Alcatraz or Hell Itself

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Dru walked around the deserted building that was or is famously known as Alcatraz prison, she decided to try and blend in as best she could so booked a ticket to attend a haunted ghost tour of the deserted prison, the way she saw it the amount of sad, angry and maybe even evil malvoiant spirits supposedly inhabiting the building it would make it pretty damn hard for the MASTERS from her past to trace her whereabouts,it would also make it virtually impossible for the inhabitants of the prison to actually have any effect on her in the way they do with the unsuspecting humans also on the tour.
The tour guide book specifically states that being inside the building of Alcatraz gives the participants different feelings and sensations effecting almost all their senses, the feelings and sensations would vary from feeling the insanity the prisoners would have eventualy fallen victim too, some weird unexplainable smells including burning flesh from a fire that happend here,to Just generally feeling cold and a very eerie feeling washing over you,Dru couldn't help but smirk when she read the guide book it was just like they'd written a detailed description of Hell itself, with that in mind she hurried to catch up with the moving crowd.

I tried to kill the pain
But only brought more
So much more
I lay dying
And I'm pouring crimson regret and betrayal
I'm dying, praying, bleeding and screaming
Am I too lost to be saved?
Am I too lost?

My God my tourniquet
Return to me salvation
My God my tourniquet
Return to me salvation

Do you remember me?
Lost for so long
Will you be on the other side
Or will you forget me?
I'm dying, praying, bleeding and screaming
Am I too lost to be saved?
Am I too lost?

My God my tourniquet
Return to me salvation
My God my tourniquet
Return to me salvation

(return to me salvation)

I want to die!!!

My God my tourniquet
Return to me salvation
My God my tourniquet
Return to me salvation

My wounds cry for the grave
My soul cries for deliverance
Will I be denied Christ
My suicide

(return to me salvation)
(return to me salvation)

The song echoed sadly around the damp cold isolated walls, in a sad sombre way the lyrics were right she'd caused all this pain just by existing and now she was dragging three people completely innocent from all her sins,disobediance and wrong doings down with her, sighing she carried on following the pathetic crowd knowing it was better this way with nobody knowing where she was,keeping her blade at her side she continued walking.

The Death Of Humanity 2:Dru's Hellish Return Where stories live. Discover now