Feeble Mortal

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Within ten minutes Dru was sat back at home, thinking about the events of today, when suddenly her train of thought was rudely interrupted by that annoying ringing in her ears; the same son of a bitch was actually summoning her... Again... Sheesh does he ever give up,Dru quickly responded to his rude remarks summoning and flashed out to Hell.

"Nihil gravius ​​Zepar qua parte ad te pertinere nonne intellegentia?"

Omnium conexionem Dru volo habere amicitiae constituta filia mea vere malum ?

*oops I forgot you feeble mortals don't read or understand Latin so I guess I'll translate that little rant for you... Here goes...

"Byleth seriously which part of I want nothing to do with you are you not understanding! "

"Dru all I want is to have an established connection and bond with my daughter is that really so bad?"*

" Vos scitis damn bene suus complicated , quomodo nos nexum habent , aut etiam vinculum , ut sic blatantly posuit illud cum Vetis odit ipsum esse ?

" Bene poterit odio exsistance tu adiutor meus filiae nepotes mei demoni utero fetum agnoscere et accipe "

" Et sic es tu et austeris"

"Sicut tu delicium meum , ut tu

*Oh come on Mortal keep up, here we go again with the human realm translation:

"You know damn well it's complicated, how do we have a connection or even a bond as you so blatantly put it when Vetis hates your very existence?

"He may well hate my very exsistance but YOU are my daughter the demoni offspring in your very womb are MY grandchildren and HE will have to acknowledge and accept that!"

You are so demanding and annoying"

"As are you my pet, as are you"*

After everything had been heatedly discussed Dru flashed Byleth a black eyed smirk and flashed out, leaving him with some sort of hope for an awkward family reunion.

The Death Of Humanity 2:Dru's Hellish Return Where stories live. Discover now