's all for now! Remember...
Marcus/April: Vote!
Amani/Raph: Comment!
Snow/Mikey: Ask!
TJ: Arf! (Dare!)
Ange: See ya'!
Snow: So Gen...
Amani: What exactly happened?
Ange/April: We need details!
Snow: We'll just have to ask the readers then!
Raph/Mikey/Marcus: Girls...
TJ: Ruff... (Humans...)

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