Chapter 21

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~ Desirée’s POV ~ 

Sophie and I were hanging out in school when Josh came running towards us. It’s amazing how - even when he’s running - he still looks as gorgeous as ever… okay I might have a small crush on him or actually a rather big one. He’s just so amazing and kind. He’s genuinely a nice person. 

I actually have a secret nobody knows about. Not even Madison or Sophie. It’s not like it’s anything bad, just quite awkward… 

Okay here it goes, I’ve got nothing to lose!... I have the biggest crush ever on… Niall. I haven’t told anyone because I’m scared of what they’ll think. I don’t want Maddy to think I’m only hanging out with her because of Niall, because I’m definitely not. I’ve had a crush on Josh for a little while, but I’ve been IN LOVE with Niall for god knows how long. I know that I’ll never have a chance with Niall, I think that’s why I tried with Josh, but nothing can make me forget about Niall, my Irish snowflake. 

Now that we’re talking about Niall and Maddy, where is Maddy? I haven’t seen her in a couple of days. I know it doesn’t sound like a lot, but normally we’re together 24/7 so when she’s not here and she hasn’t even told me why, I get worried! 

I’m going to call her and if she doesn’t pick up, I’m calling Niall!

*Beep, Beep, Bee-* 

Vas happenin’? You’ve reached my phone, which I’m not currently picking up, so maybe you should try calling me later. Have I nice day. Peace out.

Argh! Why don’t you pick up your phone? I’m calling Niall ASAP. I’m just gonna talk to Josh and Sophie first! 

“Guys, have any of you talked to Maddy lately? I feel like we haven’t seen her in like… forever!” I told them. They looked at each other and then looked at me. When they both shook their heads, I knew something wasn’t right! Maddy would never ignore us! 

I was too caught up in my own thoughts I didn’t even hear the bell ring. 

“Des, where heading to class, you coming?” Sophie asked me. 

“Yeah I’ll be there in a minute. I’ll meet you there” I told them. Sophie looked at me with a questioning face. I knew, she knew something was up. She had that ‘You-tell-me-later’ look on her face. I gave her a nod and dug out my phone from my pocket. 

*Beep, Beep*


-Hey Niall, it’s Desirée.

-I know it’s you Des I have caller ID

Great job, Desirée. You’re totally humiliating yourself ‘in front of’ the guys you’re in love with! 

-Well, I was wondering if you know where Maddy is. She doesn’t pick up her phone.

-No… I thought she was with you guys. Harry is not here either so I just assumed he took her to school.

-Niall, school started hours ago. Wouldn’t Harry be home by now? 

-Yeah you’re right! Hey… I have a tracking system on my phone. I’m gonna try to track Maddy or Harry. I’ll   call you when I know something.

-Alright bye


I really hope everything’s alright with her. This is so not like her to just disappear without telling anyone. 

I’m gonna get find my best friend. I probably need some help from Sophie and Josh, so I texted them telling them to meet by Niall’s house ASAP. Whenever we write ASAP, we know it’s important. 

I was waiting for Josh and Sophie when Niall stepped outside on the porch where I was sitting. He looked quite surprised. I would be too, if some weirdo was sitting on my porch uninvited. 

“Hey Des, what’re you doing here? Have you found Maddy?” he asked me with hope in his eyes. 

“I’m guessing you couldn’t track her?” I replied with a sad tone. I really just want my best friend back and I can tell Niall does too! I’m, serious, that girl is his entire life. If he lost is little sister… hell would break loose! 

“I’m calling the police! I’m freaking out! My little sister’s gone, my best friend is gone…” 

“Niall, calm down! The police is gonna find them. I promise” I reassured him. He didn’t look entirely convinced, but he relaxed a bit more. 

Within the next half hour the police arrived. We told them what we know about Madison and Harry missing. They brought these serious killer dogs! They sure did look like it. 

The dogs sniffed Harry’s and Maddy’s clothes so that it could recognize it later on if they found something. Hopefully they’ll find them! 

I don’t know what I’ll do if they’re hurt or even worse… 


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